•Chapter 86•

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"Devin, I don't have time for this," Y/n tells him. The Lost Girl tried to get past her friends but he wouldn't let her. Devin grabbed her tightly by her arms. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me what happened." He tells her. Y/n fought against his grip but simply wasn't strong enough to get out of his grip. Devin shook her harshly one time. "Y/n!" He said. Y/n looked at him silently. She hesitated for a couple of seconds. Behind Devin, the wind pushed open the tent slightly. She saw Felix approaching Pan. He had balded his fists so tightly, veins started to pop up onto his skin. Slight tears were appearing in her eyes again. She couldn't hold her emotions for much longer. "He will kill him, Devin. Please." She pleaded. Devin placed one of his hands on her cheeks and looked at her closely. "They will kill each other." She added. "You have no idea, do you?" He asked her. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. One of the other Lost Boys left for a couple of seconds and returned with a small mirror. Y/n must've left it somewhere. When Y/n looked at her reflection she got frightened. Her face was incredibly pale and she had dark circles under her eyes. She looked dead. Devin caught her as everything suddenly hit her, and she stumbled backward. He moved her to sit on the bed again. Y/n continued to stare at her reflection in the small object. "What happened to you?" Devin repeated. Y/n shook her head as she placed her hand on her cheek. Her skin was cold. Incredibly cold. "He locked me in the caves." She said quietly. The Lost Girl put down the small mirror she held tightly in her hands. "But only for a little while, though." She added. "Well, don't take this the wrong way, but you look dead." He tells her. Y/n turned her head to look at her friend. "It was a lot worse than last time." She tells him. Devin's eyes traveled to her hair. His eyes widened and he grabbed a lock of her hair. Y/n followed his eyes worriedly. "What happened in that cave?" He asked her. Y/n took the lock of hair between her fingers and looked at it. 

Her original hair color had now turned into a white-silver color. Had she really been that frightened? "I was only there for a few hours." She tells him. She looked up at the other Lost Boys. They all had the same expression planted on their faces. Fear. The fear of losing her. Behind them, the entrance of the tent was pushed open by the wind again, just a few inches. It was enough for her to see that Felix had reached Pan. She got up from the bed, handing the small mirror to Devin. "Y/n, don't." He warned her. But she didn't listen. She pushed through the other Lost Boys and stepped out of Felix's tent. Only now she could hear Felix absolutely ranting on. He was leaving no detail out. And he didn't care for Pan once single bit. He didn't even care about the possibility of Pan killing him right here and now if he continued to rant on like this. "You say that you love her, but all you do is treat her like she's just a piece of meat! Who does that?!" Felix yelled at the leader of the Lost Boys. Pan clenched his jaw and listened closely to Felix's words. "You say that you love her and you lock her in the most horrible place on the island!" Felix pointed out to him. "Felix, calm down," Pan tells him sternly. He held up his hand to try and reason with the blonde teenager. "I don't know what you're talking about." Pan continued. "You lying bastard!" Felix said. Y/n reached the two boys. She gently pulled on Felix's cloak. "Felix, don't, please." She whispered to him. The blonde Lost Boy looked at her briefly before turning back to Pan. "Can't you see what you've done to her? Look at her!" He said. Pan and Y/n locked eyes. "Y/n." He said sweetly. As if he hadn't seen her in a while and he had been worried about her. Pan's green eyes still managed to enchant her and make her fall in love with him all over again. She couldn't stop loving him. No matter how angry she was with him. "Felix, he's right," Y/n whispered. Felix snapped his head towards Y/n. She looked up into his eyes. "It's okay." She assured him. "No, this is not okay!" He replied. Y/n shook her head and placed her hand on Felix's arm. "Please, don't." She whispered, "I can't lose you again." She added. Felix glared at Pan who slowly approached them both. 

