•Chapter 51•

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The cell door was closed and locked by David. The heroes looked at Pan's Lost Boys standing in their prison. Felix and Devin were looking at the prince. Their eyes were dark and filled with hate. The prince pulled his key from the lock and looked at the Lost Boys. "I hope you're comfortable in there," David said, "Because you're going to be in there for a while." He continued. Felix glared at him. "Malicious pleasure isn't very hero-like, is it?" The tall, blonde boy asked him. David ignored him and walked away. Meanwhile, Killian was standing in the doorway. A few pairs of eyes were focused on the pirate. Killian turned to David as the prince walked past him. "Mate-" He started. The prince shook his head before he could say anything else. "They're not coming out of that cell until Emma and Regina have come up with a solution. None of them." He tells him sternly. Killian let out a sigh. He opened his mouth to speak again when David cut him off again. "She can't come out either. Strict orders from Emma." He said. His eyes traveled to the prison filled with the Lost Ones. "Besides, I don't think she wants to talk to anyone right now." He added. Prince charming left, leaving the pirate alone again. He turned his head to look at the Lost Ones. He took a deep breath and made his way towards the small prison holding them in their place. Felix wrapped his fingers around the bars, looking directly into the pirate's blue eyes. "Stand down, Felix." He ordered. "I don't take orders from you," Felix replied. The pirate let out a desperate sigh. "Please, just let me talk to her." He pleaded. Devin let out a chuckle. "Do you think she actually wants to talk to you?" He asked. Killian holds up his hand. "I just want to talk to her. I want to tell her that-" Killian started. Felix cut him off by shaking the bars slightly. Every Lost Boy glanced up at him. "She doesn't want to talk to you." He repeated. Killian noticed the other Lost Boys forming some sort of wall around Y/n, with their backs facing her. Without anyone else seeing it, Y/n was sitting on the cold, hard floor. Her back was facing the Lost Boys, not wanting to make eye contact. Her tears had formed small trails on her cheeks. Her eyes were red and puffy. "Leave now, before I choke the life out of you." Felix threatened the pirate.

"I didn't come to fight," Killian tells him, "I just want to see her." He added. Devin shook his head and took a step away from the iron bars. "You don't get it. She was holding him as his life slowly faded from his body. There was nothing she could do." Felix started. Killian opened his mouth again to speak. "You used a poison that couldn't be stopped. You took the easiest way out. And that's weak. Even for a pirate." Devin spoke up. The pirate looked at the boy. "I wanted her to be safe. Happy." He defended. "You, and your hero friends, killed him. And for what?" Felix questioned. The blonde boy reached out and grabbed the pirate by his collar. He pulled him into the bars. "You did this to her," Felix said. "And she never wants to see you...ever again," Devin added. The blonde boy released the prate from his grip again. "You've made a mistake, Captain," Felix said. "Please, mate. Let me talk to her." The pirate pleaded. Devin glared at him and folded his arms over each other. "Last time you spoke with her, her life was ruined. We're not going to let that happen again. We are all she has left. And we will protect her from anyone wanting to hurt her. That means you too." The boy said. Killian looks behind the two boys to see if he could see Y/n. But the wall of Lost Boys was solid. There was no way he could peek through that wall of boys. Meanwhile, Y/n was still sitting on the floor. She wasn't even paying attention to the conversation playing behind her. Pan's final moments repeated over and over again in her head. Don't stop until they're on their knees. Y/n looked at her reflection in the blade of her dagger. "We will take her magic away from her. Make her crumble at our feet. And we won't stop until she's on her knees." She said. A smirk appeared on Pan and Felix's faces. "She might resist at first. But in the end...well, in the end, she will always kneel." Y/n spoke. That's what Pan wanted for them. It's what he wanted for her. She used to have nothing. And Pan wanted her to have everything in the world. Y/n helped herself out of her thoughts. She was going to do exactly what Pan wanted. She wanted them to be on their knees. All of them.

A few hours passed by, and the Lost Ones were still locked in their cell. Felix was resting his arms on the bars, letting out an exhausted sigh. Meanwhile, Devin was sitting next to Y/n. "We have to get out of here," Felix spoke up. Devin glanced up at the blonde Lost Boy. "Do you have a plan?" He questioned. Felix opened his mouth to reply when Y/n looked up. "I do." She said. The Lost Boys all turned their heads to look at her. The Lost Girl looked up at her friends. "We're not gonna let them get away with this." She started. She glanced over her shoulder to look at the boys locked in the other cell. "We're gonna do exactly what Pan wanted us to do." She tells them. "But we're locked in here. They took our weapons." One of the Lost Boys said. Y/n stood up from her seat. "Who said we needed our weapons to get out?" She questioned. She walked up to the door of the cell. "Use your emotions," Pan tells her. Y/n had her eyes shut tightly. She holds out her hand. Y/n was sitting in front of some firewood. Pan was leaning against a tree, looking at her with his arms folded over his chest. Y/n had begged Pan to teach her how to use magic for days. She thought it was amazing how he could do certain things such as light a fire or protect himself from danger. She wanted to be able to do the same. "Pick a moment," Pan tells her. Y/n opened her eyes and frowned at him. "What kind of moment?" She asked him, "What emotion kind of emotion should I use?" She questioned. "Something that makes you angry," Pan answered simply. Y/n let out a sigh and shut her eyes again. She let the memory of her father wash over her. The moment he traded her for those beans. They sat there for a few minutes. But nothing happened. "The emotion is not strong enough. It's not working. What did you think of?" Pan asked. Y/n looked up at him. "The day my father traded me for magic beans," Y/n answered him. Pan stepped away from the tree. "Isn't there something else? Something worse that has happened to you?" Pan asked her. Y/n gave him a nasty look. "That was the worst day of my life." She tells him. "If that's the worst day of your life, then this isn't going to work," Pan replied harshly. 

The Lost Girl shut her eyes and took in a deep breath. She thought of Pan in her arms. She remembered his face. The helpless expression on his face. The life slowly faded from his body. Her blood started to boil as she thought of Bae holding the knife. All of that anger. She focused on that anger and tried to open the lock. After a few minutes of silence, she let out a sigh and gave up. Felix walked up to her. He puts his hands on her shoulders and pulls her away from the door. "It's okay." He tells her. Y/n groaned and pulled herself out of his grip. She walked back up to the door and started to slam on it. The Lost Boys looked at each other as she slammed and kicked against the iron bars. Felix pulled her away again. "Y/n, come on. You're going to hurt yourself." The blonde said. She fought against him. "Felix, let me go!" She exclaimed. She tried to free herself again, almost succeeding. But Felix picked her up by her waist. As he did, Y/n kicked against the bars making the iron bar bend slightly. Felix sat the Lost Girl down again. "I don't know how you did that. But it worked." He said. Y/n turned to one of the Lost Boys. "Can you get through there?" She asked the small boy. The young boy nodded and walked up to the gap in between the bars. With a lot of squishing, and pushing, the small Lost Boy was able to get out of the cell. He ran up to David's desk and searched the draws. In one of them, he found an extra key for the cells. "Got it!" He exclaimed excitedly. He ran over to the cells and opened them. "So, what now?" Devin asked Y/n. The Lost Girl walked over to the window. She checked to see if there was no one outside standing guard or something. The parking lot was empty. There was no one in sight. She turned back to the Lost Boys. "Now, we get our revenge." She said.

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