•Chapter 2•

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Emma, Regina, Killian, Charming, and Snow we're hiking through the jungle. Charming was upfront, clearing the way. You were able to hear various animals from here. Very jungle-like. "The ridge is just a few hundred places up ahead," Killian informs the others. "You think we're able to see Pan's hideout?" Emma asked him. "From there, we should be able to see everything, including where he's keeping your son." The pirate tells her. Regina sighed. "You know, I could've just poofed us up here in an instant," Regina tells him. "Where? Have you any idea what's up there? Or anywhere?" He asked her, "There are dangers all around. And only I can guide us past there." He added. "He's right. Hook's lived here before. If he says hiking up is the best way, then we need to listen." Emma tells Regina. A little further, Charming was about to hack through some bushes, but Killian stopped him. "No. No!" He yelled at the prince. "I can handle a couple of thorns," Charming tells him. "That's Dreamshade. It's not the thorns you have to worry about. It's the poison they inject you with. This plant is the source of the toxins I used on the dark one." Killian tells them. "The poison that almost killed Gold?" Emma asked. "Indeed," Killian responded, "I used a concentrated dose. In its natural form, death would be much slower and far more painful." He continued.

A few hours later, they had set up camp and fallen asleep. They needed their rest. Killian had trouble falling asleep. He felt something he hadn't felt in years. He sensed her presence and the danger that came with it. He wouldn't even dare to think of her name. It was too dangerous. Meanwhile, Emma was twisting and turning in her sleep. She then shot awake. She heard children crying. She got up, took her sword, and wandered off into the jungle. "You hear that too?" Someone behind her said making her jump. She turned around and pointed her weapon towards the boy. "You're Emma, right?" The boy asked her, "I wonder why they can't hear the crying." He continued. "Who are you?" Emma asked him. "Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter...Peter Pan." He said with a smile on his face. Emma then pushed him against the tree with her sword against his neck. "Where's Henry?" She asked him. He chuckled at her. "You've got fire. I like fire." He smirked at her. "Where is my son?" She asked him again. "Henry's still alive if that's what you're worried about," Pan tells her. "Why the hell did you take him?" She asked him. "He's a very special boy, Emma." He tells her. "I know, that doesn't answer my question. What do you want with him?" She asked him. "I came here to see who I was up against- 'the savior'. Gotta say I'm not disappointed." He smirked at her. "What do you say now? Tell me how I will never see my son again?" She asked him. "No, I'm going to help you find him." He said. Emma removed her sword from his throat and took a step back. Pan got out a piece of paper. "On this, is a map. A map that will lead you straight to your son." He tells her. "If this is some kind of trap-" Emma started. Pan chuckled at her. "I may not be the most well-behaved boy on the island, but I always keep my promises. The path to finding Henry is on this parchment." He tells her. "Why are you giving it to me?" She asked him. "Because it's not about finding Henry, it's about how you find him. And, Emma...you are the only one who can." Pan tells her. She took it from his hand and opened it. "It's blank." She said. Did she just fall for that? "You will only be able to read that map if you stop denying who you really are." The boy tells her before disappearing again.

Back at camp, Pan walked towards his tent. He carefully opened it, not trying to wake Y/n up. But when he walked in there was no one there. He bit on the inside of his cheek and groaned. "Felix!" He called as he walked out of the tent. "Where is she?" Pan asked him. "She slipped through my fingers." The tall boy tells him. "That has happened a lot lately. I'm starting to think I-" "She's a very sneaky little girl. You taught her that." Felix cut him off. "And I am a very good teacher. Find her, I don't want her to go adventure out on her own." Pan tells him. Felix nodded. "I'm on it." He said and gathered some other lost boys to look for the girl. Meanwhile, the girl has hidden in a tree again. She watched the adults struggling with the map Pan gave them. She glared at Emma. She and Pan seemed to get awfully close to one another. "You will never find him." She whispered. Regina heard her and glanced up. Y/n quickly ducks away hiding behind the branches and leaves. Regina looks away again, focusing on the blonde woman. Y/n looked at Emma as well. She took her now in her hands and pointed an arrow at her. "And how do we know this won't lead us straight into a trap?" Regina then asked. "Because he doesn't need to, this whole island is a bloody trap." A familiar voice answered. Y/n lowered her now and moved to another branch and looked down. Her eyes widened when she saw the captain of the Jolly Roger sitting on a rock. She bends over slightly to get a closer look when someone pulls her back and covers her mouth. "Quiet," Pan whispered in her ear. Y/n rolled her eyes at him and removed his hand from her mouth. "Shush." She tells Pan and leans forward again. Pan climbed next to her and holds her by her waist. "Did you know he was here?" Y/n asked him. "I did," Pan admitted. "So, instead of telling me, you decided to hide it from me and flirt with the blonde?" She questioned. Pan chuckled at her. "You're a jealous little girl, aren't you?" He asked her. Pan pulled her back. "We can put that jealousy to good use, but first you have to promise me something." He informs her. He pulled her closer, and away from the gap between the branches. "Do as I tell you when I tell you. That includes sneaking away from camp when I tell you to go to bed." He tells her. "It's a good thing that I followed you out here. You were flirting with blondie." Y/n complained. Pan chuckled. "I'm playing a game with her, love." He tells her. "But that's our thing," Y/n whined a little. Pan smiled at her. "This is our game, love, and we will win it as long as you promise to listen to me." He tells her. She nodded slowly. "I promise." She tells him. Pan smirked at her. "Good girl." He said and grabbed her hand and disappeared out of the tree.

