The truth is not so easy to tell

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Hanna's POV

I wanted to tell Aria the truth but I couldn't. I didn't want to argue with her now and I would explain the whole thing tomorrow

"Listen Aria can I just get this cut clean and we talk about this tomorrow?"

"Sure hanna do you want me to ask if the other girls if they got the same text?"

"Do whatever Aria. Can we stay here instead of going to your house I don't think I can look your mom in the eye right now." I said walking out of the bathroom

"I'll have to tell my mom but why don't you want to see my mom?"

"Long story I'll tell you tomorrow like I said."

"Ok let me just ask Ezra if it's ok"

"Ok" I said as I sat on the couch trying to avoid the daddy-son moment going on

I was sitting quietly deep in my thought when I got a call from Spencer.

"Hey spencer what's up?" I said trying to sound happy

"Nothing look we have a question for you." She said Sounding so innocent

"Who is we?" I asked

"Me,toby,Ali and emily."

"Well ask away."

"Ok I don't know how else to put this but are you pregnant?"

"What. spencer! what? no. why would you think that" and this point I was trying not to bawl my eyes out

"Well we got an A message that said you..."

"Hold on spencer since when do you trust -A more than you trust me?" I yelled I was angry the secret I was trying so hard to keep was falling apart. Malcolm and Ezra looked at me.

"You know what spencer I have to go." I hung up and buried my head in my knees."

Malcolm came up to me. it was weird cause I only ever babysat him once.

"Hi Hanna." he said with a big smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile

"Hey you remember me?" I asked surprised

"Ya. why are you crying?" He asked me with that adorable little kid innocence

"Well I'm just a little upset and scared right now kinda just like you"

"Hanna" Aria yelled at me from across the room

"What? He asked so I'm telling. Why don't you go sit with Aria while I talk to your Daddy ok."

"Ok!"he said happily as he ran to Aria. Ezra came to sit next to me.

Ezra's POV

I was confused. why would Hanna want to talk to me while Aria is right there? I sat next to her on the couch.

"Ezra I know this is kinda a lot to ask but is it ok if me and Aria stay over at your place tonight?"

I didn't know what to tell her. with Malcolm here I don't have a lot of space.

"Hanna I don't mind it's just a matter of where you girls are gonna sleep."

" you and Malcolm can sleep on the bed while me and Aria take the couch." She said almost begging. what was she hiding from?

"It's fine by me. Just let your mom know you're here. and off this subject. How are you holding up?" I asked her

"Not so great Ezra I don't want my friends to find out whose baby i'm having. I don't want anybody to know cause it wasn't intentional on my part anyways." she kinda whispered the whole thing.

"What do you mean it's not intentional on your part?" I asked shocked because I knew exactly what that meant. someone forced her to have sex.

"Nothing Ezra I swear I didn't mean to say that." Her eyes started filling with tears

"Hanna look at me. it's gonna be Ok now go and hug Aria she is your best friend she deserves to know the truth." I told her

"No Ezra I can't." she was starting to hyperventilate

"Hanna calm down." my attempt to calm her only made it worse. she started sobbing and my heart was racing.

Aria rushed over and just cradled her in a hug as she tried to calm her down. Malcolm was just staring. And then I realized he had nothing with him. no clothes no toothbrush no toys or books.

After she was calm, I took Hanna aside and asks her how she felt about taking Malcolm shopping for some clothes to get her mind off things. She agreed and they would go tomorrow morning

"Hey Malcolm tomorrow morning Hanna is going to take you shopping for some new clothes ok" I told him and he seemed excited but he was so exhausted.

"Ok" he said as he crawled into my bed

"Anyways girls I'm gonna go to sleep so don't make too much noise goodnight" I brushed my teeth and then I got into the bed with Malcolm

When did my life get so full of drama? I feel like a teenage girl.






Hey, how do you like this story so far? I have so many ideas that i'm trying to incorporate and the next chapter is gonna be BIG.

It involves something that starts with the letter D and rhymes with Flying. can you guess what it is?

Hope you are enjoying this read!

Samantha XO

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