•Chapter 55•

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"Why do you have to leave?" Belle asked. Rumple smiled at her and cupped her face in his hands. "I have to help them." He tells her. Belle let out a sigh. "The last time you interfered with these people, you died." She reminded him. The young woman rested her hands on Rumple's shoulders. "I can't lose you again." She added. Rumple smiled at her again. "You won't lose me. I promise." Rumple tells her, "You always told me to do the right thing. Well, that's what I'm going to do. I will help reunite Y/n with her father." He continues. Mr. Gold noticed a small tear rolling from his girlfriend's eyes. He reached out his hand and wiped the tear away. "But what if Pan-" Belle started. Rumple rested his hands in her arms. "Peter Pan is dead. He can't hurt me anymore." He assured her. The young woman let out a sigh. "I know," She started, "But what if she is up to something? She's a lost one like he was, and they are full of tricks. What if this is one of them? One of the tricks." She added. Rumple looked into her eyes. "She said we could trust them. So I will." He said, referring to Emma. Belle let out another sigh. "I just can't help but have a bad feeling about this," Belle admitted to him. The slightly older man pulled her closer and hugged her tightly. "Just be careful. Please?" Belle asked him. Rumple kissed the top of her head. "I promise." He replied.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Felix asked. The Lost girl put her hands into her pockets as they waited. "They'll be here." She assured him. After a few minutes of waiting in the cold, dark, night weather, Emma showed up with Regina walking close behind her. Y/n turned to face Emma. "Got Regina. Gold's on his way." The blonde said. Y/n stepped closer to her. "Wow, you've actually managed to talk her into this," Y/n said. Emma shrugged. "Piece of cake. We share a son. And if he says he will go to the Underworld instead of her, she will go before he even could finish his sentence." Emma explained, "She will do anything to protect him." she added. Y/n wondered off to Regina standing behind Emma. "Oh, I know." She said. A few minutes later, Rumple arrived as well. Y/n turned to him. "Now that we're all here, shall we get going?" She suggested. The small group of heroes started to walk off towards the forest. Felix walked next to Y/n. "So, what are we supposed to do while you're gone?" He asked her. "Stay out of sight and don't draw any attention to yourself." She tells him. The tall, blonde boy glanced over his shoulder for a split second. He puts his hands into the pockets of his coat. "I still don't like this." He said. Y/n turned to look at him. A smug smile appeared on her face. "Are you going to miss me, Felix?" She asked him. The tall Lost Boy avoided her eyes. Y/n giggled and nudged his shoulder gently. "I'll be back before you know it." She assured him. "I don't care. You're going to a dangerous place. Without us to protect you from them." He said, referring to the people walking behind them. "No," Felix said, cutting her off. Y/n looked at him with an annoyed look on her face. "I'm not traveling to the Underworld to talk to a dead man. Who, by the way, tried to kill all of us." He tells her sternly. Y/n folded her arms over her chest. "Who said you're coming with me?" She questioned. Felix glared at her. "Who said you were going alone?" He snapped back at her. Y/n looked at him annoyed. Felix stood up from his seat. "Y/n, you're not going to the underworld by yourself just to talk to a dead pirate." He said. "I won't be going alone." She replied. There was a silence after that. Felix looked into Y/n's eyes for a good few seconds. Quickly, he realized what she was thinking. "No, No! Y/n we're not doing that. No!" Felix exclaimed. 

"What's the worst that could happen?" Y/n asked him. Felix glared at her. "The worst that could happen is that you get trapped in there for eternity." He reminds her. Y/n rolled her eyes. "As if he would want me there for eternity." She joked. Felix chuckled at her. The closer they got to the lake, the darker their surroundings became. After a good few minutes of walking, the small group reached the small pond where the living could be taken to the Underworld. Y/n turned to the group. "Is this is?" Emma asked. Y/n nodded in response. "It's a pond." Snow White pointed out. Y/n let out a chuckle. "A magical pond," Y/n said sarcastically. The Lost Girl turned to Felix. He pulled out a small glass bottle and handed it to Y/n. The Lost Girl looked at the group again. "Alright, I need your blood." Y/n blurted out. The group frowned at her. "Oh, right!" She said, realizing they didn't know how this would work. Pan once gave her a book and she read about a spell how the undead could travel to the land of the Underworld. "I need the blood of a brave man, an innocent who has been through way too much pain, an evil force who has lost the one she loved, one that will save those who need it, and the one who came back from the dead." She explained. "I am not giving you my blood," Regina said sternly. "Just do it," Rumple tells her. Y/n passed around and gently pricked the heroes in their fingers. Small drops of blood fell into the glass bottle, mixing. Y/n walked back over to the pond. She lets out a deep sigh before flipping the bottle upside down, letting the small drops of blood fall into the pond's water. The Lost Girl looked at her best friend. "You better come back," Felix tells her. Y/n smiled at him. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around him. Felix quickly returned the hug. "Come back in once piece." He whispered to her. She nodded and kissed his cheek. A dark figure appeared in the middle of the water. It was starting to come closer near the edge. Felix pulled away from their hug. He looked at his best friend. "While I'm gone, you're in charge." Y/n tells him, "That doesn't mean you can do something I wouldn't do." She added quickly. "I won't." He assured her. And with that, the tall, blonde boy left. The small group of people got onto the boat with the dark figure standing in the middle. "He isn't coming with us?" Regina asked. Y/n turned to look at the Evil Queen. "I want to protect him." She explained. Regina continued to glare at her. "Besides, I want you all to trust me. So, I am going alone. No Lost Boys here to try and attack you if they're not pleased." She added. 

After what felt like hours, the small group arrived in the Underworld. It was almost an exact copy of Storybrooke. But it was much darker, the clocktower was broken, and there was some sort of red fog that covered the streets. "I don't think we're in Maine anymore," Regina said. The savior looked around. "Why does the Underworld look like Storybrooke?" Emma questioned. Regina scanned her surroundings. This town was so incredibly similar to what she has created. But how could that be? "I have no idea," Regina replied. "Your questions are pointless. All that matters is, all these people in this Underworld are dead and trapped because they have unfinished business," Rumple tells them. "We have to find Killian before people start to wonder what we're doing here." Y/n continued, "I suggest we split up." She added. Regina glared at the Lost Girl. "So you can sneak away all by yourself?" She questioned. Y/n turned to Regina. "All I want is to get Killian back. I am not here for revenge." Y/n tells her. "I'm not falling for that again," Regina replied. "Listen, all I'm saying is that if we split up, we can cover more grounds. The sooner we get out of here, the better, right? Don't you want to get back to your son?" Y/n asked her. "Not if you're going to stab us all in the back," Regina said harshly. Y/n stepped closer to Regina. "Then stay close and keep an eye on me. Stop whining, and help me find my father." Y/n said. "Fine," Regina started, "But if you do something-" She continued. "You can kill me. You have the magic. I don't." Y/n cut her off. The two women continued to glare into each other's eyes. Emma stepped in, breaking their intense staring contest. "We should get going," Emma said. Y/n puts her hands into the pockets of her coat. "Let's go." She said.

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