christmAs And eAting

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Hanna's POV

It's Christmas Eve today and I'm getting married in three weeks. I'm very excited but also very, very, nervous. I haven't really eaten anything the last couple of weeks I have mostly just been drinking smoothies and stuff like that. I've been wearing baggy clothes so that nobody notices and I thinks that it's working so far.

"Hanna did u pick up all the gifts for  the girls?" Caleb asked me

"Yeah they're  under the tree already babe." I said grabbing Maddie out of her crib and bringing her downstairs to eat.

"Maddie might actually be able to understand Christmas this year. She's already so excited about Santa Claus."

"I know it's so cute." I said hugging Maddie really tight.

"I have the final fitting for my dress today. I have to leave soon."

"Ok babe I'll get Maddie ready and take her to play out in the snow while you're out. Maybe she'll finally take a nap. She hasn't been for the past couple of days."

"Ok well I'll see you soon." I said kissing him and headed out the door. I got to the bridal shop and I met Alison and Spencer there. Aria and Em couldn't make it.

I went into the fitting room and the lady zipped up my dress way to easily.

"I'm afraid it's too big. It needs to be taken in almost two inches. That's weird because you tried this on three weeks ago and it was fine."

"I'm sorry." I said

"No need to apologize we can do the alteration right now but we just need you to stay a while. Is that ok?" The consultant asked

"Yeah. Totally." I said.

I was staring at myself in the mirror and I turned to the side. I could see my rib cage through the skintight dress. I finally felt skinny and pretty. I finally felt happy with myself.

"Hanna we want to see you." I hear Spencer say.

"Just a second." I said sticking my stomach out as much as I possibly could.

I opened the curtains and I could tell the girls were looking at me weird but they didn't say anything bad.

"Hanna you look gorgeous."

"Thanks Ali." I said smiling.

"Hanna the seamstress is ready for you." The lady came to tell me. I walked off and left the girls alone.

Spencer's POV

Holly crap Hanna got skinny. Even just in the last two weeks. Her rib cage is protruding and her arms have slimmed down. She doesn't look anorexic but she's getting there if she continues like this.

"You saw that too right?" I said to Alison who nodded her head

"She has never been this bad before. It's all -A. That bitch is getting into Hanna's head."

"I feel so bad."

"Me too but mentioning it or paying any attention to it is only going to make it worse in her case. We should just wait until after the wedding when she wont be worrying about her image."

" Ali if she continues like this for three more weeks she's gonna be in the hospital. We need to confront her about this. We'll tell her we won't say anything to Caleb."

"Maybe that's a good idea." She said. We waited for Hanna to be finished and then we confronted her in the car

"Hanna we need to talk." I said in the. Nicest way possible.

"What is it? She asked seeming nervous

"You need to eat ok." Ali said and Hanna looked defeated

"I know ok it's just that I want to look perfect on my wedding day."

"Hanna you always look perfect no matter what ok. From now on we're gonna watch what you eat. We don't want you getting hospitalized before the wedding. We aren't gonna tell anyone so you don't have to worry about that." I told her

"Ok fine." She said surprisingly easily.

"You guys are still coming over later right?"

"Absolutely" we both said as we drove Hanna back home.

"See you then and be ready to eat." Alison said as Hanna walked out the car door.

"Yay." Hanna said totally unamused before walking into her front door.

Tonight is gonna be a challenge....

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