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Caleb's POV

I went after Hanna. I want to stay strong for her but it kills me inside. she goes into her room and shoves her face into her pillow and starts bawling.

"Hanna look at me. you're gonna be ok. Your mom can't get mad at you for something that isn't your fault. none of us are mad at you babe." I told her holding her hand.

"Caleb I just don't want her to blame herself for letting Sean in."

"Hanna she won't. she might blame herself for trusting Sean but you can prove her wrong now." I said reassuringly she just hugged me and cried softly into my shoulder. her mom walked in shortly after and I got up up so she could talk sit next to Hanna

"No Caleb sit it's fine." her mom said. I sat back down and hanna wrapped her arms around me again

"Now Hanna I want you to tell me the truth. You don't need to be scared. I promise I won't get angry."

"I don't know if you can keep that promise after I tell you but uhm."

We stopped and I looked at her.

"Hanna keep going." I smiled and she continued

"Mom I'm pregnant" she said really fast and then buried her head into my shoulder.

She gave me a stare like if she was asking if it was mine

"It's not mine miss Marin. Hanna didn't finish."

"Caleb I can't say it. tell her" she whispered in my ear

"Miss Marin this might not be easy to hear but Hanna was raped." I stopped and miss Marin went white. "by Sean"

"What? Hanna oh my god. I'm gonna kill him."

I couldn't help but smile at the irony

"I'm sorry but didn't you hear?

Sean was murdered"

I wanted to leave them both alone so I got up and left them alone. I couldn't help myself and I just broke down I was sitting at the top of her stairs and I let a few tears out.

How could I not be there for her during this. if I would have stayed here none of this would have happened. everything screwed up when I went to Ravenswood. Screw Ravenswood.

Ali's POV

All this stress was too much. I had to get out of the house or something I was walking towards the door when I saw Caleb. I think he was crying. I felt bad so I went to see if he was ok.

"Hey you ok?" I asked quietly

"Yes I'm fine just stressed are you ok?"

"Ya I'm fine same as you stressed."

"Well ok do you wanna go for a walk or something?"

"Uhm not really Alison. Sorry"

"No it's fine. I'll just stay here."

Caleb's POV

I felt bad I said no to Alison. she looked so crushed. I decided that maybe a walk would so me some good anyways

"You know what let's just go" I told her "but were going pick up food for Hanna."

"Deal." She said as we left the other girls.

We went for a walk and talked a lot about her and what happened in the two years she was gone. she cried a bit but she was fine .

We stopped by the grill to get Hanna a sandwich and when we came back everyone was sitting in her kitchen. I went and sat next to Hanna and gave her the sandwich.

We sat in Hanna's Kitchen for a long time. we all just talked about what we would call Our baby and how the girls were gonna buy the baby so much thing. we all laughed even Hanna and it felt good to see her laugh.

I think we were all finally taking in what our future is going to be like. especially Hanna. and I'm happy because maybe now she will be happy.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now