•Chapter 77•

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"You looked inside my head?" Y/n asked. Pan was sitting against the headboard of their bed. He let out a sigh. "I was worried. I thought you had a bad dream again. You were acting strange." Pan explained to her. "No, no, you were jealous," Y/n said in a calm tone. She stepped closer to him. "I thought we were past that, Peter." She added. Pan clenched his jaw. "I looked into his too," he said. He looked up at her. "He wanted you but he couldn't have you. Do you know what that does to people? Do you know what that does to men like that?" He asked her. Y/n looked him dead in the eyes. "They become very dangerous." Pan reminds her. "I know what happens. That does not give you the right to do this." She tells him. It was scary that they both remained very calm during this conversation. Normally, they would scream and yell at each other. But not this time. It felt very... well, grown up. "You killed Wendy Darling because she looked at me. How about we talk about that instead of blaming this on me again?" He asked. Y/n shook her head. "That was different," she said quietly. Pan got up from his seat. "Please care to explain how this is different," Pan said calmly. Although, you could start feeling he was getting angry. "She took my authority. I worked so hard to gain the Lost Boys' respect and she took it away within a week. Everyone was admiring her and loved her. They couldn't keep their hands off her. and she had you, the love of my life wrapped around her tiny little finger. That's how this is different. She actually did something. Jefferson wouldn't dare touch me. He was too afraid of you." Y/n tells him. "He should've been!" pan suddenly yelled. Both Pan and Y/n became silent. After that. Pan let out a sigh. He turned towards his wardrobe, his back now facing Y/n. "A couple of nights in the echo caves won't do any harm," Pan argued with her. Y/n glared at him. "It doesn't?" she asked. Pan quickly realized what he had said to her. Those words should've never left his mouth. He turned around to look at her again. "Love, I -" He started. Y/n held up her hand. "Don't bother," she tells him. From that moment it was dead silent.

Pan didn't have many regrets. But putting Y/n in the echo caves was one of them, if not his biggest. Torturing that poor girl for days. Screams came from inside the cave. They traveled across the entire island. There was no dancing or music. The boys were just sitting down. They had tried to ignore it, but it was a horrible sound. Terrifying almost. Felix looked at the leader of the Lost Boys. "Pan," Felix spoke up. The demon glared at his second in command. "Do you have something to say, Felix?" he asked him. Another scream sounded. She was crying and screaming. Pleading for someone to make it stop. Felix looked around to see more Lost Boys leaving. Sleep would maybe block out all of the screaming, crying, and pleading of the Lost Girl. The blonde looked at his leader. "You have to let her out," Felix tells him. Pan glared at him. "Well, if you miss her that much, you might as well join her. Is that what you want, Felix? Because that can be arranged." Pan threatened. Felix stood up from his seat. "Can't you hear that?" Felix asked him. Another plead echoed across the island. "I get that you're angry with her. But this is inhuman." He said. "It's her punishment," Pan replied. "It's cruel," Felix said. He swung his weapon over his shoulder. "I thought you said you loved her." He added. Pan looked up at the boy. "I don't love anyone. Or anything." He said. "Is that what she is to you? A thing you can lock away? Some girl that has no emotions?" Felix questioned. He stepped closer to his leader. "If so, then you might as well just kill her. Because this is cruel. Even for you." He pointed out. "I shouldn't have said that," Pan said quietly. Y/n wouldn't even look at him.  Pan wasn't sure she'd even heard him. Was she right? Was he wrong for doing this to Jefferson? Taking his daughter and then locking him in the place that would drive any noble man into insanity. He walked up to her. "Love, I'm sorry." He apologized.  He slowly got onto his knees in front of her. Y/n looked down at him.

She would be lying if she didn't find this highly attractive. A person with that much power, kneeling in front of her. So submissive. Peter Pan was being submissive to her. He looked up at her. His eyes seemed so different. They seemed so innocent. Normally they looked so dark. "I'm sorry," Pan repeated. He meant what he said. Y/n decided to use this to her advantage for a change. She bend down and grabbed his chin with her hand. "Are you?" She asked him. For the first time in years, they didn't feel like kids. They felt so grown up. Not kids. Not teenagers. For a second this all felt too real. But Y/n kinda liked that. It was almost like a rush. A feeling that they both hadn't felt before in their relationship. But why now? It didn't matter. The tension was high. "I shouldn't have said what I said," Pan tells her, "I will get him out of there tomorrow." He promised. "How do I know you'll stick to that promise?" Y/n asked him. Her tone was seductive. And Pan loved it for some reason. He had always felt the need to be above everything and everyone. He was the most powerful villain in history. Not even Rumpelstiltskin could stop him. And yet here he was. On his knees. "Darling," He said, "Can you forgive me?" He continued. Y/n thought about it for a minute or two. "I will." She said, "On one condition." She added. Pan looked at her with his big green eyes. "You will never go inside my head again." She tells him. He nodded. "I promise." He said. Wow, she didn't believe that actually worked. She furrowed her eyebrows at him. "What?" Pan asked her. "No resisting? No complaining?" She questioned. "You're the boss. I listen to you." Pan answered. This was so unlike him. "You're not playing a game, are you?" She asked him. Pan shook his head as he got up from his knees. "No games this time," Pan replied. She couldn't help but feel aroused by this. "What happened to you, Peter? Have you grown up in those couple of hours I was gone?" She asked. Pan shook his head and stepped closer to her. "I'm just not in the mood for games now, love." He tells her. He cupped her face in his hands. But he didn't pull her in yet. He looked into her eyes seductively. "Can you tell how badly I want you?" he whispered to her. Y/n giggled quietly and nodded. "Your eyes betray you, my love." She informs him.

When those words left her mouth, Pan pulled her in for a kiss. Her hands immediately found their way into his hair. She pulled on it gently. The demon smiled into the kiss. Y/n's lips soon found Pan's jawline. She pressed gentle kisses on his skin, trailing down from his jawline to his neck. "What do you think Devin is doing right now?" Pan spoke up. Y/n pulled away from their kiss and glared at him. "Shut up, Pan." She said. The Lost Girl placed her hands on his chest and gave him a gentle push. The demon fell backward onto the bed. He looked up at her with a smirk. "It's Peter, darling." He reminds her. "No, no," She shook her head, "We're gonna play a little game. And you're Pan. Not Peter." She smirked. Pan's eyes darkened. "I think I'm going to like this game." He said.

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