Y/n turned around to look at her boyfriend. "I'm sorry." She apologized. Pan placed his hands on her cheeks and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "What are you sorry for?" He asked her. Y/n glared at him slightly. Did he try to act as if nothing happened? "Come on, let's get you to bed. You need to get some sleep." He tells her. Before she knew it, he swept her up in his arms. Pan started to walk off with Y/n in his arms, her arms wrapped around his waist. She looked at Felix. He could see her watery eyes. "No," Felix said, "No, not this time." He added. Pan furrowed his eyebrows and started to turn around. "I'm not letting you get away with this again!" Felix tells him. Before they knew it, the tall, blonde Lost Boy was approaching them. He grabbed Pan, pulled the small blade from his belt, and stabbed him harshly with it. A loud scream sounded. But it wasn't from Pan. When Felix took a step back, he saw that he didn't stab Pan. He had stabbed Y/n. The weapon was pushed deep into her leg. "Y/n!" Everyone exclaimed, including Pan. He put her down as quickly as he could and rolled up her pants. Felix also knelt next to them. "Y/n, I am so sorry." Felix apologized to her. Tears were streaming down her face. The blonde turned his head to look at Pan. "Do something." He pleaded. Felix then noticed that Pan was just looking at her skin. He wasn't using his magic to heal her or anything. He just looked. Felix shoved his shoulder harshly. "Peter!" He yelled. Pan looked up at the Lost Boy. "It's Dreamshade." He said. The leader of the Lost Boys stood up and looked down at his second in command. His eyes had darkened. "You stabbed her with Dreamshade!" He yelled at him. His voice sounded low and rough. Felix shook his head. "No..." he said. "You killed her!" Pan exclaimed and pushed against Felix's shoulders. "I didn't poison the blade!" Felix replied quickly. Pan grabbed Felix's cloak and pulled him closer. "It's your blade! Who else would've poisoned it?! Huh!?" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

"What's that?" Y/n asked. Pan dipped the tip of the arrow into a cup filled with black liquid the lost boy next to him was holding. "Dreamshade." Pan answered, "It's a nasty poison." He added. He blows some air onto the tip. He took the crossbow from the lost boy's hand. He looked at the girl in front of him. "We have a story here about a man who once shot an apple off his son's head with an arrow." He explained. He loaded the crossbow with the poisoned arrow. "Let's see if it's possible." He smirked. "If you're shooting at the apple, what's the poison for?" Y/n questioned. Pan aims with the crossbow to check the arrow's aim. "A motivation not to miss." Pan answered, "Felix! Get over here." Pan called out. Y/n looked up as the blonde boy walked up to them. "Is-is Felix good? Is his aim good?" Y/n stuttered. Pan looked at her. "Doesn't matter. You're the one doing the shooting." Pan tells her. He carefully hands her the crossbow. Y/n took a step back. "I-I don't want to shoot. I don't know how...I don't want to." She stuttered. Pan gave her a sweet smile. He walked up to stand behind her. He helps her get in place and aims at Felix. When Y/n looked at Felix, she shook her head and lowered the crossbow. "Pan, I don't want to. What if I hit him?" Y/n tried to argue. Pan let out a chuckle. He raised her arms again, pointing the crossbow at Felix. "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" The Lost Boys chanted around her. "You won't hit him. Trust yourself. Go on." Pan tells her, "It's exhilarating." He added. Every boy was chanting at this point. "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" They all said. Pan leaned down to her ear. "Shoot him." He ordered. His voice sends shivers down Y/n's spine, and because of that, she pulled the trigger. The arrow impaled the apple into the tree. Pan smirked at the girl in front of him. Y/n's eyes widened. She turned around to look at Pan. "I just did that." She said in shock. "You sure did. I told you it was exhilarating." He replied. All the boys started to cheer and clap. Pan smiles proudly at Y/n. The girl turned around again. She smiles brightly at Pan. The demon holds out his hand. "Come." He tells her. Y/n shyly took his hand and walked away.

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