It's not stoping

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Hanna's POV

The next morning I went back home got my things and left for school.

First period we were in miss Montgomery's class and I was sitting next to Aria. I wasn't really paying attention and I didn't feel comfortable with Sean sitting in the back row.

I was trying to focus but I couldn't stop thinking about it and Tears started rolling down my face I wiped them away but I think miss Montgomery noticed.

A few minutes later we got a small brake and Sean came to sit next to me. I was really scared so I didn't say anything

"Hi Hanna" he said it as if he didn't do anything last night.

I didn't answer him.

"Hanna I said hi" he grabbed my hand and I let out a whimper just before miss Montgomery told everyone to get back to their seats.

I am about to have a panic attack. I can't breath properly and I feel tears welling up in my eyes. aria was staring at me and so were some kids near me.

I was breathing more and more heavy until I let out small sobs and my hands started shaking so much that I couldn't even take notes anymore. I raised my hand and waited for miss Montgomery to call on me

"Yes Hanna" she looked worried

"Can I go to the restroom?"

"Hanna there is only two minutes left you can wait" I was kind of upset but I just put my head down and continued crying and aria lightly rubbed my shoulder.

When the bell finally rang I slowly grabbed my things and as Sean walked by me he hugged me and grabbed my boobs and walked away as if he did nothing and I started crying again. I was so scared. Why was he still doing this?

I started walking out of class but miss Montgomery stopped me.

Ella's POV

I noticed Hanna was very upset about something and when I called a break I saw that Sean grabbed her and she started to cry.

"Hanna can I speak to you for a moment" she told aria to leave and then she walked towards me

"Hi miss Montgomery"

"Sweetheart what's wrong. is Sean bothering you because his not so subtle move to grab your boobs was kind of very obvious"

Hanna started to cry and it broke my heart.

"hanna you do realize that I am obliged to report this. it's sexual assault. has he done this more than once."

She wasn't answering me and she went all pale. I have known Hanna long enough to know she isn't telling people something.

"I wish I would die. then none of this would be happening"

"No Hanna don't say that."

I went and hugged her and she started crying into my shoulder.

"Just please don't tell anyone!"

She was practically begging me.

"Have you told the rest of the girls?"

"Not the truth I lied to Aria but please miss Montgomery please don't tell anyone"

"Ok I won't but promise me if anything worse happens like he forces you to do something you don't want to do you will tell me."

"Ok I promise. thanks miss Montgomery you're pretty cool"

She smiled at me and left. I was really worried.

Hanna's POV

that was kinda really embarrassing. I just told miss Montgomery I wish that I would die. I'm so stupid I just wanted to go somewhere other than here to clear my mind a little so I went outside and got into my car and just sat there for a while.

It was quiet until my phone rang and I checked my text

" be careful what you wish for Hanna. you are making it to easy for me.

Kisses -A"

I dropped my phone and started to panic. I was so scared I felt like throwing up. I just laid back and started crying until someone knocked on my window. it was spencer.

I debated opening the window I really didn't want to talk to anybody right now, but spencer usually has good advice so I unlocked the doors and she let herself in

"Oh my god Hanna are you ok?"

I just looked at her and handed her my phone

Spencer's POV

" be careful what you wish for Hanna. you are making it to easy for me.

Kisses -A"

I was confused for a minute because the text didn't make seance to me but it had to be bad if Hanna was crying this much

"Ok Hanna what does this mean?"

She started crying even more

"I may have said that I wish I would die out loud "

It was hard to understand her between all of her sobs but why would she want to die?

"Hold on why did u wish you were dead" I was getting a bit worried

"It was just a joke" she yelled at me but I knew she was lying. I was not going to question her now though so I went with it.

"Ok well Hanna if you are really that scared I can stay over at your house tonight. my parents aren't going to be home so my house might be scarier"

"Ok thanks spence. But I'm leaving school so do u wanna ditch with me?"

"Uh ya,ok sure" I leaned over and hugged her. " But what are you going to tell your mom when you get home early?"

"I don't know spencer!"

She wasn't really paying attention and she almost ran a red light but she braked really hard and it cause the water bottle I was holding to fall all over Hanna's jeans.

"Hey I know! you can tell your mom you had a little accident" I said sarcastically then I laughed

"Shut up spencer I'm serious I didn't even think of an excuse"

"Ok just tell her you weren't feeling well and I'll tell her you threw up. ok"

"Ok fine"

As we were pulling up to Hanna's house I saw two cars.

"Hey hanna I know one is your moms car but whose is the other?"

"Oh crap Ted is here"


"The guy my mom has the hots for" anyways let's go in this water is freezing I want to change"

She parked the car and we got out.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now