•Chapter 31•

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Killian glared at Pan. "What do you want from me?" Killian asked the demon. Pan stepped closer to the pirate. "Don't come looking for her." Pan answers. "Oh, you're taking her on a trip? How kind of you." Killian replied. "I'm taking her home." Pan snaps back. He points his finger at Killian. "And you... You will stay here." He added. "And what makes you think I won't come looking for her if she's gone?" Killian asked him. Pan holds up his hand with Y/n's heart in it. "Because if you do, all I have to do is squeeze," he started. He started to squeeze her heart in his hand. "Stop, stop!" Killian pleaded. Pan smirked at him. "Stop," Killian repeated. Pan stopped squeezing the fragile object in his hand. "You're just going to take her away from me? From her life here?" Killian asked the demon. "Her life here? What life does she have here, Killian? She has no one here. You locked her up on a ship by herself." Pan reminds him. The demon stepped closer to the pirate. "We both know taking her home is the only future for her," Pan tells the pirate. Killian shook his head. "This is her home. She loves Storybrooke." He tells Pan. "No, you love Emma. That's why you're still here." Pan replies, "That's why you didn't leave when everyone else had returned to their families and friends." He added. "And I'm starting to regret that," Killian replies. The demon let out a chuckle. "You could've taken her," Pan said. "Aye, and I will," Killian replied. Pan smiled at him. "No, you won't." He said, "You don't get it. You got her, I got her back. It's the game." He added. Killian frowned at him. "Her happiness is a game to you?" He asked. "Taking her home will make her happy," Pan said. "She is home!" Killian snapped at him. "She will be in a few hours," Pan replied. "I won't let you take her away," Killian tells him. Pan chuckled at him. "Have it your way then." He said. He disappeared before appearing on the other side of the barrier, on the ship, again. "When you're dead, and she bursts out in tears, I will be there to pick up the pieces." He smirked. He waved goodbye before he entered the ship. Killian called out to Y/n, but no response came. Pan used his magic to make the barrier soundproof for a few hours. Y/n smiled in her sleep as she cuddled closely with her teddy bear.

"Why are you so far away from the camp?" Y/n asked him. "How did you find me?" Pan asked her. Y/n shrugged. "Whenever something goes wrong, you head out into the woods." She said. Pan tilted his head at her. Y/n bit her bottom lip, glancing down at her feet. "And I kinda followed you." She continued. Pan turns around. "Are you okay?" She asks him. Pan stood with his back facing her. "It doesn't matter," Pan tells her. Y/n folded her arms over her chest. "Why don't you head back to camp?" He asked her. "I'm worried about you." She tells him. "Well, then you're wasting your time," Pan replies. He turns around to look at her. "Go back to camp." He orders. He walked past her. Y/n turned around to look at him again. "Peter-" She started. Pan stopped his pace. "Pan. Sorry." She quickly adds, "I'm worried about you. Really worried." She tells him again. "Why?" Pan asked her. "Why what?" She questioned. "Why worry about me? I'm practically keeping you, prisoner, on this island." He tells her. Y/n shrugged. "I don't know. I just do." She tells him. She takes a few steps closer to him. She carefully brushed her fingers against his hand. "I want you to be okay." She tells him. Pan looked into her eyes. They kept gazing into each other's eyes for a good few seconds before Pan cleared his throat. "No one cares for me," Pan tells her, "No one ever has." He said quietly. "Well, I care about you." She smiled at him. Pan couldn't help but get a warm feeling inside when she said those words or when he looked at her smile. He felt so warm. He put on a slight smile. He pointed at the walls of the treehouse."You can stay here if you want. Just for a little while." Pan tells her. "I would like that." She smiled at him.

The next morning, Y/n's eyes fluttered open. She groaned as she turned around in her bed. "Y/n! Y/n! Y/n, wake up!" She heard Killian call from outside. The Lost Girl groaned and got up from her bed. She grabbed her bathrobe, slipped it on, and walked outside. Outside, Killian and Regina were waiting for her. "What time is it?" Y/n asked them. "Time for you to tell us the truth," Regina answered. She raised her hands, breaking down the barrier. Y/n frowned at them. "Did you find him?" She asked them. Killian stormed onto the ship. "No, he found me." He replied. He grabbed Y/n by her arms. "And you knew about this." He continued. "What? What are you talking about?" Y/n asked him. "You knew Pan was alive. You knew, and you lied to me." Killian snapped at her. "What?" Y/n replied. Regina walked up to them. "Cut the innocent act. We know what you and Pan have been planning. You're trying to escape." She said. "I don't know what you're talking about," Y/n replied. Killian pulled her closer. "Stop lying! You've been behind all of this all along." He snapped at her. Y/n's eyes started to tear up, something Pan taught her to do. Killian quickly let go of her arms. "I'm sorry, love." He said. He pulled her into his chest as she cried. "I'm sorry." He repeated. After a few seconds, Y/n pulled back from their embrace. She glanced up at him. "I'm sorry I lied." She said quietly, "I knew Pan was alive. But I didn't want to put him in any danger." She tells them. Regina glared at her. "I hope you know you put everyone in this town in danger by not telling us." She tells the Lost Girl. "I'm sorry." Y/n apologized once again. Killian let out a deep sigh. "You should get dressed. We'll get some breakfast at Granny's, aye?" He asked her. Y/n nodded slowly in response. She turned around and walked off. Regina glared at Killian. "You're just going to let this go?" She asked him. "I want to keep an eye on her," Killian replies. Regina shook her head. "She's not to be trusted, Hook." She warns him. "Pan has her heart. He controls her. I want her to be close if Pan tries to make her do something terrible." He replies. "Makes it easier for him to kill you." Regina reminds him. "We'll see about that," Killian said.

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