A while later, Regina had used her magic to find Pan. They had arrived at an open spot. It looked like an abandoned camp. Emma looked around when her eyes caught a figure standing on top of a hill. "Henry!" She said running towards the person. But it was Pan who turned around. "Hi, Emma," he said with a smirk on his face. "Where the hell is Henry?" She asked him. "You broke the rules. That's not fair. Bad form. I expected more from you, Captain." Pan said. "Aye, and you'll get it," Killian answered. "Give Henry to me." Emma cut in. "Sorry. Can't. Don't you know? Cheaters never win." Pan tells them. Suddenly, lost boys came running towards them, surrounding them. Y/n was watching from above a tree. Pan taught her that. He always told her to stay high up if she wanted to defeat her enemies. Make sure you have the high ground. She had her now out and aimed her arrow at Emma. "Watch out for their arrows. They're laced with Dreamshade." Killian tells the group. The lost boys waited for Y/n to give them the sign. "Now!" Y/n screamed and fired her first arrow. More arrows followed. Y/n smirked as she saw Killian make his way towards Felix and starting a fight. She loaded another arrow and pointed it at them...but she couldn't fire it. In his fight, Killian had the chance to glance up. He saw Y/n sitting in the tree. "Can't be." He whispered. The girl panicked and duck away. Suddenly Pan whistled calling the boys back. Y/n climbed down her tree and stood behind Pan and Felix. She had a good over her head, so the adults wouldn't see her. "Remember what I told you. That map will show you where Henry is if you stop denying who you are." Pan tells her again, "I'll make sure to send Henry your regards." He added before running away with his lost boys and girl.

Back at his camp, Pan walked up to his tent. Y/n was sitting on their bed drawing in her sketchbook. "What's my lost girl drawing today?" Pan asked as he sat next to her. He quickly recognized Killian's face. "Did he see you?" Pan asked him. Y/n nodded. "Y/n-" Pan started. Y/n sighed and closed her sketchbook and stood up. "Don't even start, Pan." She tells him. Pan sat up and looked at her back. "I can read your mind, your thoughts are driving you crazy," Pan tells her. "They're not." She lied. "Y/n, don't lie," Pan warns her. Y/n then started to cry. Pan shot up and wrapped his arms around her. "Peter, I'm scared." Y/n cried. Pan slowly runs his fingers through her hair. "You don't have to be, love. I will protect you with my life, you know that." Pan tells her. "That's just it. Peter, you know what he can do. He hypnotized and kidnapped Bae. He tortured Rufio for days, who knows what he'll do to you." Y/n tells him. "That won't happen." Pan insures her. "You don't know that." She tells him. Pan looks at her and wipes her tears off her cheeks. "I thought you liked taking risks and the rush that flows through your veins when doing so," Pan said. "Not if your life depends on it. Peter, please, don't do anything stupid." Y/n pleaded. Pan nodded. "I promise, love, I promise." He tells her. He pulled up her chin and kissed her gently on her lips. Y/n smiled and pulled away from him. "So what's the plan?" She asked him. Pan chuckled. "I will tell you, later, get some sleep. You must be exhausted." He said as he brushes some hair out of her face. She nodded and kissed his lips briefly. "Sleep well, my sweet little lost girl," Pan said to her. Y/n smiled at him. "Good night, Peter." She whispered.

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