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Hanna's POV

Why is everyone always following me. they don't understand. I just want to be left alone. I ran off to my car and started driving fast.

I was pretty much speeding through town before I realized that I almost hit somebody. I tried to brake really hard but I still hit them. not with a lot of force. I got out of my car and it was my mom. I suddenly felt nauseous and ran to the nearest garbage can and threw up.

It was one street away from my house and then I realized, A set me up to kill my own mother. I ran back over to my mom. she wasn't hurt badly. she was standing up. I just hugged her and didn't let go .

Ashley's POV

What is wrong with my daughter.

She just hit me with her car and then threw up is she drunk. I think the weirdest part of this all is the fact that she is hugging me for this long. I pushed her away

"Hanna what is wrong with you, did something happen while I was gone?" I looked at her bawling her eyes out.

"You know what we will talk when we get home give me your keys I will drive us home."

She gave me her keys and we got in the car. it didn't take us long to get home considering we were one street away.

I got out of the Car but hanna didn't move. she sat there crying her head against the window, her seatbelt still on.

"Hanna sweetheart get out of the car I just wanna talk because clearly something is bothering you." I said softly threw the drivers side. she looked at me and got out if the car.

Aria's POV

It was almost lunch time and me and the girls were getting ready to call Hanna when we all got a text from Hanna

"S.O.S my place"

we all rushed up and Emily called caleb. We got into Spencer's car cause it was the biggest and we went over to Hanna's.

"Caleb can you stop shaking your leg your making me nervous" I told him.

"Sorry I'm just scared I'll stop" he looked at me and I smiled reassuring him.

"Can you go any slower spence?"

Ali asked looking annoyed.

"Ali calm down I'm sure Han is fine." She answered back going just a bit faster.

Once we got to her house Caleb knocked on the door and Hanna answered almost instantly. we followed close behind.

"Hanna what happened?"

"A tried to make me kill my own mother." we all looked at her in complete shock.

"W-what?" I asked

"It's not that complicated Aria I almost ran over my mother with my car."

"Hanna is she ok?" Caleb asked walking into the house. we all followed.

"Yes she is fine but I need to tell her Caleb she knows something is up. that's why I asked you guys to come, I can't do it alone."

"Well hanna we're here for you so let's go talk to your mom." spencer said

We walked into the kitchen and miss Marin was sitting with an ice pack on her hip.

"Hi miss Marin, Hanna needs to tell you something. But she can't do it alone." spencer said walking into the kitchen.

"Hanna? something did happen. what is it?"

"Miss Marin there really is no easy way to say this but Hanna's.."

"No wait spence stop." Hanna yelled at spencer.

"No spencer continue." Hanna's mom insisted.

Hanna ran upstairs like last time and Caleb went after her. I didn't know what to do so I just texted Ezra about what was happening.

"Look miss Marin. How about you go and talk to Caleb and Hanna Alone. I think that is best"

"Well thanks girls. just wait down here."

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now