The seAn incident

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Ashley's POV

when Caleb called me, I rushed over to the house. I knew hanna wasn't eating but I didn't know it had gotten this bad.

I knocked on the door and waited impatiently for an answer.

"Miss Marin." Caleb said looking relieved.

I walked in and saw Hanna quietly crying on the couch with Maddie in her Arms.

I immediately went to hug her and felt how bony she was. the second I hugged her she started bawling her eyes out.

"Shhh. Hanna don't cry baby. Im here. I will always be here no matter what." I said stroking her hair.

She just leaned in closer and I hugged her tighter. Caleb took Maddie into his arms and left me and Hanna alone.

"Hanna do you want to talk?" I asked her as I pulled away.

"Mom I don't know what to do anymore." she cried

"Hanna what do you mean?" I asked pushing her hair out of her face.

"I'm a horrible mother and my grades at school are barely even a pass and I don't know how I'm going to get into college." she was ranting and I could tell she was starting to have a panic attack.

"Hanna sometimes theses things happen when we are stressed about something. is it possible you are still stressed about the incident that happened with Sean?" I asked her

"What? No! I got over that a long time ago" she told me starting to calm down a little but I don't believe her

"Ok well then explain to me what happened on that night if you got over it." I said testing her

"Sean came over.. and then he took me out of the shower and he uhm..." She stopped mid sentence and her voice was shaky the entire time. she couldn't even get to the end of the story without breaking into tears and crying extremely loud. I'm guessing Caleb heard and he came rushing downstairs.

"What happened?" He asked

"I think I found your problem." I said hugging Hanna

"She hasn't exactly gotten over the whole Sean incident yet" I told him getting up.

"Maybe she should see a therapist or something?" Caleb whispered so that Hanna couldn't hear.

"You know I think we should give it time before we take any serious steps.Maybe I could ask the girls and you can all talk to her or maybe you could just talk to her" I suggested

"I think that's a good idea." Caleb said going to hug Hanna.

"Now how about you tell me what you want to eat and I'll make it ok Hanna?"

She nodded and I made her her favourite meal. she didn't eat a lot of it but at least she ate something and that was enough to make me happy...
Hey guys sorry for the short chapter!

I just wanted to let you know that I will be posting 2 new PLL fanfics on Christmas and Aria one and an Alison one.

I also have a question. Many people have been asking me if I could write a fanfic about the actual cast of Pll and I just wanted more people's opinion on if I should do it or not. it would be great if you could let me know if you think it's a good idea in the comments.

Thanks so much and happy Holidays🎅🎄🎁


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