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Hanna's POV

I'm kind of nervous for tonight. I didn't tell Spencer or Alison that I have not eaten solid food in over two weeks. I wanted to, but I feel like they would get too mad at me.

I think Caleb has noticed it but I don't think he wants to say anything. I feel fine so he can't really say anything. I'm getting nutrients. There is fruit and juice in the smoothies I make.

"Hanna I'm heading out!" Caleb yelled from the front door. I went to kiss him goodbye. He and Toby we're going camping and he was taking Maddie.

"Bye Caleb. I love you." I said kissing him and kissing Maddie shortly after

Soon after Caleb left, Spencer and Ali arrived with Chinese takeout.

"Hey Han we brought your favourite." Spencer said setting the food down on the counter.

I smiled at her. I was getting really nervous. I felt like crying but I was trying to be strong. What kind of person cries over not wanting to eat food, other than small children!
I feel pathetic.

"Hanna we got three boxes so you take your pick first." Ali suggested

I picked the one that seemed to have the least in it. It also happened to be my favourite. My hand was shaking as I went to pick up the box. I Hadn't even noticed it until then.

"Hanna are you nervous? You don't have to finish the whole thing. Just try and eat something ." Spencer said rubbing my back lightly.

I put on a movie and was watching the girls eat for a good 15 minutes before I put anything into my mouth. I started eating a single noodle at a time and I slowly progressed to as much as my chopsticks could hold.

Spencer and Ali kept staring at me like I was some sort of stupid child who couldn't finish her food. I looked down at the box and when I realized how little I had actually eaten I wanted to die. It felt like I had finished half the box when really I was barely at the halfway point.

I wanted to eat more and I really tried but I just couldn't. I kept braking up noodles with my chopsticks and pretending to eat them.

I could feel my face getting hot and the tears starting to pool up in my eyes and a few tears slipped down onto my face.

I tried my best to cover them but the girls noticed and they paused the movie

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I tried my best to cover them but the girls noticed and they paused the movie.

"Hanna what's wrong?" Ali asked

"I don't want anymore."

"Well you barely ate anything Han. Maybe just try to eat some more." Spencer said

"Spence I can't! I feel like I'm going to throw up."

"Hanna when was the last time you actually ate food?" Ali questioned

"I don't know I've been drinking smoothies for the past couple of weeks."

"Hanna you are gorgeous. You don't need to get any skinnier than this. You were perfect before you started loosing all of this weight. Why are you doing this to yourself.?"

"It's because of -A I said completely braking down.

The girls looked at each other and then back at me.

"Ok Hanna don't eat anymore right now because we don't want you getting sick but please promise us that you will try to eat more."

"I promise." I told Spencer who was now hugging me.

We continued watching the movie and then I fell asleep. I woke up on Spencer's lap at around two a.m and I knew I was going to throw up. I got up and started walking to the bathroom.

"Hanna where are you going?" Spencer asked me.

"I have to pee." I lied I walked to the bathroom but I could tell she was following me.

"Hanna I know your going to throw up its fine I'm just going to come and hold your hair because I'm being a good friend."

In the end I let her because I didn't want to argue.

"Hanna I just want you to know that we all love you. I don't want you to think that we hate you because you don't eat. You're still the same Hanna you always were just significantly skinnier. I just want you to know that you have people around who love you, and are willing to help you and I don't want you to forget that." Spencer said as she was leading me down the hallways back to my couch.

"I won't Spencer. I love you to." I said as I sat back down on the couch and immediately fell asleep.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now