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Hanna's POV

After school was done I went to see my mom. She was awake now and doing fine. There was no major injury apart from A cutting her arm pretty deep.The hospital nurses wouldn't let her out before tomorrow in case anything happened.

They had the police searching for who did this. I knew who it was, well I don't know who but I know it was A.

The girls were her now, Spencer was studying and Aria and Ali were talking. Emily came to see me and talk to my mother before we had to be questioned by the police. only we had to though because the other girls weren't at the sight of the "accident".

Spencer's POV

I really feel bad for Hanna. Everything bad always happens to her. I offered to drive her back to Caleb's and to pick up Madison on the way there but she refused.

"Spencer I'm not leaving my mother when there is some crazy psychopath trying to kill her." She said sitting down putting her face in her hands. I sat next to her.

"Hanna not to sound harsh or anything but there is a crazy psychopath who is after you and your daughter too. Your mom said it would be fine if you left and she has the police incase anything happens." I told her attempting to convince her but I only made her cry.

"Fine Spencer." she said and followed me to my car. The ride was pretty quiet apart from Hanna's frequent sobs. she seemed to get better when she saw that Madison was ok.

Caleb's POV

Hanna seemed to be ok when she came home but she didn't eat. she grabbed a beer and went upstairs with Madison. She turned the baby monitor on and came back downstairs. I was surprised considering what has happened earlier today.

"Hey babe." she said lying down on the couch practically chugging her beer.

"Hi... how are you doing" I said sitting next to her making her sit up.

"I'm fine" she answered getting up. I was confused

"Hanna are you mad at me?" I asked her grabbing her wrist making her stay.

"No I'm not. It's just... I don't know. I'm scared."

I hugged her and took the beer from her

"Well this isn't going to help you babe. Now let's go upstairs and sit with Maddie" I suggested she walked upstairs first and I followed.I heard Hanna scream and I ran upstairs.

"Hanna what's wrong is she ok?"
She picked madison up and on her forehead in red marker there was a big letter A.

I grabbed my daughter and Hanna was just crying. I didn't know what to do so I cleaned her forehead went to get Hanna and we all sat downstairs until both girls fell asleep.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now