•Chapter 82•

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The tall, blonde Lost Boy got up. He reached out his hand for Y/n to take. He pulled the Lost Girl up from her seat on the ground. But she still seemed a little numb. "Come on." Felix smiled at her. She hesitated at first but she eventually got up onto his back. Felix locked his arm under her legs keeping her safely in place. "Are you okay?" He asked. She nodded as she rested her face on his shoulder. Felix traveled back to the camp where Pan, Killian, and the Lost Boys would be waiting for them. They traveled a couple of miles through the jungle before reaching camp. Pan's head snapped up in the distance as soon as they set foot on the grounds. He quickly appeared in front of them. "Y/n, darling, are you okay?" He questioned. Y/n looked up and nodded. Her eyes remained closed as she struggled to stay awake. All she wanted to do was sleep. She was exhausted. Pan looked up at Felix. "What the hell happened? She was just going for a walk!" He snapped at him. Felix sighed. "I was at the lake and she found me," Felix explained. Pan's eyes widened. "You were at the lake?! No one's allowed near that place since the mermaids were spotted there!" He snapped at his second in command. "Well, that's what I was trying to explain-" Felix started. "She went into those waters," Pan spoke. Felix bit his bottom lip. "Well, she never went in... voluntarily." He said. "What?!" Pan exclaimed. Killian joined in on their conversation. He furrowed his eyebrows as he spotted Y/n on Felix's back. "What happened to her?" He asked. Y/n raised her head again. "I fell into the lake." She tells him. 

Killian looked at Felix worriedly. "She was dragged down by a mermaid who tried to kill her," Felix informs them. "But Felix saved me," Y/n said quietly. She put her hand in his hair and played with the blonde strands. "He dove in before she could hurt me," Y/n added. Killian looked at Felix before he took Y/n off his back. "She's soaking wet." The captain said. Pan glared at Felix another time. The blonde boy shrugged. "I was getting to that." He said. "She could get sick!" Pan replied. Killian rolled his eyes. Y/n groaned as she snuggled into the captain's chest. "Can I get some worm clothes, please?" She asked as she looked at Pan. The three men brought the Lost Girl up to the treehouse she shared with Pan. The demon wanted to snap his fingers to change her clothes when Y/n stopped him. She crawled out of the captain's secure arms and walked over to her wardrobe. Pan walked over to Felix. "What were you thinking?" He asked. Y/n quickly turned around. "Hey!" She exclaimed. The three men looked at her. "This is no one's fault. Mermaids are nasty creatures and Felix saved me before anything else could happen. You should be thanking him." Y/n said sternly. Pan didn't say a word. "Now, if you would give me some privacy, please. I would like to change." Y/n tells the men in front of her. Killian walked over to her. He pressed a kiss on top of her head. "I'll leave you to it, tonight. I could use some sleep myself." He tells her. Y/n smiled at him and nodded. "I'll see you later," Killian said. "Bye." The Lost Girl replied. The pirate left, giving the two boys a deadly glare. 

Y/n got changed into some warm clothes before climbing under the warm blankets of her cozy bed. Pan walked up to her, tucked her in, and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Are you sure you're alright, Darling?" Pan asked her. Y/n nodded and looked at Felix who stood at the edge of her bed. "Thanks to you." She said. The blonde boy blushed at her comment. "That's what friends are for." He said. Y/n smiled and snuggled into her blankets. The demon got to his knees next to the bed where his girlfriend lay so peacefully. He brushed some hair out of her face. The Lost Girl smiled as she felt his gentle touch on her face. "Do you want me to give you nice dreams?" Pan whispered. Y/n shook her head as her eyes remained closed. "I have a feeling I will sleep very well tonight." She said. It was silent for a couple of seconds. Y/n suddenly opened her eyes. She glared at the two boys. "You can stop looking at me, now." She tells the two boys. Pan shook his head. "I'm staying right here, Darling." He tells her. "Peter," Y/n said sternly. Pan groaned and got up from his seat. "Fine, we'll leave." He said. Y/n closed her eyes again. "Goodnight, boys." She said. The two boys left the room and Y/n drifted off into a peaceful slumber. A small, vague figure made it's way up to her. Her sight became clearer as the figure came closer. It was a small child. She was running up to her. "Mommy!" The little girl exclaimed. In her mind, Y/n was confused. But her body didn't hesitate. She picked up the small child. Mommy? This was her child? But that couldn't be. She didn't want a child. A child couldn't have a child. Not in Neverland. "Mommy." The child repeated. Her voice echoed into her mind as if it was a memory. Or a vision. But Y/n couldn't help but feel happy. Her own child. She had Pan's eyes. His green eyes. Does that mean she and Pan had a baby? Pan had another baby? With Y/n.

A/n: Apologies for the short chapter. I've had some problems with my laptop. I hope to get it fixed very soon! Anyway, I hope you still liked the chapter.

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