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Authors note

Hi, now that Hanna's Big secret is out you will see some of the other girls facing problems of their own because of -A and hanna getting progressively worse or better

Aria's POV

I woke up and hanna wasn't there. I went to check downstairs and she was talking to my mother. I didn't want to interrupt so I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Hanna I know you're scared but you need to tell your mother. I'm sure she won't get mad at you once she understands what really happened" my mom told her

"I know miss Montgomery it's just I don't want to have to explain it to her and then she will blame herself for letting Sean in."

"So ask one of the girls to be there with you or I can call her and tell her to come over here and all three of us can talk."

I decided to walk into the kitchen.

"Hi mom, Han"

"Hey Aria"

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes Aria we were just discussing how Hanna is going to tell her mother."

"Oh uhm I can leave if you want."

"No Aria stay" hanna practically made me sit down.

"Oh k so when is your mom coming back?" I asked her

"In the afternoon today"

"Ok so I can invite her after you girls are done school?"

"It's fine with me if it's fine with you miss Montgomery."

"Ok well girls get to school and we will deal with this situation later. and hanna you have me first period and you haven't gotten sick yet so if you feel like throwing up don't ask just go." My mom told her

"Thanks miss Montgomery"

Me and Aria said as we went upstairs.

"Hanna how is your cut."

"It's getting better. it doesn't hurt every time I sit down"

"Well that's good, now get dressed we only have an hour you can borrow some of my clothes your kinda goth-ing up now anyways.

"Ok fine but your so much smaller than me."

"It's fine hanna you haven't gained any weight yet." I said jokingly

We both got dressed

"Guys I'm leaving do you want a lift?"

"Sure mom on sec." I said as we both rushed down the stairs and mike followed us.

"Oh hey I forgot you even lived here." Hanna said to mike

"Thanks" he said back and we got into my moms car.

Literally two minutes into the drive Hanna looks at me.

"Aria I have to pee." she whispered

I laughed

"Hanna it's like 10 minutes you could wait." I whispered back

"No Aria I'm pregnant I can't wait."

"Is everything ok back there girls"

"Yup totally fine" I said

"Hanna just cross your legs we're almost there." I looked at her and her phone buzzed

"Planning on telling your mommy your pregnant? don't count on it she's not coming home

Kisses -A"

Hanna went pale and gave me her phone.

"Hanna what does this mean? is A gonna kill your mom?"

Aria tell your mom to pull over. her eyes started to water.

"Mom can you make a pit stop Hanna has to pee."

"Hanna were gonna be there in two minutes." My mom said.

The rest of the ride Hanna sat there quiet staring at her hand. we got to school and she practically ran out the door.

"Bye mom" I said as I was running after Hanna

"Aria don't touch me right now please" she told me as she went In to the school. Em, Ali and spencer saw us and followed

"What's up with her" spencer asked as we were pretty much speed walking after hanna

"Well for starters she has to pee and A pretty much said that He or she or IT was gonna take care of her mom as in like kill Her or at least that's what I understood."

"So A is targeting our parents now." Em said

"I don't know." I said as we were walking into the bathroom.

"Hanna where are you?" Ali said.

No answer.

"Hanna if you don't wanna talk we get it" Spencer said.

She still didn't answer but we heard her breathing. She walked out with a knife in her hand.

"Hanna where did you get that?"

Emily said approaching her

"Don't come near me!" she said her voice shaky pulling the knife towards her wrist.

"Aria go get your mom and I'll call Caleb" sppencer said

"Hanna don't" Emily said running and grabbing her wrist.

"No I have to! I have to. please!leave me I wanna die.please."

She said slowly falling to the floor letting the knife fall. we all watched in horror before I ran to get my mother.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now