•Chapter 72•

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Neal stepped into the pawn shop owned by his father. The small bell rang as he stepped inside. As soon as he stepped inside, he saw his father pace around behind the counter. He held all sorts of bottles and other things in his hands. "Dad," Neal started, "Can we...talk?" He asked. Rumpel looked up at his son. "Son, not now. I'm busy." Rumple tells his son. Neal glared at his father. "What are you doing?" He asked. Rumpel put all of the stuff on the counter. "I don't have time for this, Bae. Please, we can talk later." He said harshly. Neal furrowed his eyebrows. The Dark One let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, son." He said, "I have to figure out something." He added. Neal quickly understood why his father seemed this worried and overwhelmed. "Belle," Neal guessed. Rumpel let out another exhausted sigh. "She's trapped down there. All alone. Without my protection. I cannot imagine how frightened she is as we speak." Rumpel snapped at his son, "I have to find a way to get back to her. To get her back safely." He said. Neal walked up to his father. "Maybe you just need a moment to-" He started. "I need to focus!" Rumpel almost yelled. His voice was loud and harsh. Neal hadn't seen his father this way for a long while. He understood he had to leave the man be for a while. He was worried and overflowing with emotions. He made his way out of the store again. It didn't take long for him to run into his blonde ex-girlfriend. She immediately noticed something was bothering him. So when he apologized she stopped him before he could walk off again. "Wow, what's going on?" She asked him. "It's...it's nothing." Neal quickly replied. He wanted to walk away again but Emma stopped him again. She placed her hands on his chest. "Neal, what's going on?" She repeated. Neal let out an exhausted sigh. He puts his hands over his eyes. "It's Y/n." He answered, "I got mad at her. I shouldn't have. She's gone now. And I wanted to talk to my dad but he's too busy trying to get Belle back. But... I don't know why, but I feel so guilty for yelling at her. Yelling at her for that. She tried her best. And I just...I just." He rambled on and on until he suddenly let the tears roll from his eyes. He expected Emma to leave him by himself as soon as she saw the tears. But she didn't. She remained by his side. "I didn't say goodbye to her." He whispered.

Y/n looked up as she sat with her legs crossed on the bed. "So, you can create anything you want? Just by thinking about it?" She asked. Pan nodded as he folded his arms over his chest. "So, if I asked you to magically make a smile appear on your face?" She giggled. Pan just frowned at her. She pouted at him. "Oh, come on, Peter. Please?" She pleaded. "It's Pan for you," Pan replied sternly. She rolled her eyes. She crawled towards the edge of the bed. She rested her chin in the palm of her hands as she propped herself up on her elbows. "For me?" She added. She opened her eyes a bit wider. Pan looked into them, getting lost in her doe eyes. Y/n held up one finger. "One smile." She pleaded. The demon let out a sigh. He put up a fake smile. Y/n pouted at him. "That's not a real smile." She complained, "Come on, Peter." She pleaded. Pan pointed his finger at her. "Call me Peter again and I-" He threatened her. "You'll what?" Y/n said in a teasing tone. Pan looked at her with an angry expression. "Oh, please, tell me exactly what you'll do." She said, "Peter." She smirked. Pan's jaw clenched. Y/n bit the inside of her cheek. "You don't want to go there, Y/n." He said sternly. "Are you sure about that?" She said in a challenging tone. Pan suddenly stood right in front of her, his hand wrapped around her throat. "Don't challenge me, darling." He whispered seductively. Y/n could only smirk at him. A small smile appeared on Pan's face as he looked at her smirk. "Do you find it amusing, darling?" He questioned. "A bit," Y/n admitted. She slowly pulled his hand away from her throat. "You're smiling." She whispered. Pan raised one of his eyebrows making Y/n giggle slightly.

Y/n woke up from her peaceful slumber. Her eyes fluttered open slowly. She glanced around, searching for Pan or Felix. But he wasn't in the room with her. She was alone. The Lost Girl slipped out of her bed. The ship appeared to be steady, so she could walk pretty easily. She walked out of her cabin and towards the small steps. It was dark outside. The stars filled the night sky. The sound of waves crashing against the ship. It was so peaceful. When Y/n stood on the deck, she scanned the area. "It's beautiful, isn't it." Someone behind her said. She didn't even bother to turn around. She knew exactly who was standing behind her. But she didn't care much. Her eyes were glued to the island in the distance. She stepped towards the edge of the ship. "It's glorious." She whispered. She suddenly felt hands on her waist. "You're not gonna jump in again? Right?" Pan asked her. Y/n glanced over her shoulder. The stars made Pan's green eyes twinkle. Y/n put her hand over his cheek and smiled. "We're home." She said. Pan rested his hand on top of hers. "Finally," He added. Y/n stepped a little bit closer to her boyfriend. "No more lies. Ever." She said. Pan nodded slowly. "No more lying." He promised her. He then turned his head slightly to kiss the palm of her hand that rested against his cheek. He used his thumb to softly stroke the skin of her hand. "Everything will be normal again." He said. "Well, I don't think things could ever go back to normal after the last couple of weeks," Y/n replied. Pan chuckled and rolled his eyes at her. "Just a tad different then." He corrected himself. His British accent sounded beautiful. Just the way he pronounced certain things. It would send shivers down her spine. Pan tucked a strain of hair behind her ear. "We should be on the beach more often. The starlight is much brighter out here." Y/n tells him. "And why is that, darling?" She questioned. Y/n shrugged. "Your eyes look pretty with the stars lighting them up." She answered.

Felix walked up to them from the side. He rested his hands on their shoulders. "I hate to ruin the moment." He tells them. "But?" Y/n asked him with a smile. Felix looked at Pan. "The captain wants a word with you." He said. Pan turned his head to Y/n again. He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles gently. "Don't let him push you overboard," Y/n tells him as he walked off. Felix chuckled as he walked past Y/n to lean against the side of the ship. Y/n turned to her best friend. "So, what are we going to do when we get back?" She asked him. Felix shrugged. "I don't know." He answered. He folded his arms over his chest. "What about you?" He questioned. Y/n stepped closer and stood next to him, leaning against the side of the ship. "I suggest we toss Devin in the lake." She said quietly. Felix chuckled. "I agree." He replied. Y/n laughed and smiled at him. "He will probably try to murder us in our sleep afterward though," Felix added. "Oh definitely." She said, "He might kill you, though." She continued. "Just me?" Felix questioned. Y/n turned to him and nodded. She pointed over at Pan standing by Killian. "I have a guard dog." She tells him. "I thought he was your boyfriend," Felix said. "Can't he be both?" She asked. 

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