The Boys

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{{{{{{3 WEEKS LATER}}}}}}

Aria's POV

Hanna was getting a lot better she still had little panic attacks every few days but we all got used to them. Today we were all throwing a party for Ezra celebrating that he got better. his shot wound isn't hurting him as much so we decided it was the perfect time.

Emily got permission to use the Brew after closing hours so we had it there and we invited everyone

Toby, spencer, hanna, Emily, even Ali.

We were all having fun at the party except for Hanna. she looked like she was really sick and every now and then she would gag I offered to take her home if she was really not feeling well but she refused.

it was nice to see Toby and Ezra getting along because our boyfriends never hang out but they were talking about grabbing a drink on the side and it got me and spencer excited.

I was having fun at the party but I could not take my eyes off of Hanna she was getting more pale every time I looked at her. I tried to ignore it but when she ran to the bathroom I followed.

Hanna's POV

Oh god I feel so nauseous. I wanna go home but I don't wanna ruin the party.

I was holding up pretty well until I suddenly felt like I was gonna throw up and I literally ran to the bathroom and almost instantly started throwing up.

Aria came in after me and waited till I was done and then comforted me.

"Hanna can I take you home?"

"No Aria I'm fine" I wanted to stay so I popped a stick of gum in my mouth and went back out

"Well ok then" she said as she followed behind me

I was sitting quietly talking to Toby about spencer when a text came in

" You should watch yourself Hanna, you seem to forget I'm everywhere. hope you are feeling better.Just A tip it's probably not the flu

Kisses -A"

"Sorry Toby but I need to go"

I ran out of the Brew and I just kept running till I got to a pharmacy and I bought three pregnancy test my hands were shaking and the cashiers were looking at me weird.

I didn't know whose house to go to but I thought of one person Miss Montgomery she probably wouldn't judge me even though I was crying and a mess.

I ran to her house making a few mistakes along the way but I found my way and frantically knocked on her door I wasn't even myself anymore and I was praying she was there I kept knocking until she answered the door

"Oh thank god miss Montgomery can I use your bathroom" I escorted myself in

"Hanna are you ok " she had a puzzled look on her face until she saw what was in the bag

"Oh hanna I need you to calm Down sweetie. just breath ok. Once you are calm the bathroom is down the hall to your right I'll be in the kitchen if you need me"

"Ok thanks" I said breathing a little bit. once I was calm I went into the bathroom and opened all 3 boxes. I took one test out at a time and did the first and the second. I didn't drink enough to use the third but I will take it tomorrow morning.

I waited a while for the results to come in and they both said positive. I almost threw up again I was so scared I put everything back in the bag and into my purse then started leaving I was crying.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now