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Alison's POV

I haven't seen Hanna this bad ever. She was pale and she was shivering but she had a high fever. I don't know what was on those blades but it's making Hanna really sick.

Aria called Ezra and Spencer called Toby and Caleb and they are all on their way.

It took them about an hour to get to us and when they finally got here it looked like Hanna was about to pass out.

I was helping Spencer try to keep Hanna conscious while Aria and Emily got into Ezra's Car.

"Hanna don't close your eyes ok. Just keep talking to me." Spencer said

"I need to sit down." She said almost falling and Caleb came to help us get her into the car.

"Ali stay with me and Hanna and Spencer go with Toby. He's worried about you." Caleb told her and she walked away.

We got Hanna in the car and she could barely hold her head up. She was going to pass out and there was nothing we could do to stop it.

Caleb already called the hospital and told them we were on our way.

"You guys I don't feel well." Hanna slurred and then she passed out.

I undid her seatbelt and laid her down on my lap so she would be able to breathe better.

Caleb went even faster than he was already going and we finally got there.

A team with a gurney came rushing out and brought Hanna into the hospital. She was still unconscious but they stabilized her.

When everyone else got to the hospital they were so worried. Hanna's mom and dad came and her mom brought Madison.

She ran up to me and I picked her up. I don't know why she licked me so much. Maybe cause I remind her of her mom.

"Hey cutie." I said pulling the hair out of her face.

"Mommy?" She asked innocently.

"Mommy is sick right now sweetie but you can see her really soon." I told her and everyone was looking at her with a broken heart.

The reality is that none of us really know what's going to happen to Hanna.

"Here why don't you go see grandma." I said handing her over to mrs. Marin.

We all sat quietly in the waiting room. We were all scared and we had reason to be. A doctor finally showed up and came to talk to us.

"Where are Hanna's parents?" He asked and they stood up.

"The blades your daughter was stabbed with were covered in rust. There is residue inside of her that is making her sick but we found traces of a very dangerous Poison in her blood so we need to monitor her." He said and we were all quiet.

"Call a code." We heard someone yell suddenly.

The doctor turned around and ran off

"What's going on?" Caleb asked

"Code blue! I need some help in here!" A nurse yelled from Hanna's room and we all ran to see what was happening.

There was half a dozen doctors around Hanna and we could see her.

"Someone give me the paddles." One of the doctors yelled and it doesn't sound good.

This whole chaos is causing Maddie to cry and everybody is yelling.

"What the hell is happening?" Caleb finally asked demandingly

"We lost a pulse."

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now