•Chapter 33•

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Y/n walked back into the diner with Neal. She walked back over to Killian. "Are you alright, love?" The pirate asked her. Y/n nodded in response. She turned to her breakfast. "I'm okay." She assured him. Killian kept his eyes focused on Y/n as she sipped her coffee. She and Killian ate their breakfast together. As they were eating, Y/n could hear some of the other people whisper behind her. She turned her head to look at Killian. He looked at her sadly. Y/n took a deep breath. She stood up from her chair, climbing on top of the bar. "I would like to say something." She called out. Everyone looked up at her. "First of all, I would like to apologize. I know I put everyone in danger by helping Pan. I had no idea of what he would try to cause. I know what," She glanced down at Killian as she spoke, "and who, I put at risk. I know what I did was wrong. But I had a reason." She continued. "What good reason could you possibly have for almost killing us all?!" One of the dwarves yelled at her. "Love," Y/n answered. She looked at Killian again before turning back to the group. "He promised me everything I could ever wish for. Silver, gold, it didn't matter to him. He has put my happiness before his for years." She tells them. "He's evil. A demon. He could never love someone." Charming called out to her. "He loves me." Y/n snapped at him, "Yes, what he did... what we both did... it was wrong. But all we wanted was to have the happy ending we have always dreamed of." She explained. Charming let out a chuckle. "A happy ending? Him? You?" He asked her. "Yes, me... him." She replied, "He didn't take Henry's heart so he could destroy you all. He did it to regain his magic, to stay young forever. To keep me young forever." She continued. She smiled a little at the thought of Pan and her back in Neverland. "To have our happy ending. Forever. Nothing could keep us apart." She said, "Not even death." She added. "That sounds insane," Emma tells her. "Your father married your mother after she robbed him. And you call my love life insane?" Y/n questioned.

Y/n turned her attention back to the others. "I think, what I'm trying to say is that it hasn't been easy. I thought that here we might get the happy ending I have always dreamt of. I thought that if we made this place into the new Neverland... With Pan and I on the throne... I thought I could get what I wanted." She tells them. Her eyes fell on Neal. "But someone told me that this is the place to start over. To make a fresh start." She said, "Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do." She continued. She jumped down from the bar she was standing on. "What I wanted to ask is, could you forgive me for what I've done? And let me make a fresh start?" She asked them. The fairy tale characters all looked at each other. Neal stood up. "I forgive you." He said. He walked up to the Lost Girl. He wraps an arm around her shoulder as he turned to the other adults. "Right?" he spoke. "Uh, I'm not sure we can trust her." One of the dwarves replied. Neal glared at them. "You didn't trust my father either. He gave his life to save us." Neal reminds them. "He gave his life to kill Pan. And look at how that turned out." The dwarf snapped at him. Neal continued to glare at the shorter man in front of him. Snow stood up from her seat. "I forgive you." She said. Everyone looked at her in shock. Snow walked up to her. "Welcome to Storybrooke." She smiled. Charming stood up as well, making his way towards the Lost Girl. It didn't take long for the others to follow. They didn't trust her. But they were willing to give the girl a chance. Mostly because Snow and Charming did as well. Y/n glanced over her shoulder to smile at Killian. He returned the smile. The Lost Girl turned back to the others. "Now there is only one problem." Snow said. "What's that?" Y/n questioned. "Pan's still out there." Killian reminds her. She climbed on top of the bar again. Granny glared at her again. Y/n let out a giggle. "Sorry, Granny." She shrugged. Granny's frown turned into a playful smile. "I will take care of Pan," Y/n called out. All eyes were focused on her. "He trusts me. I can get close. Storybrooke will be safe again." She continued, "But first-" She started.

Y/n was cut off by the front door of the diner opening. The lost boys ran inside, making the adults back away from the Lost Girl again. Pan stepped into the diner, making everyone else's eyes widen. "First I'm going to laugh at how easily all of you fell for that," Y/n tells them. Everyone, including Killian, glared at her as she laughed a little. When she stopped laughing, Pan looked up at her. He offered her his hand. She took it and carefully stepped off the bar. "You-" Killian started. Pan raised his hand, using his magic, to shut Killian up. When Y/n turned to Killian, Pan quickly pulled her back. "Well done. I couldn't have played the part better myself." He smirked at her. Y/n rolls her eyes at him. Pan then grabbed her face with his hand. "I don't tolerate eye-rolling." He tells her. Y/n nodded quickly. "Yes, sorry." She apologized. Pan removed his hand from her face, now resting it on her waist. "You know what you have to do." He tells her. Y/n nodded in response. She glanced over her shoulder to look at Killian with a sad look in her eyes. She turned around before she could see Killian's response. She made her way out of the diner, leaving the others with the Lost Boys and Pan. The demon stepped forward. "You all look so adorable. So confused." He said. Charming had put his arm in front of Snow, protecting her. Neal was standing close to Emma, trying to keep her safe as well. "What do we do with them?" Devin asked Pan. "We keep them here, of course." He said. The demon turned to the boy. "Shoot anyone that tries to escape." He tells him. Devin nodded in response. The Lost Boys aimed their weapons at the adults again. "Why are you doing this?" Emma asked him. Pan looked at her. "Like Y/n said." He started, "Everyone wants a happy ending. And we will have our happy ending. Together." He added.

Meanwhile, Y/n was walking up to the mayor's house. Felix was already waiting for her. "Did Pan put you on Henry duty with me?" She asked him. Felix shrugged. "I don't mind." He tells her. "Well, come on then," Y/n tells him. Together, the two walked up to the mayor's house. Felix used a stone to kick in the window. The two climbed inside the house together. They heard a sound coming from the other room. Felix protectively put his arm in front of Y/n. The sound quickly faded away. Y/n kissed Felix's cheek. "Thank you." She smiled at him. The two made their way up to Henry's room. They tried to open the door, but it was locked. Y/n turned to Felix. "Can't you kicking it in?" She asked him. Felix took a few steps back. He then kicked in the door, revealing Regina, instead of Henry. "Where is he?" Y/n asked the Evil Queen. "Somewhere you won't find him," Regina tells them. Y/n stepped closer to the woman. "Don't think you can protect him forever," Y/n said. "I know." Regina replied, "But I will get rid of you and your demon boyfriend." She threatened. Y/n let out a chuckle. "You can kill me. But how are you planning on getting rid of him?" She asked her. Regina had a smirk on her face. She then moved her hand over Y/n's chest. The Lost Girl's breath was taken by the pain in her chest. Y/n soon blacked out from the magic and the pain. Felix caught her before she could hit the floor. "By taking away the one thing he cannot live without," Regina tells them.

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