•Chapter 40•

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Regina knocked on Henry's bedroom door. "Henry, honey, it's time to wake up," Regina called out. When no response came, she quietly opened the door. Before he had left, Henry had put some pillows under the covers so it would look like he was there. It was an old trick. And Regina frowned as she looked at the bed. She walked over to it. "Henry?" She said. The Evil Queen pulled the covers off the pillows. Her eyes widened slightly at the sight. He was gone. She started to shake her head. "No, no, no," she repeated rapidly. She turned around to step back into the hallway. "Henry!" She called out. No response. No footsteps. Nothing. Regina hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Henry!" She called out again. No response came.
The Evil Queen searched her entire house for the boy, but he was gone. She put on her shoes and coat as quickly as she could. She went outside to continue looking for him. "Henry!" She repeated his name as she walked outside. Emma appeared in her sight. The blonde woman was making her way towards the Queen. "Regina, please tell me Henry's with you," Emma said. "No, I thought he was with you. He wasn't in his room this morning." Regina replies. "Well, he was, but now he's gone," Emma said quietly, "Then they were telling the truth." She added. "Telling the truth? Who was telling the truth?" Regina asked. Emma looked at the Evil Queen. "Someone at Granny's said he sneaked out of the diner with his bag. She followed him and saw him sneaking onto the Jolly Roger." Emma explained. "The Jolly Roger?" Regina questioned, "We have to get him back. Hook wants to leave Storybrooke." She continued. Regina walked past the blonde. "Regina, wait." Emma stopped her. The Queen turned around to look at the daughter of Snow White. "She mentioned something else." She informs the queen, "Gold was on the ship." Emma tells her. Regina frowned at her. "What?" She started, "Gold is dead." She continued. "We thought he died. Regina, think about it. Gold told us the only way he could stop Pan was to give his life." Emma reminded her. Regina's eyes widened slightly. "Pan didn't die." She filled in. Emma nodded in response. "But why would they-" Regina started, "They're gonna kill him." She continued. "And Henry's with them," Emma added. The two women started to run off to the docks.

Meanwhile, on the Jolly Roger, Killian stood by the steering wheel. He was looking at the Dark One who was looking at the ocean in front of them. Neal stood next to the pirate. "He won't hurt her." He assures him. Killian looked at him over his shoulder. "He will." He replied. Neal frowned at him. "Killing the boy," Killian explained. "Oh," Neal said, "He doesn't give us much of a choice." He added. Killian let out a sigh. "I hope we're not too late," he said. Neal stepped closer to the pirate. "We're gonna save her." He assured him. "I hope so," Killian replied. They stood in silence for a few seconds. "Can I ask you something?" Killian asked him. Neal nodded in response. "Yeah, man, of course." He replied. Killian had a serious expression on his face. "Did you ever go back to them? Your family?" He asked.
Neal let out a sigh. "I did." He answered, "Once I found my way back to the normal world, I traveled to London. When I got there, the house was sold to another family. The Darlings had left after their daughter disappeared." Neal tells him. "I'm sorry about your family, Neal," Killian replies. "Don't be." Neal said, "Y/n was the one that killed her." He continued. "When we get back, we need to put her into some serious therapy," Killian said. Neal chuckled in response. "As if she would go to therapy." He said. Killian smiled at the thought of the Lost Girl protesting to speak with Archie. "Are you gonna stay in Storybrooke when we get back?" Neal asked him. Killian shrugged. "I don't know yet. She always told me she wanted to see more of the world." He started, "But she knows people in Stodybrooke. She can build a life there." He added. "But whatever she chooses... you'll be okay with it?" Neal asked him. The pirate nodded slightly in response. "As long as she's happy." He said. "You know she's not gonna go willingly, right?" Neal questioned. Killian let out another sigh. "I'm well aware." He replied.

Regina and Emma watched as the ship sailed off into the distance. "No," Regina said, "No, no, no, no!" She repeated. The queen turned to the blonde woman. "What are we gonna do, now?" She asked. "We need to follow them. We know where they're headed, we just have to follow them." Emma replied. "Without a portal? How are we going to do that, savior?" Regina questioned. Emma glared at the queen. "I don't know yet, but we will find them. We will find a way to get there because I am not putting our son in danger." Emma assures her. "We can't follow them without a portal!" Regina reminds her. "I'll find a way!" Emma replied. Regina let out a sigh as she turned to look at the ship in the distance. "A portal." She said quietly. She then turned back to Emma. "They have a portal?" She asked. Emma frowned at the queen. "What?" She said. "Beans. Y/n had magic beans, she used them to go back to Neverland." Regina tells her. "Regina, what are you talking about?" Emma questioned. "Don't you get it? Y/n had multiple beans. Hook has at least two of them. One to get there, and one to get back here." Regina tells. Emma's eyes widened slightly, realizing what Regina was trying to say. "There might be more beans." She said. Regina's lips formed an evil smile. "One bean is enough to grow at least ten more of them." She spoke up.
"We can get to them," Emma added. The two women turned around and walked away from the docks. "Where do we start? She wasn't staying at Granny's or something like that." Emma said. "No, but the Lost Boys did." Regina said, "And she was at my house for a couple of days." She remembered. "Great. I will search Granny's while you search your house?" Emma suggested. The Evil Queen nodded in response. "I will call you when I found something," Emma said. The two women split ways. Regina poofed herself back into her house. She made her way into the guest room of her house. She searched every corner of the room, but she didn't find anything. After looking for about an hour, she got a call from Emma. She held her phone up to her ear. "Did you find one?" Regina asked. "I did." Emma tells her, "And we might have to help Granny clean up here. Those boys made a serious mess." She added. 

Meanwhile, Felix and Devil sat together. They were sharpening their spears. Devil glanced up at the treehouse in the distance. A dimmed light shone through the windows. "What do you think he's doing up there?" Devin questioned. Felix looked up at him. He turned his head to look at the treehouse as well. He looked back at Devin. "Trying to get her back." He answered. Devin looked at the blonde boy. "What happened to her?" He questioned. Felix shrugged. "We don't know. Pan said he put her heart back into her body, and she just collapsed into his arms." He explained.
"And he didn't do it?" Devin asked. Felix glared at the boy next to him. "What are you saying?" He said. "All I'm saying is, are we sure that Pan didn't do something to her heart?" Devin spoke up. "Why would he do that?" Felix asked him. Devin shrugged. "You tell me. You three had a special bond. Pan tells you everything." He said. "Pan didn't curse her heart." Felix tells him, "He loves her. He would never try to hurt her." he continued. "Alright," Devin says, believing him. He looked back at the treehouse.
"What do you think would happen if he can't save her?" Devin questioned. Felix sighed. He turned his head to look at the treehouse as well. "If he can't save her... then he will never be the same," Felix said, "Ever again." He added.

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