•Chapter 12•

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"You never cease to amaze me, Peter. Outwitting the Evil Queen in less than a day? It's impressive." Felix said as they walked up to a well. "She loves the boy. That makes her weak." Pan tells him. "So, what exactly are we going to do?" Y/n asked Pan. He pushed some hair behind her ear. "You go stand over there and think. Think about what you want them to do. They'll be your slaves." He tells her. Y/n tilts her head slightly. "You know, I'm flattered. But don't say, or do, that ever again while you're stuck in this body. It gives me the creeps." She orders. Pan chuckled. "Just go, Love." He tells her. Y/n looks at Felix before walking off. "The ingredients?" Pan asked the blonde boy. Felix handed him the bag with ingredients. Pan opened it and slowly dropped the ingredients into the well. "I knew you'd win. Peter Pan never fails." Felix said. Y/n turned to them. "No, you didn't! You doubted it at one point." She called out. Both boys chuckled at her. "And you, love! Did you know I would win?" Pan asked her with a smirk. Y/n shrugged. "I honestly wasn't sure. I mean, you're...you." She replies. "Thanks, love," Pan said very disappointedly. After throwing some last ingredients into the well, Pan stopped. He looked at Felix. "Are we missing something?" The blonde boy asked. "Yes," Pan answered. "What is it?" Felix questioned.  "The heart of the thing I love most," Pan answered again. Y/n's eyes widened a little. She turned around again to look at the two boys. "You mean your son's heart? Rumplestiltskin?" Felix asked him. "No, no. I never loved Rumple." Pan replied. Felix looked over at Y/n before looking back at the boy. "The girl? You're going to take Y/n's heart?" He whispered. Pan chuckled. "Of course not." He said. Felix, and Y/n, furrowed their eyebrows. "What? Wait, who's heart do we need then?" Felix questioned. Pan sighed loudly. "Love can mean many things, Felix. It doesn't just come from romance or family. It can also come from loyalty." Pan tells him, "You see...I never told Y/n I loved her. Not once. Do you know why? Because I knew, one day, I would have to give up what I love most. And, well, I can't lose her. And there is only one other person who has always believed in Pan." He explained. Felix took a step back. "That's me." He whispered. The blonde boy looked at Y/n. She ran towards them, wanting to stop Pan. "Don't be afraid. Be flattered." Pan said. He reached into Felix's chest and ripped out his heart. "No!!" Y/n screamed. He crushed it and dropped the remaining dust into the well.

Y/n looked at him. "You...you just killed him." She whispered. Pan looked at her. "I did what had to be done." He said. Green smog came from the well. Y/n took a step back. "Peter, you killed my best friend!" She exclaimed. Pan stepped towards her. "Love, this is our way of getting our happy ending." He tried to explain to the girl. "But killing my best friend-" She started. "Is what had to be done," Pan said. Y/n looked down at her feet. Pan lifted her chin up again. He wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Don't cry, love." He tells her. "I can't help it." Y/n sobbed. Pan was about to pull the girl into a hug when she stopped him. "I'm okay." She assures him. "You're not. I'm sorry, I truly am, but this had to be done. For our happy ending." He whispers. Y/n looked at him with red, puffy eyes. "You're not going to tell me you love me, nor kiss me, while you're in the boy's body. It's weird." She tells him. He chuckles at her sarcasm. "I won't, love. I will once I'm back in my own body, which won't be long. The boy is no longer of use. We should prepare." He tells her. Y/n frowned at him. "For what? There is nothing else we can do but wait." She said. "They're going to switch me back into my old body soon. They have freed the boy, and they will use this to their advantage. The Evil Queen will be able to break this curse if she wants to." Pan explained. "How?" Y/n questioned. "By destroying the scroll," Pan answered. Y/n frowned at the boy again. "But, won't that break her curse as well?" She asked. "That's what Rumple may have told her, yes. But that's not how it works. Technically, her curse has already been broken by the savior." Pan started. "So, destroying that scroll won't do anything to this town?" Y/n asked him. Pan shook his head and glanced at the well behind them. "We need to go," Y/n said, having noticed the green smog as well. Pan stopped her. "Before we do, I need to give you something." He started and holds up his hand. A necklace with a crystal appeared in his hand. "I didn't know that was possible. You know...you're not you." She said quietly. Pan chuckles and holds it up in his hand. "This crystal contains magical powers. It can capture anything you want. It's kind of like a mini Pandora's box." He tells her. "It's beautiful." She smiled at him. "Just like you. I need you to keep this...wear it...whatever. Keep it close to you. If something happens to me, make sure I end up in there. It will heal me again." He tells her. "How do I do that?" She asked him. "Just believe, my love. Believe is all you need." He whispered. He walked away, leaving Y/n behind. She brushed her thumb over the crystal and looked at Felix's corpse. She sighed and walked after Pan, unknowingly trapping Felix inside the crystal.

