•Chapter 64•

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Rumple glared at his father angrily. "If he wanted my soul that badly, he wouldn't have given it up." He pointed out. Pan laughed in response. Rumple's expression only turned darker. "Is all this amusing to you?" He asked. The Lost Boy rested the palms of his hands on top of the kitchen counter. "It is." He said. Pan stepped out from behind the counter and towards his son. He eyed him up and down. "It's amusing to me that you'd think that he gave it up He doesn't give up souls. He makes deals." He smirked, "Just like you, Rumple." Pan added. "You're getting on my nerves." Rumple gritted between his teeth. A playful smirk was planted on Pan's face. He cocked up one of his eyebrows in amusement. "I should've killed her when I got the chance." Rumple spoke, "If I had crushed her heart, then you would've had nothing to live for. And I wouldn't be wasting my time here." he barked. "Well, we don't know that for sure. You could've surprised yourself and traveled down here on your own. Maybe to save your dear old father?" Pan said in a mocking tone. Rumple turned to his left to step further into the kitchen. "I doubt that would ever happen." He replied. Pan followed Rumple closely with his eyes. Suddenly, the older man stopped. He turned to the Lost Boy. "So you came in here to... tell me that? To distract me?" He questioned. Pan shook his head. His expression had turned more serious now. "No," he said, "To see you again. To see my son again, one last time." Pan answered. "You're not going to ask me to be a part of your fresh start?" Rumple asked. "You don't think I can do it? You let me inside just to, uh, taunt me?" " Rumple asked. "No," Pan tells him, "To see you again. To give you one last chance. Stay with me. Let this go. Let's start over." Pan said. "Do you think I want to be with you? That I could ever forgive you after you abandoned me?" Rumple questioned. Pan sighed at his son. "I'm disappointed, Rumple. After all these years, I thought you'd be more...understanding, considering you did the same thing to your son. You traded Baelfire for the power of a dagger, and I traded you for youth. We're a lot more alike than you care to admit." Pan said, trying to manipulate Rumple. "We are nothing alike!" Rumple exclaimed. "Oh, of course, we are. And it's nothing to be ashamed of. Neither one of us was cut out to be a father, my boy." Pan replied. "I regretted leaving my son the moment I let him go. I spend my life trying to find him. To get him back. And what did you do? You forgot about me." Rumple informs him. "I never forgot about you! Why do you think I call myself 'Peter Pan'?" Pan asked him. "Don't think for a moment I believe it's because you care for me," Rumple tells him. "But I do. All you have to do is put down that box, and you'll see it's true. We can make the fresh start you've always wanted. Together, just as we planned." Pan replied

Pan shook his head. "No," he said, "You've made it clear that you don't want a fresh start with me." He added. He scratched his nose gently. "I wanted to see you again before you get trapped down here for eternity. To speak with you one last time." Pan tells him. "And how does Y/n feel about this?" Rumple asked. "She doesn't know I'm here. She doesn't have to know." Pan replied. Rumple lifted his chin slightly. "Not even back from the dead and you're already keeping secrets." He pointed out. "Some things are better to keep from the people you love," Pan spoke. "Like you kept from her that you're my father?" Rumple asked. Pan inhaled deeply, trying to keep calm, and not get irritated by his son. "You lied to her about your identity. I'm surprised she trusted you after that." Rumple taunted. "I told her the truth eventually. She trusts me." Pan replied. "Are you sure about that?" Rumple asked him. Pan lifted his hand up into the air. "I'm not having this conversation with you. You have fun in your new cage, Rumple." Pan said. Before Rumple could respond, the cuff that robs you of your magic appeared around his wrist. "Goodbye, Rumple," Pan spoke. He then waved his hand around, teleporting Rumple to the cage where Emma and Regina were kept in. Pan, still standing in the kitchen, reached for his glass of water. He picked it up and took a sip. Suddenly, the front door was slammed open. Pan glanced up at the sound. "What the-" He started. 

"Peter? Peter?" Y/n called out. Pan let out a sigh of relief. "In here, Darling." He replied. The Lost Girl wandered into the kitchen. She had an excited smile planted on her face as she walked toward Pan. She practically jumped into his arms. Pan chuckled but furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you so excited about?" He asked her. Pan's eyes fell on the pirate entering the kitchen. "Killian." He said, "You're not going to kill me again, are you?" He asked. The pirate gave the boy a gentle smile. "Wasn't planning on it." He replied. Pan turned to look at Y/n. "You've done it, love. You've managed to get us into a room together and we haven't tried to kill each other." He joked. Y/n let out a giggle and turned to look at Killian. "So, what's the plan?" Killian questioned. "What do you want?" Killian questioned. Pan shrugged. "I'm checking up on her," Pan tells him. They both looked at the girl up in the tree. She smiled in her sleep. "I'm taking her," Pan tells the pirate. "Can't you give us a little more time, mate?" Killian asked. Pan chuckled at him. "You're lucky I let her come here. You should be glad you're still alive." He reminds him. "Peter," Y/n whispered in her sleep and cuddles closer to her teddy. Killian turned back to Pan. "Mate, I-" he started. Pan chuckled again. "You actually think I'll let her stay here? With you?" He questioned. He stepped closer to Killian. "I'm still waiting." He tells him. "For what, exactly?" Killian asked the boy. "For you to tell Emma about Neal, of course." Pan chuckled, "I can't wait to see her face when you tell her." Pan added. "And what makes you think I will?" Killian asked him. Pan shrugs. "Because you're madly in love with her, Captain. It would be a shame if your relationship is based on secrets instead of the truth." Pan taunted him. "I'm not telling her about Neal," Killian tells him, "I can't let her go through that again." He added. Pan chuckled at him. "So thoughtful of you, Captain. Very sweet. But she will find out one day. It's up to you to decide when that day is." The boy replied. He walked over to the tree where Y/n was sleeping. He looked at the pirate again. "Next time you'll see her, is when she puts a dagger in your heart." He informs the man. He snaps himself up into the tree. He picked up Y/n in his arms. "I'll see you around, Captain," Peter spoke, "if you live till then, of course." He added.

A/n: My apologies for the short chapter. I had to rush this chapter. I have been super busy and I had no inspiration for this chapter. I hope next week's chapter will be better. I hope you still enjoyed it! Love you all!!

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