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Ella's POV

I still feel horrible About yelling at hanna but it helped me realize she still wasn't ok about getting raped. I'm going to call her mother now.

"Hello?" She said as she answerd the phone

"Hey it's Ella."

"Oh hey is everything alright?"

"Actually Ashley it's not."

"What's wrong?" She asked worried

"It's about Hanna. She was crying about not being able to have sex because of what happened with Sean. I just wanted to let you know."

"She told me she was fine last time I talked to her. I hate when she does this."

"I talked to her but she won't say anything I just want her to be ok. she has been through enough already."

"Well thank you Ella. I'm going to talk to her right now." she said as she hung up.

Ashley's POV

I drive over to Hanna's house without even calling her and rang her doorbell.

"Hey Ms. Marin." Caleb said letting me in.

"Hey Caleb I need to speak to hanna"

I asked him and Maddie came running to the door.

"Grandma!" She yelled hugged my legs

I picked her up and Hanna was standing not to far behind.

"Hey mom is everything ok?" She asked looking nervous

"I'm fine. Are you?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well I spoke to Ella earlier today and she told me what happened in school yesterday."

I saw her face change

"What happened in school yesterday Han?" Caleb asked clearly confused.

"It was nothing I just freaked out a little because of what happened in bed the other day."

"Hanna you should have told me! If I knew it was bothering you this much we would have talked about it!" He said putting his arm around her.

"Well we can all talk about it. lets go sit in the couch." I said

" Hanna I want you to see someone about this." I told her and she was taken back

"I don't need psychological help mother! I just freaked out a little I was stressed and I just thought about it."

"I don't care I still want you to see someone" I demanded

" but I'm fine mom. Caleb tell her."

"I actually agree with your mom Hanna. even if it's just once. I just want you to be happy." he said and I could tell Hanna was giving in to the pressure

"Ok fine but just once." She finally said defeated

"One more thing Hanna." I said grabbing her hand

"What?" She asked looking slightly scared

I remember she used to self harm and I was curious to see if she still did.

I ripped her sleeved up and she immediately pulled away.
I saw the rise of cuts on her upper arm and it broke my heart to see my daughter like this.

"Hanna why are you still doing this! What kind of example do you think you're setting for Maddison. if she looks back on your life and wants to be like you are you really gonna want her to?" I yelled angrily

"No I'm sorry." she said holding back tears. "Maybe you should just leave."

"Hanna you can't avoid talking to me forever. I'm here now and I want to talk to you."

"Well I don't want to talk to you if you're going to yell at me." she said stomping upstairs and taking Maddie with her.

"I'm sorry Ms.Marin." Caleb said

"It's fine honey. you didn't do anything. just please if anything happens call me." I asked him

"I promise I will ms. Marin. you don't have to worry. Hanna will always be safe with me.

"Thank you Caleb. Hanna could not have chosen a more perfect husband." I said as I walked out the door.

I really do love Caleb like he's my own son and that will never change .

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