I know who she is

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Hanna's POV

None of us knew what to do. We all started running and we ended up in the janitors closet. we closed the door behind us and someone locked it.

"You guys what do we do?" Aria asked out of breath.

"For now shut up. We don't want A to know we are in here" Spencer whispered and we all did as we were told.

The bell for the end of the day rang and we were all still in the closet. We tried opening it but someone else had locked it from the outside.

"You guys I'm scared." Ali said sitting in the floor

"We all are Ali but just try to calm down. A isn't gonna hurt us. I won't let them." Emily said sitting down next to Ali.

Soon enough we were all sitting on the floor. Aria fell asleep on Spencer's lap and it was getting really late. It was past 11 pm and we couldn't text. We had no reception in this stupid closet in the basement.

Everyone was asleep except for me and Ali. She wisent saying much she was just playing with the mop.

"Hanna?" She Whispered

"Yeah?" I said surprised she was actually talking

"I really have to Pee." she said

"You always have to Pee!" I whisper yelled

"Hanna I'm serious" she whined

"What do you want me to do Ali?" I asked genuinely not knowing what to do. I was not about to have her pee her pants in this tiny ass closet

"I don't know Hanna, but we seriously need to get out of here" she said panicking

"Ali calm down. Everyone is probably wondering where we are and our boyfriends are looking for us. For now suck it up and hold it in"

"Ok fine" she said crossing her legs. I couldn't help but laugh. She always put herself in these situations.

Half an hour later the girls woke up and we were all taking turns trying to get Phone bars.

"I got bars" Spencer yelled from the top of a shelf. She texted Toby, Caleb, and Ezra where we were and they all said they were in their way.

We were all waiting impatiently. Especially Ali who I was actually starting to feel bad for.

Another half hour later the guys arrived and we ran out of the school because one of the night janitors had caught us.

Once we were out of the school we continued running until we got to the cars.

"Someone please drive Alison to somewhere with a bathroom before her bladder explodes." I said out of breath

"Hanna and Spencer you go with your boyfriends and I'll drive Ali and Aria home." Ezra said hurrying to get his car unlocked

"Thanks Ezra" I said as I hopped into Caleb's Car and Spencer got into Toby's.

Ezra's POV

"What the he'll happened?" I asked the girls

"A was In the school and locked us in the janitors closet and we couldn't get out." Aria said

"Ezra can you please hurry" Alison said clearly uncomfortable.

"Ya sorry" I said going a little faster.

"Can we just stop at your apartment. it's closer." Aria suggested and I was a bit surprised that she wanted Alison in my apartment.

"Ya sure" I said realizing I would have to introduce her to Malcolm.
He was at my apartment and my neighbour was kind enough to watch him

When we got there Alison ran into the bathroom and me and Aria laughed. once everybody got comfortable Malcolm had woken up.

"Hey Malcolm this is.." he cut me off

"I know who that is.That's Alison."

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now