•Chapter 26•

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Later that same night, Killian walked back onto the Jolly Roger. He walked towards Y/n's cabin. A small lantern lit the room. He found her sitting up straight in her bed. She was drawing in her sketchbook. Her eyes were focused on the paper. "Still up, huh?" He spoke up. Y/n jumped slightly at the sudden sound of his voice. She glared at him. "Apologies, love. I didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled. He stepped into the room. He looked at the sketch she made. It was a drawing of Lost Boys dancing around the fire in a circle. Pan was standing in the middle, playing a song. Only his face was visible. Killian looked up at her. "That's quite beautiful, love." He tells her. Y/n smiled in response. She closed her sketchbook again. "What's up?" She asked him. Killian rubbed his chin. "Love, we need to talk about something." He tells her. "Sure, what's up?" Y/n asked him. Killian let out a sigh. "Y/n, there is a reason for the meetings I've been having with Emma and Regina." He admitted. Y/n tilted her head slightly as she looked at the pirate. "We think Pan might still be alive." He tells her. Y/n pretended to be shocked. "What?" She said, voice slightly breaking. "The boy says he saw him a few days ago. They didn't want me to tell you, but I can't lie to you." He tells her, "And I was hoping you could be honest with me." He added. Y/n gave a slight nod in response. "Is Pan still alive? And did you lie to me about it?" He asked her. Y/n shook her head. "Pan...Pan's dead. Rumplestiltskin killed him." She choked out. It didn't feel fair to lie to him. But she knew she had to, for her own good. Killian holds up his hand. "Alright, alright, love, calm down." He tells her. The Lost Girl took a couple of deep breaths. She looked up at the pirate. "What if he is alive? He'll come for me...won't he?" She asked him. "It is most likely." He replies. Y/n glances down at her lap. She started to play with her hands. "I need you to stay aboard the ship for a while. Regina will cast a protection spell to make sure you're safe." Killian explained to her. "I have to stay here? By myself?" She asked him. 

Killian let out a sigh. "We can't take the risk of him getting to you." He tells her. "If he's still alive," Y/n added. The pirate noticed tears forming in her eyes. "What are you going to do to him if you find him?" She asked him. Killian didn't answer her. "You're going to kill him, aren't you?" She asked him. The pirate glanced down at his lap. Y/n shook her head. "You can't do that." She tells him. "We have to." The pirate tells her, "You and the boy are no longer safe. If Pan's alive, he'll capture you both and kill all of us once he has you." He added. Y/n let out a sigh. "You can't kill him. He will kill you before you can even get close to him." She reminds the captain. Killian just looked at her. "You can't kill him." She said quietly. The pirate took her hand in his. "We have to try." He tells her. He stood up from his seat on the edge of her bed. Y/n glanced up at him. "So, you're going to keep me locked up here?" She said. Killian looked at her sadly. "Go to sleep. We'll talk about this in the morning." Killian tells her. He started to walk away when Y/n reached over and grabbed his coat's sleeve. "Dad, don't do this." She pleaded, "If Pan's alive, he will kill you." She reminds him. Killian turned to look at her, slightly shocked by what she just called him. "Please, I can't lose you, too." She added. Killian turned around to face her. Y/n wrapped her arms around him. Killian put his hand behind her head. "Please, don't leave me...not like them." She said. Killian held her tightly. "I'm not going to leave you." He assured her, "I'm pretty good at surviving." He chuckled. Y/n glanced up at him. "I hope so." She said. Killian let go of the Lost Girl again. "Get some sleep." He tells her. Y/n nodded and walked over to her bed. Killian stood in the doorway. He looked at Y/n underneath the covers. "Sleep well, love." He said. Y/n smiled at him. "You too, captain." She smiled. She blew out the lantern next to her bed, making the room go dark. Killian walked off to his cabin, leaving Y/n alone.

