It's a..surprise!

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{{{{{{ 4 Months later }}}}}}

Hanna's POV

Today is the day that me and Caleb find out what sex our baby is. I'm nervous. I really want a girl cause the clothes are soooo cute.

We went alone this time. All the other times the girls came along. I was nervous sitting in the waiting room but I was also really happy.

"Hanna Marin" the doctor screamed out.

"Yup" me and Caleb got up and he squeezed my hand. I laid down on the bed and my doctor was putting the gel for the ultrasound.

"It's going to feel a little cold" she said as she was putting it on

"Hanna you sure you want to find out what the baby is?" Caleb asked

"Absolutely babe" I smiled and he kissed me

"Alright, miss Marin your baby is on the screen." she said as she was moving the ultrasound thing on my stomach.

I was looking, fascinated that this baby was in me.

"Do you to wanna know the sex of the baby?" the nurse asked kindly

"Yes!" I answered as I looked at Caleb. he was smiling.

"Well congratulation. you two are going to have a beautiful baby girl"

"Caleb!" I squealed and he squeezed my hand harder and kissed me.

The doctor continued the ultrasound and then we left to get food. My bump was showing by now and everyone at school knew what happened with Sean.

I was still uneasy with the whole situation. I thought about it once in a while and I have had panic attacks because of it but they don't happen as often and I always have Caleb there for me, but I don't even know if he wants this baby cause it isn't even his.

I kept thinking,what if he didn't love this baby.

Caleb's POV

We went to the grill and Hanna was lost in her thoughts.

"Soo are you happy babe." She asked me

"If you're happy I'm happy. Are you gonna tell the girls?"

"I will when I go to Aria's Later."

"I'm sure they are gonna flip they all wanted it to be a girl"

"Ya I know." She said not even looking at me

"Hanna what's wrong" I asked her taking my hand.


"No Hanna you look distracted."

I was worried she was spiralling backwards

"Do you even want this baby?"

"What? Hanna of course I want this baby why would you think I wouldn't?"

I was taken back by her question

"Because it's not yours." she mumbled

"Hanna I don't care if this baby is not mine. I grew up in foster care not knowing who my father was and I'm not gonna let that happen to OUR baby."

"I love you." she said as she came to kiss me.

"I love you to. now finish your sandwich so we can go over to Aria cause I'm going out with Toby soon."

Me and Toby were going to go look for a two bedroom place somewhere so we can live on our own. I have been saving up money for the past five months and I will have enough. I want this to be a surprise for Hanna though.

Once she finished. We left for Aria's. I dropped her off and then I left with Toby.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now