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Emily's POV

Hanna was acting like her old self today. she was laughing and making jokes and she wanted to know all the gossip she had missed out on. there wasn't much considering we are usually the centre of the gossip.

After third period was lunch and of course Hanna ate nothing. She just sipped on water. we gave up on trying to feed her and we just went back to class.

Hanna's POV

Fourth period we had miss Montgomery. I still feel kind of awkward around her considering everything that had happened over the last 9 months.

She still looks at me like I'm some sort of lost puppy or like I'm a child.

"Alright class so today we have our test. take out a pencil and an eraser that's it." she yelled as she was handing out our papers.

As she was doing it I got a text message.

"Don't look so nervous. I'm sure you will do fine. I just hope you don't faint because of what I put in your water bottle. Good Luck.


I could feel myself starting to panic and I looked all over the room.

"Han what's wrong?" Aria whispered

"Nothing." I said as I looked down.

I couldn't stop thinking about fainting and I didn't want to faint in class so I asked to go to the bathroom. Miss Montgomery said no as she handed me my test and I could feel myself getting weaker.

I can't believe "A"drugged me. well actually I can. why is A still doing this. who the hell is A?

As I was writing my test I could feel myself getting weaker. I dropped my pencil twice and I started dozing off. I raised my hand and miss Montgomery came to my desk.

"I really need to go to the bathroom." I lied

"Hanna i'm sorry but you're writing a test I can't let you." she said with an apologetic tone.

"But miss Montgomery I really..." I stopped talking because I felt light headed and the entire room started going black. the last thing I remember is falling off my chair and Aria gasping.

Aria's POV

Ok what the hell just happened. Hanna was fine all day and she just passed out. We keep telling her she needs to eat and she doesn't listen.

Now I'm starting to see it as a really big problem because if she is starving herself to the point where she is passing out, she needs serious help.

Hanna woke up shortly after and she was brought to the nurses office. Me and everybody else are going to have a serious chat with her later.

Hanna's POV

I'm so embarrassed. I have never fainted in school before. People are gonna think it's because I don't eat, but it's because of A.

Caleb came to pick me up with madison and he drove us home.
What I wasn't expecting, was that the girls and their boyfriends were all there.

"Caleb's what is going on?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Hanna we need to talk to you about what happened today." he said as he sat me down.

"This can't be happening." I whispered to myself. I realized that A is probably trying to turn all my friends against me, but why?

"You guys I know what you are thinking. I fainted because I didn't eat but that's not it. A did this to me." I said pulling out my phone for proof, but the message wasn't there.

"You have to believe me. I wouldn't starve myself to the point of fainting." I said louder tears starting to fill my eyes

"Look Hanna, we don't want to make you cry. That's not our intention. all we want to do is help you." Ezra said staring me right in the eye

"Exactly Hanna. All we want you to do is eat. That really is not much to ask. is it?" Caleb said hugging me from the side.

"No I guess it's not. but I just want A to stop because every time I try to eat or do anything they send me a message. A fucking drugged me and that's why I fainted but you guys don't believe me"

"We never said we didn't believe you Hanna. We just want you to eat." Spencer said sitting next to me and purposely put her hand on my thigh. I hadn't cut myself in a couple of days but it still hurt so I jumped a bit. She looked at me and then she hugged me.

"Look all we want to do is help you Hanna." Aria said coming to hug me also

"Hanna you know it's not healthy. it's not because we are all turning against you, like Aria said, we just want to help you."

"I get that, but don't expect me to eat three times a day."

"We're not Hanna. it takes time. we at least want you to eat once a day" Alison said joining in on the hug.

"So now that this is all cleared up, I made you some food. we just want you to eat as much as you can." Toby said,helping me up.

Alison's POV

Hanna seemed nervous about the idea of eating a whole plate of pasta. When Toby helped her up it looked like she was going to cry.

"I don't want everybody to stare at me." she said looking at us with puppy eyes.

"We won't stare but we're going to watch you occasionally" Caleb said and I could see Hanna wipe a tear away.

"Hanna you got this." I whispered In her ear before I went to sit with the girls.

Hanna was fine for the first couple of bites, but she started slowing after five minutes.

"Are you ok Hanna?" Ezra asked getting up when he saw her gag.

"I'm fine" she said her voice heavy. we realized she was crying but none of us said anything we just stared At each other.

I really do feel bad for her if she can't even keep down half a bowl of spaghetti. I didn't realize how bad this had actually gotten.

Ezra's POV

Hanna was eating really slow now and she kept gagging. I really feel bad for her. this reminds me of the first time she slept over at my house.

"Hanna you can stop eating when you want." I said realizing it looked like she was about to throw up

She gaged again and then stared at all of us before she ran to the bathroom to throw up. Well all followed except for Alison who was getting nauseous herself.

"Caleb held her hair back and we all waited outside the closed door for her to be done.

Caleb's POV

As I was holding Hanna's hair, I realized that Hefty Hanna was written on the inside of the toilet seat. When she was done puking, she looked up and when she saw it, she fell into my arms and started sobbing.

"I'm never eating again." she yelled still crying.

The others were knocking on the door and I opened it with one hand.

"Caleb I want them to leave." she said

"Hanna we just wan..."

"I said get out." she cried even harder into My shoulder.

The others left and I was left with Hanna crying hysterically on the bathroom floor. I didn't know what else to do but call her mother so I did.

While her mother was on her Way, Hanna was starting to calm down. I brought her down to the living room with Madison and they sat together until her mom arrived.

Pretty little liars: Hanna is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now