•Chapter 43•

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Sighing loudly, Henry walked over to the window. He climbed on top of a chair to look outside. He let out another sigh. There was nothing to do on this ship. He was locked in a cabin all by himself. He should be out there helping his dad get Y/n back home safely. The young boy climbed off the chair silently. She crouched next to him, and gently shook his shoulder. He shot awake. "Hey, hey, calm down." She said trying to calm him down. The boy looked at her. "Who are you?" He asked her. Y/n smiled at him. "I'm Y/n." She tells the boy. He rubbed the back of his head. "Are you okay?" The girl asked him. He nodded. "Yeah, I just feel like I was hit in the head by something." He said. The girl smiled at him and handed him a bowl of water and an apple. "I don't like apples." He tells her. "Who doesn't like apples?" Y/n asked him sweetly. "It's a family thing." He explained. Y/n took the apple from his hand again. "I will get you something else to eat then. Please, drink, you have to stay hydrated." Y/n said and walked away. She soon returned with a bowl of berries. "Who are you?" Henry asked her again. Y/n giggled. "I already told you that." She reminds him. "No, I mean, who are you? Are you one of them? Are you with Pan?" He asked her. Y/n smiled at him. "I am with Pan." She tells him, "I'm the lost girl." She added. "I have never read about you. You never appeared in my story." He tells her, "only Wendy." He said. Y/n laughed a little. "She's in a story, but I'm not?" She asked him. Henry glared at Y/n making her laugh a little. "Eat. Pan wants to speak with you, later." She tells him. The young boy walked over to the bed, sitting down. He was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear someone come in. Henry jumped off the bed again. "Get him." He suddenly heard behind him. He frowned and turned around. Two Lost Boys grabbed him by his arms and put a bag over his head and tied his hands together. The Lost Boys dragged the young boy through the jungle. "Careful with him," Pan ordered, "Not a drop of blood will be spilled," Pan said.

The Lost Boys tossed Henry into the dirt. Henry groaned loudly as he tried to get up, but his hands were still tied together. Someone pulled him up, making him sit on his knees. The bag was pulled off his head harshly. Henry's eyes looked into Pan's green ones. The demon was looking down at the young boy. "Pan-" Henry started. "Glad to have you back with us," Pan said, interrupting him. The demon crouched down in front of him. "Where's Y/n?" Henry asked sternly. Pan let out a chuckle. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He said. Pan stood up straight again. He walked up to one of the Lost Boys and took the crossbow he was holding from his hands. "We're gonna have a second try at this." He said. He turned back to Henry and aimed the arrow at him. "And you're not going to get away this time." He added. His voice was dark and evil. This was one of the first times Henry had seen him like this. He seemed so different without Y/n by his side. He was evil before, but this was different. Henry was pulled onto his feet by Felix. "I'm not going anywhere with you," Henry tells him. Pan tilted his head at the boy. He let out another chuckle. "It wasn't a question," Pan replied. "I'm not leaving here until I get Y/n. We will take her back home, to Storybrooke, where she belongs." Henry said. Pan took a few steps closer to him. "You're not going to get to her." He replies, "You can burn this island to the ground, use poison arrows on all of us, kill me, but you're not going to find her." He continued. "She's not an object you can keep. She needs to come back home with us. Killian is really worried about her." Henry tells him. Pan aims the arrow at the young boy again. "He doesn't care about her. Not like I do." Pan replies, "Your mother is a wicked woman. She even said it herself. She has done some terrible things... but I will do so much more. I will make her world crumble into little pieces." Pan continued. "Yeah? How?" Henry asked him. "By finishing what I started." Pan said, "Killing you." He added. "You can't take my heart, remember," Henry replied with a slight smirk. Pan smirked back at him. "I don't need to." He said.

