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Hanna's POV

I really need to clear my head and the one person who can help me do that without judging me is the last person I ever thought I would go to before this whole pregnancy thing.

I walked up the flights of stairs and knocked on his door. it took a while but he opened the door

"Hanna oh my god." He said staring at my face

"Can I come in" I asked him

"Ya. come in just sit on the couch is everything ok are you hurt."

"I'm not hurt I just need to talk to someone and you seem to be the only one I can talk to and the only one who won't judge me."

"What about the girls?" He said sitting opposite of me.

"I don't know about them Right now. I feel like you're the only one who will give me your honest opinion." I said to him feeling myself starting to tear up but I don't know why.

"What do you want my honest opinion on?"

"Me" I said to him standing up.

"Well, Hanna I think you are a very pretty girl that just needs a little help picking herself back up. I think you need to stop drinking and definitely eat more."

"Hold on who told you I drink?" I asked him slightly angry

"Hanna I can smell it on you" he said smiling

I didn't know how to answer to him but thankfully his phone rang.
He talked for a while before hanging up and I heard my name a couple of times.

"Who was it?" I asked sitting on his bed.

"It Was Aria. your friends are wondering where you are. Did you not tell them you were coming here?" He asked me sitting next to me. I don't know what happened but I just started crying

"Ezra what do I do?" I asked flopping on to my back and covering my face with my hands.

"Hanna how about I give you some coco puffs or something and then I drive you back to your house?" He suggested pulling me up from my arms.

"Can we skip the coco puffs and you just drive me straight home?"

"No" he said grabbing a bowl and pouring me some cereal. "Now eat so your friends can stop worrying"

I sat and ate the stupid coco puffs and then he drove me back home. He chatted with Caleb a little while I was upstairs with Maddie.

I called Spencer to tell her I was ok and I fell asleep with Maddie on my chest not even worrying about A

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now