Pan appeared from the shadows. A light shone on him through the small window in her cabin. He seemed different. He had switched his green tunic and pants for a black suit. Y/n sat up in her bed again. "Don't you look handsome?" She smirked at him. Pan stepped closer to her bed. "What's the occasion?" She asked him. "I thought I would dress more like the people in town." Pan shrugged. "You were cold, weren't you?" Y/n asked him. The demon let out a sigh. "Those clothes weren't made for this Storybrooke's weather." Pan defends. Y/n laughed quietly at him. She climbs out of her bed. Her fingertips traced over the material of his suit. "I like it." She tells him. Pan glanced down at her. "So, what was all the dad calling about?" He asked her. Y/n shrugged. "He has to trust me, right?" She askes him. Pan gave a slight nod in response. "They're going to come after you, you know." She tells him. Pan let out a chuckle. "They won't catch me." He replied. Y/n stood in front of him. She looked into his forest green eyes. "You're not scared?" She asked him. "Why would I be scared? The only thing that could kill me is already dead." He reminds her. "Speaking of your son-" Y/n started. Pan glared at her. "When are you going to tell me about Malcolm? And how he abandoned his son?" She asked him. Pan turned away from her. "That man died a long time ago." He said in a stern tone. Y/n frowns at him. "I thought you were him," Y/n said. "I was." Pan tells her, "I'm Peter Pan, now." He tells her. Y/n stepped closer to her. "There is something you're not telling me." She said. Pan turned around to stand face to face with the Lost Girl. "Why won't you tell me?" She asked him. Her voice seemed darker than usual. Maybe it was the mood the room was set. Pan didn't mind a darker Y/n. "We don't have time for this, Y/n." Pan tells her, "Maybe some other time." He added. He pulls Y/n closer by her waist, trying to kiss her forehead. But Y/n pushed him away. "We don't have time for that." She tells him. Pan smirked at his girlfriend. "So, what are you gonna do about the protection spell?" Y/n asked him. Pan shrugged. "Her magic isn't strong enough." He replied. Y/n folds her arms over her chest. "For you, yes." She said, "What about me?" She asked him. "Leave that to me, Darling." He tells her. 

He eyes the Lost Girl up and down. "Tomorrow, you and I are going to pay our Hatter a little visit." He tells her. Y/n walked up to her desk. "Not if I can't leave." Y/n pointed out. Pan steps closer to her. He lifts her chin with his finger. "Have I ever let you down?" He asked her. Y/n shook her head. Pan grabbed her face with his hand. "Words, Darling." He said. "No, you haven't," Y/n replied. Pan removed his hand from her face again. "Good girl." He said. "What are we going to do about the queen?" She asked him. A smirk was planted on Pan's lips. His eyes became darker as he looked at the Lost Girl. "We shall make her crumble at our feet. Let her kneel." He tells her. Y/n returned the smirk. "Now we're talking." She said. She sits on her desk and looks at Pan. "What about Henry? He told on us." She points out. Pan stands between her legs. "That's where you come in." He tells her. A small bottle appeared in his hand. He hands it to Y/n. "This will absorb the power of Henry's heart." He explained. "And he will die?" She asked him. Pan took a deep breath. "No, it won't kill him. It will absorb just enough for us both to survive." He explained to her. Y/n hid the bottle in the draw of her desk. Pan puts his hands on Y/n's thighs. He slowly moves his hands up and down. He looked up into her eyes that sparkled in the dimmed moonlight. "Are the Lost Boys ready for the plan?" Pan asked her. Y/n rested her arms on his shoulders. "They are." She tells him. Pan smiled at her. "I can always count on you." He said. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. Y/n smiled into the kiss. Pan suddenly felt someone lurking in the shadows. He pulled away from Y/n. She looked at him. "What's wrong?" She asked him. Pan looked at the darkness that was her doorway. "Someone's here." He tells her. Y/n kept her eyes focused on Pan in front of her. "Stay still." He orders. Y/n sat incredibly still as she reached for her dagger. Pan looked at the darkness before looking back at Y/n. "Now." He whispered. Y/n jumped at Pan, her thighs resting on his shoulders. He turned them around as Y/n tossed her dagger towards the figure that was hiding in the dark. Y/n then jumped off his shoulders, doing a backflip. Pan made her bow and arrows appear in her hands as she slid across the floor. She stood in front of Pan, aiming at the darkness. 

Suddenly, a tall figure stepped out of the darkness, holding up his hands. Y/n sighed in relief. "Felix." She said. "Yeah, it's me." He said. Y/n lowered her weapon and walked towards him. She pulled the dagger from the wall. "Ever heard of knocking?" Y/n asked him. "What's the fun in that?" He asked her. Felix turned to Pan. "What's the plan?" He asked him. Pan stood by Y/n's desk. "Draw them all in. Y/n's going to keep them busy for a while. That's when we come in." Pan explained. Y/n looked at her best friend. "I'll have the power from Henry's heart to take back with us. Once Pan absorbs that power, we can get Jefferson's hat. We use that to get the beans we need to get home. We'll gather all the Lost Boys after that and go home." She explained. Felix nodded in response. "Sounds like a good plan. Do I get to kill someone?" He asked them. Pan looked at Y/n. "Anyone who resists." He tells the blonde. "Alright. What about the keeping Y/n on the ship situation?" He questioned. "The queen is powerful, yes, but she's nothing compared to me. She won't cast another spell, ever again." He tells them. Y/n looked at her reflection in the blade of her dagger. "We will take her magic away from her. Make her crumble at our feet. And we won't stop until she's on her knees." She said. A smirk appeared on Pan and Felix's faces. "She might resist at first. But in the end...well, in the end, she will always kneel." Y/n spoke. 

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