Game on bitches

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Spencer's POV

I was the first to wake up, and the first to notice we were in a completely different location. it looked like a basement. it had a refrigerator 5 beds and a bathroom. That's all and we barely had room for the 5 of us.

"Hey you guys wake up we aren't in the same place as yesterday" I said loud enough to wake up the girls

"How the hell did we not realize A moved us?" Hanna said confused

"Maybe they drugged us?" Emily suggested and it did seem probable because it's fricking A

"Oh my god a bathroom!" Ali said literally running to it. we all laughed.

"You guys were the hell are we?"

Aria said and I realized that if we don't know where we are how is anybody else gonna know where we are.

I reached in my pocket for my cell phone realizing it was gone.

"Guys do you have your cell phones?" I said hoping for a yes

"No" all the girls said simultaneously and I started freaking out.

"Is there any food I'm actually starving!" Hanna said. I was kinda worried for her because she was very pregnant

in the fridge there was a loaf of bread and some peanut butter. nice to know A is thinking of feeding us.

We all grabbed food except for Alison who was still in the bathroom.

Alison's POV

I am so scared but I don't want to let the other girls know. I have been in the bathroom for a really long time cause I don't want them to see me cry.

"Alison what's taking you so long?" Aria asks me knocking on the door

"N-nothing sorry I'll be out in a sec" I told her whipping away my tears and washing my face.

Once I got out I went to sit on one of the beds and buried my face into one of the pillows

"Ali are you ok?" Emily asked me with her mouth full

I didn't even bother answering I just laid there trying not to cry. I feel like all this is my fault. -A got 10 times worse after I came back and now she is just playing some sick joke on us.

"Alison come and eat something you barely ate last night" spence said getting angry

I still didn't answer. but I did turn over to face her knowing my eyes were filled with tears.

"Stop crying Alison we're all scared here just suck it up and come eat" spencer told me which cause me to cry even more and I just faced the wall and went under the covers

"Spencer!" hanna whisper yelled and came over to see me

"Look Ali Spencer's right we're all scared now and I get you might be frustrated and need to cry and that's ok but at least eat something your gonna get weak" she told me smiling and handing me a nasty looking peanut butter sandwich

I took it and ate it without saying a word. soon enough the entire room was quiet and all the girls were in a bed.

The room was set up kinda weird there were two bunk beds and one single bed. I took one of the top bunks and Aria took the other spencer and Emily took the bottom ones and Hanna took the single because she needed the most space being pregnant.

Emily's POV

The room was eerily silent but we could hear people walking and faintly talking upstairs and that was really creepy. all of a sudden we hear really loud footsteps and a door almost as high as the ceiling opens and a big bag drops and makes a really loud noise scaring us half to death

We all got out if the beds and went to the bag

"have alerted your parents and friends where you are thanks to your cell phones, hope this helps with everything

Kisses, -A"

"That bitch" Ali said starting to open the bag. I was surprised she was even talking.

When she saw what was in bag she had a confused look on her face

"What the hell are these?" I said handing the bag to the other girls

"Dolls with keys on their necks?" Aria said picking one resembling her out of the bag

After we all take our dolls out there is another note

"One of these keys is your way out find the right lock and you are free to go, have fun bitches


if A wants to play this game they can bet their ass we're gonna win. I am so done with this crap!

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