•Chapter 79•

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Felix pushed open the door to the treehouse. He stepped inside only to be exposed to a somewhat pleasurable sight. Pan sat against the headboard of his bed. Completely naked. His hands, veins popping out of his skin, wrapped in Y/n's hair. He guided her head up and down slowly. Felix knew what was happening. He could feel all of the blood already rushing down just by looking at the scene in front of him. Pan was humming and moaning quietly. Sweat was covering Pan's forehead and chest. Strands of his hair stuck against his forehead.
"Fuck, baby." Pan moaned. Y/n was also completely naked and full on display. "Should I come back later?" Felix questioned. Pan's head snapped up at the sound of Felix's voice. Y/n did the same. She blushed bright red as she tried to cover herself up with a blanket. Of course, Felix had seen her naked before, but this just felt a bit different. She and Pan were having a moment. "Is it urgent?" Pan asked him. His tone was low and dark. He was frustrated. He was getting closer, and Y/n was just so beautiful, and Felix had to interrupt them.
Pan scooted closer to his girlfriend. "Well, there is a Lost Boy badly injured from fighting with the others," Felix answered. Pan leaned down to kiss Y/n's shoulder blades while tracing circles on the small of her back. "Doesn't sound urgent to me," Pan tells him. But Y/n disagreed with him. "Who is it?" She questioned. "One of the younger Lost Boys. He's asking for you, Y/n." She said. The younger Lost Boys often saw her as their mother. Whenever they were injured or felt lonely, they would call for her. Y/n tried to get up from the bed, but Pan held her tightly in place. 

"We were in the middle of something." Pan tells her. Y/n placed her hand on his cheek. "I'll be quick." She replied. Pan rested his forehead against her shoulder. "Please." He whispered. Y/n played with his hair while looking at Felix.
"Could you do something about this big baby?" She asked him. The blonde-haired Lost Boy shook his head. "No way, you wanted to suck him off, he's your problem." Felix tells her. The tall boy left the treehouse. Y/n looked at Pan. "Can you just... make me cum?" He pleaded. Y/n smiled at him. "Back to submissive, huh?" She questioned.
Pan kissed her shoulders again. "No, but you have a weak spot for the innocent, submissive act." He tells her. She smiled at him before she got out of bed. She walked up to her closet and pulled out some of her clothes.. "I'll be back soon, baby. Feel free to finish without me." She said. "I don't want to." Pan whined, "I need you. I need your lips. Doesn't matter which ones." He added. Y/n kissed his lips briefly. "I love you." She said. With that she left to meet up with Felix again. "So, what's it really?" Y/n asked him. The blonde Lost Boy frowned at her. "You did not look at Pan once." Y/n pointed out to him.
Felix would never look at Pan when he lied. Never. He was afraid the demon might look into his head and find out he's lying. That would cost him his life. "Hook's back." Felix tells her. She furrowed her eyebrows at him. "A couple of Lost Boys spotted his ship by the beach. He said he wanted to talk to you." Felix explained. Y/n nodded and patted his shoulder. "Thank you, Felix." She said. As she was walking off, Felix called out to her. "Oh, and I'm sorry for dragging you out of there." He said. "It's okay." Y/n called back. 

Y/n walked up to the beach. Killian was already making his way off the ship. Y/n thought it was strange to see him back already. He had been gone for only a day. She walked up to him. "You're back already?" Y/n asked. Killian chuckled at his daughter. "Honestly, I was expecting you'd say something else." He tells her. She laughed in response and stepped closer to him. "I'm sorry," She said, "I just expected you to be gone for a couple of days. Emma's a quick girl, huh?" She smirked.
Killian scratched the back of his neck while letting out a sigh. "Yeah, not exactly." He replied. Y/n noticed the sad look in his eyes. She tilted her head slightly. "Are you alright?" She asked him. The pirate shook his head. Y/n smiled weakly at her father. She placed her hands on his shoulders and pulled him along with her towards the Jolly Roger. "Come on, I'll make us some tea." She tells him. The captain looked at his daughter. "Are we having rum with that?" he asked her. Y/n chuckled at her father and shook her head. A couple of minutes later, Y/n walked into her father's cabin with two cups of tea in her hands. "There you go." She said as she handed him a cup. "Thank you, love." He replied. Y/n smiled at him and sat next to her father on his bed. She looked at him as he took a small sip of his warm drink. "So what happened?" Y/n asked him. Killian let out an exhausted sigh. "Well, I went back to Storybrooke. I saw Emma taking her boy to Regina's house, to gather some of his stuff. I walked up to her. I tried to talk with her but she pushed me away." Killian started. Y/n also took a sip of her drink.
"The boy left with his grandfather and I was still trying to speak with Emma. Obviously, no success there." He spoke sadly. Y/n felt bad for her father. He truly loved this woman and she just pushed him away over and over again. "So I let her be for a while. I went up to her house after a couple of hours. I then confessed everything to her. I told her how much I loved her. I told her she meant the world to me. But she wouldn't have it. She said she wasn't ready to have a relationship." Killian tells her. This broke Y/n's heart. This man had spilled out his guts, admitting that he loved this woman. He was trying to find love. And instead, she gave him the cold shoulder.
Y/n scooted closer to her father. "I'm sorry, Dad." She said quietly. She pulled her father into a tight embrace. Within a few seconds, the captain was tearing up in his daughter's arms. She gently rubbed his back. "It's alright." She assures him, "I love you, Dad. No matter what. And she's a fool for not giving you a chance." She whispered to him. She could feel him smiling against her. "I love you too, love." He whispered.

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