A while later, Pan woke up in his son's shop. "Hello, Papa," Rumple spoke. "Thought you'd have killed me in my sleep, Laddie. I guess you've changed your-" He started as he sat up. He noticed the cuff around his left arm. He inhales deeply. "Oh, wait. I see. You've taken away my magic. That's why it's so easy for you to strut around and pose now, isn't it?" Pan asked his son. "I wanted to talk to you. I wanted you to see me and think about what you've done." Rumple tells the boy. "Of course! To look at my son here at the end, and really see him and think about what might've been. Is that what you want?" Pan asked him. Rumple didn't answer his father. "Because I do. I remember looking at you...the littlest babe, helpless and all mine. Those big, big eyes just filled with tears, pulling at me. Pulling away my name, my money, my time. Pulling away any hope of making my life into something better for myself. This pink, naked, squirming little larva, that wanted to eat my dreams alive and never stop." Pan exclaimed, "What are you now? A couple hundred? Can't I be free of you?" The demon boy questioned. Rumple glared at him. "Oh, you will be...in death." He tells his father. "Then one last lesson, son. Never make a cage you can't get out of." Pan spoke up. He puts his hand over the cuff off his arm. "I made this cuff, you know. It doesn't work on me. But on you?" He questioned. The demon boy stood up. "Down, boy. Let's see how you do without magic!" He exclaimed. He pushed Rumple into a wall with his magic. "I've come too far for this. For them." Rumple said weakly. "For your son? No. It's too late. Soon, that fine green smoke will fill their lungs, then fog their brains. And unlike the rest of this town, I'm not just going to take their memories. No. Because of their special meaning to you, I am going to take their lives. And you won't do a thing to stop me. Because without magic, you're right back where you started...the village coward." Pan tells him. And with that, he left the shop. 

Meanwhile, on the streets, Regina woke up from being passed out when she touched the scroll. "What happened?" Snow asked the woman. Regina looked at Henry. "I saw what needed to be done." She said. Henry looked at his mother with a concerned expression. "Mom, are you going to be okay?" He asked her. Regina puts her hand on his cheek. "The important thing is, you will be." She tells him. A demon appeared behind the boy. "No, he won't," Pan said. He slowly made his way towards them. "He has the-" Killian started. He uses his magic to freeze the adults in front of him. Y/n walked from the tower where Henry appeared from just a moment ago. She walked up to Pan and handed him the real scroll. Pan looked at the adults again. "Curse? That I do." He smirked. He took another few steps closer to the adults. "Look at you all. A captive audience. I could play with you like a pack of dolls, couldn't I?" He smirked. "Hey!" Y/n called out. Pan glances over his shoulder. "Don't get jealous, love." He tells her. He turns back to the group. He focuses on Belle and Neal. "I think I'll start with you two. Hmm...you both look so adorable. Hard to tell who to kill first." He said. "I vote Bae!" Y/n called out from behind him. Pan smirked at the now full-grown Baelfire. "You heard the lady. You first." He tells him. From behind, Rumple puts his hand on Pan's shoulder. "Stay away from them." He orders. Pan smirked at his son. "How about this? The worm has teeth. What, you're here to pwotect your wuved ones?" He asked in a mocking tone. "I'm not going to let you touch either one of them," Rumple informs his father. "Oh, and I'd like to see that," Pan replies. "Oh, you will. Because I have a job to finish. And that job is to do whatever it takes. And what needs to be done as a price. And I'm finally willing to pay that price." Rumple said. As he started to say his goodbyes to Neal and Belle, Pan glanced over his shoulder. Y/n had folded her arms over her chest and pouted. "I have to go to the bathroom." She complained. The demon boy chuckled at her. "Don't laugh! If you laugh, I laugh. I might pee my pants." She complains. Pan rolls his eyes and turns back to his son. "Pretty words. But still...no magic." he pointed out. "Oh, but I don't need it! You see, you may have lost your shadow, but there is one thing you're forgetting." Rumple said. "And what's that?" Pan asked him. Rumple rolls his eyes and holds up his hand. "So have I." He said. 

Rumple's shadow appeared with the dark one's dagger in its hand. He hands it back to Rumple and attaches itself back to the man. Then, he forcefully holds Pan against himself.  "What are you doing?" Pan questions. "You see, the only way for you to die is if we both die. And now... now, I'm ready." Rumple explained. He didn't hesitate. He put the dagger into the boy's back and twisted it. Pan glanced over his shoulder. "Y/n... the crystal!" The demon called out. Y/n was in shock and frozen in fear. "I...I don't have magic. What do I do?" She asked him. "Believe!" Pan called out. Y/n closed her eyes and held onto the necklace. A black cloud surrounds both of them. Y/n opens her eyes to see what's happening. "It's now or never!" Pan's voice called out for her. Y/n closed her eyes again, trying to focus. "Y/n!" was the last thing she heard him say before his voice faded away. He was gone. Peter Pan is gone...

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