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Hanna's POV

Today was Saturday and caleb decided we should go to the park with Maddie. I rarely take her because I'm always in school but Caleb takes her all the time and she loves it.

She walked the whole way to the park and it was really cute because she was wearing tiny pink converse that Alison had got for her.

Caleb and I were building a sandcastle with her once she got there but she eventually just jumped on it and ran away.

"She does that a lot" Caleb said running after her.

I couldn't help but smile. Caleb was such a good dad and then there is me. I'm a horrible mother with an eating disorder and I can barely take care of myself.

Caleb came back with her on his shoulders and when he got her down she jumped into my arms causing me to fall over.

I looked up and I saw her little face laughing and it made me laugh so hard.

"Hanna why don't we stop to eat something Maddie is hungry anyways." he said pulling two sandwiches and some baby snacks out of his bag

We went to sit on the grass and Maddie was devouring her food. it's kind of sad that she can eat more than I can.

I took a few bites of my sandwich but I felt nauseous after a while. I put the sandwich down and I grabbed some water.

"Hanna eat some more. you barely ate anything since yesterday." Caleb said handing me the sandwich

"Caleb not now. I don't feel well." I said starting to feel even more nauseous.

"Hanna you are so pale." Caleb said looking at me. "Maybe we should head back home so you can relax."

We got our stuff gathered and Maddie ran off again.

"Maddie get back here." Caleb said running after her. He Brought her back and she handed me something she had found.

I was shocked to see what she had given me and felt like I was going to be sick

"Caleb read this." I said handing him the sandy paper.

"Your daughter will come to whoever calls her. Better for me.


Caleb picked Maddie up and practically pulled me up and we ran out of the park and all the way home.

The best part about it was that Maddie was laughing the whole time because we were going fast.

Once we got home I tried to keep my food in but I couldn't. Caleb thinks I'm actually sick because I have a fever.

We put Maddie to bed and then we went to take a nap together.

"Hanna are you feeling better?" He asked me

"Ya a little why?"

"Good" he said kissing me and I kissed back. it has been a long time since we have just kissed each other like this.

Things got pretty heated and he ended up on top of me. He took his shirt off and then took mine off and we kept kissing but all the memories I had of the night with Sean came back.

"Caleb stop" I whispered starting to feel weak.

"What?" He asked

I started to panic and breathe faster

"Stop!" I yelled and I started screaming

Caleb's POV

When hanna started screaming I got so scared I almost fell off the bed I rolled back next to her and wrapped her in my arms until she calmed down. After half an hour, she was still sobbing and shaking

"Hanna just breathe" I said trying to calm her.

She nodded and took deep breaths in and soon enough she started to calm down.

She was still in my arms and I was playing with her hair

"Caleb I'm sorry" she whispered

"Hanna don't say that. it's my fault I should have asked you first." I said hugging her tighter.

"I just can't get over what happened with Sean." she said starting to cry again

I grabbed her hands and they were still shaking.

"How about we go downstairs and try to get your mind off of things." I suggested and she said no

"Caleb I just want to stay here." she said turning to face me and I realized how sad she really was

I hugged her and she fell asleep in my arms I had to get up eventually because Maddie was crying but I went to get her and changed her then I brought her in the bed with me and Hanna and we all fell asleep again

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now