•Chapter 45•

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"Where are they?" Neal asked his father. The dark one walked past his son. "Pan has them hidden somewhere on the island," Rumple replied, "One thing's for sure, they're not in the camp" He added. "Do you think he might be hiding them in the echo caves?" Killian asked him. Rumple shook his head. "No, he wouldn't play that card again." He replied. "Dark Hollow?" Killian questions. "Taking your girlfriend to the darkest part of the island sure seems like a fun date." Neal points out. Suddenly a thought popped up in Killian's head. "Skull Rock." He said. Meanwhile, in the camp, Regina was still torturing Y/n with her magic. The girl was screaming at the top of her lungs. Her throat was starting to hurt. Killian had turned away from the scene. He couldn't see her like this. "Skull rock!" She suddenly screamed. Regina stopped what she was doing. "They're at Skull Rock," Y/n tells them, "But you haven't got much time," she added. Rumple looked at the pirate. "That's where he took Henry last time." He remembered. "Y/n's going to be there too, we have to get there now."  Killian pointed out. "And how are you planning on doing that?" Someone behind them said. The three men turned their heads to see Regina. "Regina?" Killian said. "What are you doing here?" Neal asked her. "Getting my son back." Regina tells them, "Unlike you, who brought him here in the first place." She added. Neal took a few steps closer to her. "Regina, I didn't bring him here. He sneaked onto the ship himself." He explained to her. Regina rolls her eyes at him. "Listen, I would never put him in danger like that. He's my son too, Regina." Neal reminds her. "If you didn't want to put him into any danger, then where is he right now?" Regina questioned. Neal stayed quiet. "That's what I thought." Regina said, "Well if you'll excuse me... I'm going to get my son back now." She continued. "And how are you going to do that?" Rumple asked her. Regina shot a deadly glare at the Dark One. "Simple." She started. She pulls out Pandora's box from her bag. "You're going to use that again?" Rumple asked her. "Yes." She said, "And this time we are going to trap him, instead of you or Henry." She continued. "And what if he-" Rumple started. "He won't." Regina said, cutting him off, "He thinks we won't use it again, which gives us the advantage." She added. "Although that sounds like a great plan," Killian started, "What about Y/n?" He asked. Regina just looked at the pirate. "You cursed her. If we get her, and Henry, you will-" Killian ordered. "It can't be undone," Regina tells him. The hope in Killian's eyes slowly started to fade away. "The spell is designed to kill. No one is that powerful." Regina tells him, "Besides, for all we know, she's no longer worth saving." She said.

The young boy slowly regained his consciousness. He sat up and opened his eyes. Everything around him was stone. He glanced up to see two huge gaps. Eyes? The young boy soon realized where he was. "Look who's finally awake." A dark voice said. Henry stood up and saw Pan making his way towards him. "Let's try this again, shall we?" He asked. Henry started to back up slowly. "Are you ready to be a hero, Henry?" Pan asked him. His eyes were darker than usual. "You can't take my heart." Henry reminds him. The young boy's eyes trailed down to the dagger Pan was holding in his hand. His eyes trailed back up to the demon's green ones. "You will give me the power of your heart. Even if I have to cut it out!" Pan yelled at him. Henry shook his head. "Then it won't have any meaning. The spell won't work." He said. "It will. I will make it work." Pan tells him. The demon stepped even closer to the young boy. "I'm giving you a choice, Henry." He started, "You hand over your heart willingly as you did before." He continued. "Or?" Henry asked. Pan tilted his head slightly. He pressed the tip of the dagger in his hand against the boy's chest. "Or I'll cut it out," Pan tells him. Henry shook his head. "I will never give you my heart." He said. "Then I will cut it out of your body," Pan replied. He used the last bit of magic he had to force Henry to lie on the floor. The young boy struggled to free himself. Pan started to walk towards him. He slowly got onto his knees next to the boy. His hand was tightly wrapped around the weapon in his hand. "So long for a happy ending." He said. The demon raised the dagger slightly, about to force it into Henry's body. "Stop! Stop!!" Henry cried out. Pan looked up into the boy's eyes. "I'll give it to you," he tells him. Pan slowly removed the weapon from Henry's chest. "I'll give you my heart." He said. Pan frowned at him. "What?" He asked. "You said happy ending." Henry tells him, "This is about Y/n." He added. Pan nodded slowly. "What happened to her?" Henry asked him. Pan shook his head.

"Henry, your mother, the queen, put a curse on her and her heart. I had her heart in my possession. We got into a huge fight...I returned her heart. And as soon as I did... she- she passed out. The life started to fade from her body." Pan tells the  boy, "I need your heart to bring her back." He adds. "He's lying!" Someone called out. The two boys turned their heads. Killian, Regina, Rumple, and Neal stood there. "He wants your heart to gain all of his powers. He will kill us all!" Killian said. Pan stood up. He shot a deadly glare at the adults. "I'm doing this to gain the power to save her!" He yelled at them. "Of course," Ruple said, not believing him. "You don't believe me? See it for yourself!" Pan exclaimed. He used his magic to make the glass coffin appear. "Y/n!" Killian said. He ran off towards the coffin. He puts his hand on the glass. "Is she alive?" He questioned. "I want what's best for you as well! I can give you anything you want. I love you! I always have! I can't live without you!" Pan exclaimed. "If you loved me, you wouldn't have done that," Y/n tells him. Pan kept looking into her eyes. "That's what you want?" He asked. Y/n stood up from her bed. "Yes, and when I have it back, I am going to get as far away from you as possible." She said. Pan took a deep breath. He then holds up his hand. Y/n's heart appeared in his hand. He stepped closer to her. "Your wish is my command." He whispered. He slowly pushed her heart back into her body. She inhaled sharply at the slight pain in her chest. Pan looked into her eyes. They were very close to each other. Pan started to lean in slightly, wanting to taste her lips one last time. Suddenly, Y/n collapsed in his arms. Pan quickly caught her in his arms. "Y/n?" He said. Y/n didn't respond. He dropped to his knees with Y/n in his arms. "No, no, no, no!" He said. He held her closely in his arms. "Peter," Y/n whispered. Pan pressed his forehead against hers. "No, no, please, don't leave me. Don't leave me. Please." He pleaded. Tears started to form in his eyes as he watched the life fade away in her eyes. "Don't leave me." He whispered. 

"Barely," Pan answered. He turned around and pointed his finger at the Evil Queen. "You did this to her." He said sternly, "I almost lost the only thing I love because of you!" He yelled. Regina jumped slightly at his voice. The boy turned to Henry. "Help me get her back." He said. Henry nodded slowly. "Henry, don't!" Regina and Neal called out to him. Pan grabbed his hand, used his magic on it again, and waited. Henry pulled his heart out of his body, as he did once before. He groaned in pain. The young boy handed the heart over to Pan. With the last bit of magic that was flowing through his veins, he absorbed all of the powers from Henry's heart. He felt so powerful. "He's doing it," Neal said quietly. Pan turned his head towards the glass coffin. He used his new magic to open the coffin. He put his hand over the Lost Girl's heart and pulled the curse from it. The demon carefully leaned down and pressed a soft, gentle kiss on her lips. Y/n's eyes opened again. "Peter?" She whispered. Small tears formed in his eyes. "Y/n." He said. 

A/n: Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!🤗💜🖤

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