The girl who cried wolf

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Spencer's POV

We were in English class and I noticed Hanna looked like crap. I think everybody noticed because they were all asking if she was ok.

"Hanna pay attention please" Miss Montgomery said and Hanna looked up. I was starting to get worried cause I could see her hand shaking from where I'm sitting. her hands shake when she's about to have a panic attack or when she's in pain.

I looked at Aria and told her to ask hanna if she was ok because she was to far to hear me.

"Hanna are you ok?" Aria asked

Hanna nodded her head and continued taking notes.

"Alright guys you have a pop quiz, put away your notes and good luck." Aria's mom said passing around the quizzes.

I finished mine first and was keeping an eye on Hanna, I wanted to just run up and hug her because I saw she was crying.

I raised my hand and Aria's mom came to my desk.

"I don't think hanna is ok." I whispered to her and then we both looked at Hanna.

"Hanna can I see you outside for a moment" she then asks and she follows miss Montgomery outside

Hanna's POV

I was confused, why would miss Montgomery pull me out of class during a test. did she see my crying. I was only crying cause I got an A message and I was scared. it said

"Be careful, we don't want to go back to hefty hanna now do we? remember I'm always watching you


"Hanna are you ok why are you crying? "

"Is really nothing miss Montgomery I'm feeling fine." I told her faking a smile

"Oh and I wanted to talk to you about something, your mom says you haven't been really talking to her does she have anything to do with this?" She asked me

"No miss Montgomery I'm fine I promise can I just go to the restroom?" I asked her. I wanted to call Caleb for him to come pick me up.

"Yes but promise me one thing." she said. "talk to your mother." I smiled and walked away.

I stayed in the bathroom for the rest of the period and Aria's mom was probably really mad at me. as I was walking out I bumped into the rest of the girls.

"Hey you okay?" they asked

"Ya fine I just got a panic attack"

"Are you still getting those?" Emily asked hugging me

"Ya now I told Caleb we would meet him at the brew so let's go"

"Wait what hanna it's only second period." spencer said.

"Who cares let's go" I said walking towards the front entrance the girls flowing me.

We all got into Spencer's car and were driving to the brew but halfway there her car just stopped.

"Why does this always happen when we are in the middle of a street with like nobody there!" I shout going to sit on the sidewalk.

" I don't know, but it's Spencer's fault for taking a wrong turn and getting us here." Alison said really bitchy

"Shut up Alison no one cares what you have to say." spencer snapped back

"Guys how about we all calm down!" Aria said

"Ya it's nobody's fault let's just figure out a way to get out of here" Emily said.

"Well for now we are stuck because my engine won't start." spencer said coming to sit next to me

"Are you ok hanna, because I know something is wrong."

"No I'm not ok, I just don't feel well that's it." I lied.

"Ok, well if it gets worse tell me."

We were siting there for about an hour before a car pulls up. it was Melissa's

"What the hell are you doing here? Mom told me you were in London." spencer shouted

"I'm here to help and explain things, just trust me"

"Well we don't." I told her

"You know what can you just take us home Melissa" spencer asked her

"Ya fine just get in the car I'll call someone to come pick yours up"

She said

We all got into the car and she was driving for a really long time and we all realized she wasn't taking us to Spencer's

"Where are we going?" I asked her

"I need to explain what happened I Was only trying to protect you." She says pulling into an empty driveway with an old looking house

I felt very nauseous at this point and my stomach was starting to hurt. I didn't say anything though we all just followed Melissa into the house.

"Ok so give me a chance to explain this all, I didn't do it because I wanted to I did it because I wanted to protect you spencer."

"Protect me from what Melissa? A?"Spencer shouted at her

"Yes exactly I thought by getting on the inside I could protect you guys."

"Well you didn't protect us. it's only been getting worse." Emily snapped at her

"Well I'm sorry for that it's just I didn't expect the A team to .."

"Oh crap" I whispered after a shooting pain hit my stomach "sorry I'm fine continue" I said again trying to contain my pain. this can't be happening right now.

"Ok as I was saying, I wasn't expecting the A team to be so messed up" she said and I was trying to keep in my screams breathing slowly but heavily.

"Hanna are you ok?"

"Ya I just really have to pee." I lied

"Hanna!" Aria whispered screamed at me.

"Well you could have asked me." Melissa said pointing me to a door

"Thanks." I said and got up and went into the bathroom

I let myself cry because I knew what was happening I was going into labour. I suddenly felt my pants get damp and I realized that my water just broke. I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom

"Uh hanna if you had to go that bad you shouldn't have waited till the.." Alison said

I couldn't keep it in anymore and I scram in pain letting myself fall to the floor.

Emily's POV

I was confused. Because hanna just stood there looking like she was about to puke and then she yelled in pain did Alison ask her to fake this again.

"Oh my god hanna are you ok?" Alison said running to her. We all ran to her except for Melissa

"Girls don't pull this crap again, I'm only here to explain nobody is going to hurt you."

"Melissa I don't think she is faking, I'm pretty sure her water broke." Aria told her as we all helped her up

"Why don't I believe you?" Melissa said back

"Because you're a bitch now can we please go to the hospital" hanna said crying loudly.

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