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Hanna's POV

Me and the girls are going out to eat. They wanted to distract me from this whole situation. It's not really working but I won't let them know.

"So are you guys excited to graduate?" Spencer asked

"Yes! We can finally get out of high school." Emily answered excitedly

"Me too." Aria and Ali said

"Hanna What about you? Are you excited?" Spencer asked again


"Ok how about we order." Emily suggested

"Good idea!" Aria, Spencer and Ali all said.

We ordered and the girls ate. I mostly played with my food taking a couple of bites here and there. The girls didn't seem to care.

The girls were talking with each other and I just kept thinking about that stupid video. I don't know why I do this to myself. I felt tears in my eyes and tried to blink them back but it wasn't working.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said quickly.

I got in there and tried to control my tears. I splashed my face with water and washed my hands and then I went for the door but it was jammed. I couldn't open it. I tried yelling for help but no one could hear me. I realized I left my phone on the table so I couldn't call anyone. I just gave up trying and sat on the floor.

Emily's POV

Hanna's been gone a really long time. She hardly ate anything and wasn't really talking with us.

"Guys maybe we should go check on her?" I said

"Ok let's just pay first." Spencer said

We all put money on the table and quickly walked to the bathroom. We opened the door and saw Hanna siting in the floor.

"How the hell did you guys do that. I've been trying to open that for so long." She said sounding a little drunk.

"Hanna are you ok?" I asked

"I don't feel so good." She whined

"Hanna stand up. We're leaving." Ali said going to help her.

When Ali picked Hanna up she looked light headed. We quickly walked through the restaurant but before we could get up, she collapsed.

The owner called 911 and we all waited impatiently for an ambulance to come.

When we got to the hospital, the nurses stabilized Hanna and then we were able to see her.

"Hanna what happened?" I asked sitting on her bed.

"The doctors say I was too stressed."

"Stressed about what?" Spencer asked

"Stressed about everything spence. My grades, Caleb, that stupid video."

"Why about Caleb?" Aria asked sympathetically.

"Because I feel like he's the only one taking care of Maddie and I feel so bad that I can't be a better mom"

"I think you're a perfect mom, and so does Maddie." Caleb said walking in to the room with Maddie.

Caleb let Maddie out of his arms and kissed Hanna.

"Don't stress about me. I love being a dad and you know that. I think you're a great mom. Don't doubt yourself Hanna." Caleb reassured her and kissed her again.

"Mommy!" Maddie yelled trying to climb onto the bed. I helped her up and she climbed onto Hanna's chest.

"Maddie!" Hanna yelled back giving her a huge hug.

We all sat in the room waiting for Hanna to be discharged. Her mom came eventually and sorted everything out and Hanna was able to get out early.

Miss Marin took Maddie for the night so that Hanna and Caleb could get some rest and then we all went home.

At around one in the morning I got a message from A.

"What will Hanna say when she thinks you sent out that video of her? I'm too nice to you Em. I think it's time for a change.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now