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Ezra's POV

How does Malcolm know who Alison is? Has he seen her before?

"Malcolm how do you know who she is?" Aria questioned.

"I've seen her before. Mommy showed me pictures ."

"Malcolm what do you mean" I asked him seriously confused.

"Mommy said Alison was her friend. She babysitted me." he said casually playing with his trains.

Aria's POV

Me and Ezra looked at each other and just then Ali came out of the bathroom.

"Ali did you know Malcolm was Ezra's kid?" I asked angrily

"What? No. I didn't even know Ezra had a kid!" She said sitting down

"Then how does Malcolm know you and how do you know his mother?" Ezra asked starting to get angry as well

"I needed money ok. I was sitting in the park alone and his mom came up and asked me to watch him and when he really like me she asked me to do it again. how do you think I got money for the past two years Aria?" She cried.

"Alison why are you crying." I asked

"I really don't know Aria. Also hanna just texted me and wants us to go over she said it was an emergency."

I looked at my phone and I got the same message. Ezra left Malcolm with the neighbour and rushed us over there and we practically barged into her house.

"Hanna what is it? What's wrong?" I asked her worried

She didn't say anything she just had a huge smile on her face.

"Hanna what was the big emergency?" Ali asked still concerned

"Maddie just took her first steps!" She squealed and led us to Madison who was now standing on her own.

It was nice to see Hanna happy for a change. Even if she was still not eating at least during these moments she wasn't constantly thinking of A.

We were all sitting and playing with Maddie. she was very attached to Ali and we all thought it was really cute.

"Guys it's getting really late and we have school tomorrow. If you wanna stay over it's fine you can sleep on the couch" Hanna stated and most of us agreed except Ezra who had to get back to Malcolm.

We spent the night worry free with A out of our heads. Hanna even slept on the couch with us and left Maddie with Caleb. I think the old Hanna is starting to come back and we are all really happy.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. I have been sooo busy studying for my exams.

This chapter is short but I will try and post more after January. I hope you like it!

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