Bun in the oven

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Aria's POV

I felt bad for Hanna and I knew she recently had problems with Sean so this must be killing her.

"Are you ok Hanna cause I know you and Sean had some things going on recently"

" No Aria I'm not ok I just found out that my ex boyfriend is A and that I'm fuckin.."

She cut off her sentence

"And that you're what hanna?"

"Nothing" she hesitated.

"Well ok do you wanna come over or go straight home your mom is still away for work right?"

Hanna's mom had left Rosewood for work about 3 weeks ago.

"do u mind if I sleep over. " she asked looking like a sad Puppy

"Not at all hanna." She was quiet for a while just looking a little uncomfortable or in pain.

Hanna's POV

I Am in soo much pain right now. the stab wound that wasn't hurting so much before is absolutely killing me now. I am trying to stay calm answering most of Aria questions but when she suddenly hit the brakes my seat belt dug into my hip and I couldn't take it I started screaming and didn't stop for like 5 second and then I started crying.

"Oh my god hanna are you ok?" Aria asked with tears in her eyes. she looked so scared.

I didn't say anything for a while I just had my hand pressed on my hip.

Aria's POV

Oh my god. what the hell just happened? She just screamed like someone shot her and now she is totally silent. it took a while for her to say anything but she just looked up and took her hand away from her hip and there was soo much blood. I almost fainted at the sight of it.

"Hanna what the hell happened?" I asked probably pale as a ghost.

"Sean stabbed me" she said looking a bit light headed

"Hanna I'm taking you to the hospital." I said

"No Aria take me to your house first I think I'm gonna be sick"

"You know what we are closer to Ezra's we'll stop there."

"Ok fine just hurry" she said leaning her head against the window

Once at Ezra's apartment I could see hanna fading away as I helped her up the stairs. I knocked on Ezra'd door and when he opened the door he was baffled by what he saw. he grabbed onto Hanna and brought her to the couch.

Ezra's POV

Why does everything bad always happen to Hanna? I grabbed her and sat her on the couch me and Aria on either side of her.

"Oh my god I'm gonna be sick" hanna said weakly. Aria brought her to the bathroom and tied her hair up and left her alone.

"Ezra we know who A is" Aria said

"Wait what?" when did they find this out

"It's Sean"

"Hold on, Sean Ackard?"

"Yeah." She said

We were both quiet for a while before Aria got a text

"Poor Hanna, sick all the time.

I'm betting it's not the flu, check the oven.

Kisses - A"

"I really thought that -A was better at writing these things. this one is just downright confusing."

Aria said but I knew exactly what it meant and I felt bad keeping it a secret but I promised Hanna.

"I'm gonna go check on Hanna" I told Aria and I took her phone with me

"Hanna, It's Ezra. can I come in?"


She unlocked the door and I went in.

She was sitting on the floor trying to cover up her cut and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hanna get up off the floor you could have asked me for help." I told her

She couldn't get up on her own so I helped her.

The cut was deep but not deep enough for stitches. so I started to bandage it.

"Hanna read this text, and don't freak out" I told her

She read it and a few tears rolled down her face.

"Did the other girls get this also?"

"I don't know." I said and I just continued putting a bandage on.

Aria's POV

I was still confused. what the hell does check the oven mean?

I got up and opened Ezra oven than he never actually uses and here was bread bun with an -A marked with red paint on it.

I got an ill feeling in my stomach. was hanna pregnant? what else could bun in the oven mean? did the other girls get this?.

I was asking myself a million questions when someone knocked on the door.

I went to open it and I saw Malcolm he was crying. What was he doing here and where was Maggy?

"Oh my god. Malcolm. what happened?" I said taking his hand and setting the bun on the counter.

"Mommy got mad at me and she dropped me off in rosewood and she left with her new boyfriend"

"Ezra" I yelled and he came out confused

"Daddy" Malcolm said before running into Ezra's arms.

I left them alone to talk and took the bun with me to go see hanna.

Ezra's POV

my heart broke at the sight of Malcolm crying.

"Hey buddy what happened ?"

"Mommy left me in rosewood and left with her new boyfriend"

"How did you get here?"

"I walked."

"Well you can stay with me ok. Are you hungry?"


Malcolm sat on the couch and calmed Down a bit while I was making Him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Aria's POV

I left Ezra and Malcolm alone and went to see hanna with the bun in my hand

"Care to explain this?"

I said

"Honestly, not really." she said

"Well what does this mean?"

"It means that -A or should I say Sean is one smart bitch"

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