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Aria's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and woke up spencer asking her for an Advil.

"Aria just get it yourself." she said half asleep.

"Ok fine" I went looking for Advil when I bumped into Melissa.

"Hi." I said super awkwardly.

"Is everything ok?" she asked looking at me weirdly.

"Ya.... just looking for Advil." I answered walking away to the bathroom.

"I have some in my room. is your knee ok?" She asked

"Oh ..ya" I said looking down at me knee. I felt super uncomfortable around her. I followed her to her room and got the Advil and she gave me a cup of water.

"Well I hope you feel better I have to leave. tell spencer I said hi."

"I will.. bye." I said super awkwardly, again. I walked back into Spencer's room and crawled into the bed next to her and fell asleep again. I felt safe with spencer.

Spencer's POV

I woke up to Aria asleep next to me and slowly got up. I picked up the A message and read it again

"Poor little Aria. This is just the beginning. Ready? set? Kill !

Kisses -A"

I was scared for Aria why wouldn't she tell us. is A gonna go after Aria and Hanna now. that bitch is crazy.

I sat on my red couch and was thinking for a while when Aria started tossing and turning. I think she was having a nightmare .

"Aria, wake up it's just a dream." I said grabbing her arms not knowing what to do. she got up and started breathing heavily and then she had a panic attack.

"Aria it was just a dream, what happened?"

"I had a dream that A killed Hanna, and then A was trying to kill me and I was trying to run away but I kept falling." She told me between sobs.

"Aria it's ok do you want me to call the others?" I asked her trying to comfort her.

"Just Hanna and Emily" she said looking at her bandaged up knee.

"Ok fine" I said and I hugged her.

After half an hour Hanna got here. Emily couldn't make it because she was at the pool early this morning.

Hanna's POV

Spencer let me in to her house and she was still in her pyjamas.

"Hey spence. how's Aria?" I asked

"Not so great she's been getting - A messages and having nightmares. she fell onto a blade yesterday so that means A was in my house." Spencer said freaking out

"Ok well where is she?"

"She's upstairs. are you hungry I can make toast or someth..." Spencer was interrupted by Aria screaming from upstairs.

We both bolted up the stairs and into the room and saw Aria holding her bandage in her hand. when I realized what it was I almost past out. I ran to Aria and grabbed it out of her hands.

It was the same bandage A had written a message to me on. when a did it to me it said

"see how close I can get to you without you noticing. watch your back hanna

Kisses -A "

Except this time, my name was scratched out and Aria's was written in big red letters over it.

"Aria this is the same bandage A wrote me a message on."

"I think I'm gonna be sick." she said running to the bathroom.

I don't think this is just a game anymore. A is trying to kill us and and is breaking into our houses. this isn't a stupid joke anymore. it's much more than that and I'm going to make sure this stops.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now