Meanwhile, Killian, Neal, and Rumple made their way back onto the Jolly Roger. Neal let out an exhausting sigh. "We've been searching for hours, and she is nowhere to be found." he said to himself, "It's almost as if she was never even here." He added. Rumple shook his head. "No, no, she's here." He replied. Neal glanced up at his father. "How do you know that? I haven't seen any sign of her anywhere." He said. Rumple turned to his son. "Pan's here, which means, she's here," Rumple said. Neal rolls his eyes at him slightly. "As if that proves anything." He replied. Killian holds up his hand slightly. "No, he's right, Neal. Pan wouldn't let her out of his sight." He cut in, "She's somewhere on the island. The question is where." He continued. "Not just that. Why is Pan hiding her? If they're back on the island, wouldn't he let her roam free? There wasn't any danger around until we arrived." Rumple added. "You think Pan locked her up somewhere? Keeping her from going out?" Neal questioned. "I'm not saying that he specifically locked her up. She was knocked out from Regina's curse before they jumped into that portal. I'm saying that there is a possibility that she's still unconscious. Maybe he's keeping her safe somewhere in his camp." Rumple explained to his son. "Wouldn't Pan have woken her up by now? Weren't you the one that told us how powerful he was? He overpowered you." Neal said. "His magic has weakened," Rumple replied. Neal let out another sigh. "Then why doesn't he just get stronger?" He questioned. "Because he needs Henry's heart for that," Killian spoke up. The three men looked at each other. "But if we've been out there," Neal said. "Then no one was watching Henry," Killian adds. Neal and Killian rushed downstairs to check if Henry was still there. Rumple just stayed behind to look back at the island. "He's gone!" Neal called out to his father.

Back at the camp, the Lost Boys had made another fire. Pan had announced that he was going to take Henry's heart again and bring back Y/n. The Lost Boys missed their Lost Girl. They never truly noticed her importance in the group until she was gone. She was the one that got the boys dancing around the fire in the first place. She taught them about the music they always play. Pan sat on another rock, a few feet away from Henry. The young boy was sitting with his back facing the others. He was so confused. She isn't here, but where else should she be? Pan was right here as well. He still seemed off to the young boy. Only a few moments ago, there was nothing but evil in his eyes. But now... now he seemed lost. And he was. Pan could not stop thinking about her. He wanted her to be here with him. To see her dance around the fire with the other boys. Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a breeze of cold wind. Everyone around him dropped to the floor, and the fire went out. Pan's eyes lit up slightly. "Is that you, Darling?" Pan smirked. He heard a quiet giggle coming from behind the tree. Y/n was hiding behind the tree. When she peeked behind the tree, to see if Pan was there, he suddenly appeared in front of her. He gently pinned her to the tree, making her giggle. "Got you." He said. Pan stood up from his seat. "We have a guest." He called out, "Who could it be?" He questioned. He took a few steps closer towards where the breeze came from. "No doubt it's someone who knows how much I like guessing games." He smiled. "Guess who," Y/n said as she covered his eyes. Pan sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not in the mood for games, love," Pan tells her sternly. "Stop whining. You love this game." She tells him. Pan lets out a sigh. "I'm really not in the mood." He said. "And that's not a real answer," Y/n replied. Pan chuckled at her response. "Guess who," Y/n asked again. "I think I'm gonna go with the girl I like most in the world." Pan chuckled. Y/n removed her hands from his eyes. "Yes! One guess! You are the best at this game." She giggled. 

Pan raised his hand, making the campfire light up again. His smile dropped when his eyes fell on his son instead of the love of his life. "The Dark One." He said. "Where's Henry?" Rumple asked. Pan shrugged in response. "How should I know?" He questioned. Pan waved his hand behind his back, sending Henry into his treehouse without Rumple noticing. "If you're still looking for Y/n," Pan started. Rumple glared at his father. "She's not here. And neither is Henry." Pan tells him. Rumple took a step closer to his father. "You're lying," he said. Pan chuckled. "I'm not," Pan replies. "I will him. And her." Rumple said. Pan laughed at him. "We both know that's not going to happen." He said. His expression darkened. "Your friend, the queen, almost took away the person I care about most in this world. In any world. I'm going to take away hers." Pan explained. "I won't let you kill Henry," Rumple said. "Oh, I won't kill him." Pan replied, "Not yet." He added.

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