•Chapter 52•

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"Mom?" The young boy said. The blonde woman looked down at her son as she tucked him in. "What's up, kid?" She questioned. "Doesn't this feel wrong to you?" Henry asked his mother. Emma looked at him and frowned. "What do you mean?" She replied. Henry shrugged. "What you did to Pan-" He started. "Kid, we did what we had to do," Emma tells him. "I know. But it doesn't feel like we did the right thing." Henry replied. "Kid, he tried to kill you. He's a bad guy." Emma reminds her son. The young boy sat up in his bed. "So was my mom. You didn't kill her when she tried to take me." He said. Emma sighed in response. "I thought heroes showed mercy towards others," Henry added. The blonde woman stood up. "We'll talk about this later." She tells him. Henry turned in his bed, pulling the covers up to his chin. "Night, Kid," Emma said. "Night, Mom," Henry replied before he closed his eyes. The blonde woman made her way down the steps of the stairs and into the kitchen. Her mother sat at the dining table with a cup of tea in her hands. Snow turned her head to her daughter. "How is he?" She asked. Emma shrugged and reached out to grab her jacket. "He thinks we did the wrong thing," Emma answers simply. She puts on her red leather jacket. "Where are you going?" Snow asked. Emma opened the door. "I just need to think. I'll be back soon." She said. Before Snow White could reply, her daughter had already walked out of the apartment. The blonde woman made her way out of the building. She puts her hands in her pockets as she walked the streets. Was Henry right? Did they do the wrong thing? No, that couldn't be. Pan was the villain in this story. Killing him was the right thing to do. He would've been a threat for the rest of their lives. Sure, he could've killed Henry. But he didn't. He wanted to save Y/n and he did. Was that the reason why Henry thought this was wrong? Because he showed Henry that Y/n was his weakness? The savior let out a sigh and tried to forget about it.

Meanwhile, Tinkerbell stepped into the diner. Granny's was almost empty. A few people were sitting in the booths. She spotted a rather normal-dressed Killian Jones sitting at the bar. The blonde woman walked over to the pirate. "I didn't expect to see you here." She smiled. The pirate turned his head to her. "Lady Bell." He replied. Tink pointed at the chair next to him. "May I?" She questioned. Killian nodded. "Of course," He replied, "A drink for the lady." He told Ruby. Within a few seconds, Tink had a glass of water in her hands. "You're looking good," Tink tells the pirate. Killian glanced at his clothes for a second. "Oh, that," he started. He looked up at the former fairy. "Emma suggested I should dress differently if I was going to stay here." He added. "So, you're staying?" Tink questioned. Killian nodded again. "It appears I am." He said. A few seconds of silence passed by. Tink finally spoke up. "You killed him, huh?" She asked. Killian took a sip from his drink. "We did what we had to do." The pirate replied. "I guess that's why Y/n isn't here right now. She's probably heartbroken right now." Tink said. Killian set his glass down again. "Yeah, she is." He replied. "I bet she's locked herself in her room," Tink said quietly. "She's not in her room," Killian tells the former fairy. The blonde woman frowned at him. "She's locked away at the sheriff station with the Lost Ones." Killian continued. "You locked her up?" Tink questioned. "I didn't. The prince did." Killian simply answered. He picked up his glass again taking a sip. "She doesn't want to talk to me." Killian continued. "I can imagine. You killed the one she loved." Tink replied. Killian kept staring at the empty glass in front of him on the counter. "I wanted to protect her," Killian said under his breath. Tink scooted a little closer to the pirate. "I saw Y/n on the island almost every day. She seemed happy." She tells him. "But she wasn't safe." The pirate replied. Tink shrugged slightly. "It didn't look like Pan would let anything happen to her. Ever." The fairy said. Killian lets out a deep sigh. "It wasn't right. He was a bloody demon. You've seen it from up close, Tink. He would've killed her once she wasn't of use to him anymore." The pirate tells her. Tink smiled and shook her head. "I know true love when I see it. Trust me, I've helped a lot of people find their true loves." She started, "And like it or not, what they had was true love." She added. 

That is when Tink got up from her seat leaving Killian sitting by himself. Tinkerbell was right. What they had was true love. It was. But Killian wanted the right thing for her. What he thought was right. And where is she now? She's locked up in a cell. He had to get her out of there. He had to talk to her. The pirate got up from his seat as well. He was going to talk to Emma and David. When he got out of the diner, he saw the savior already walking outside. Bingo! "Swan!" He called out. The blonde woman glanced up and stopped on the streets. Killian made his way over to her. "I need to talk to you," Killian tells her. "Killian, I probably know what you're gonna say but-" Emma started. "I'm not asking you to release her." Killian cut her off. Emma shook her head slightly. "Whatever you're going to ask me, it's not gonna happen. They are locked away for a reason. Y/n in particular. They're dangerous." Emma tells him. "I know, I'm not trying to break her out. I want her to listen to me without the Lost Boys forming a wall around her." Killian replied. Emma let out an exhausted sigh. "If she doesn't want to talk, then we're not going to force her," Emma tells him. Killian looked at her with pleading eyes. "Swan, please, let me talk to her. I cannot stand the feeling of her being angry with me. I want to explain it to her." Killian pleaded. Emma let out a sigh. "Why do I have the feeling this isn't gonna go well," Emma said. Suddenly, David appeared next to them. Emma turned to look at her father. He had a concerned expression on his face. "What's wrong?" Emma asked him. David panted slightly. "The Lost Boys got out." He answered. Emma glared at Killian. The pirate noticed the savior looking at him with an accusing expression on her face. He holds up his hands in defense. "I didn't have anything to do with that. I swear." Killian replied. The savior and her father left to go back to the sheriff's station.

Killian thought for a few seconds. Y/n broke out with the others. The first place they would go would be into the forest. She loved the forest. Everyone turned away from the pirate. He sighed deeply and turned towards the tree Y/n climbed in. He saw her sleeping peacefully on a branch. "Don't wake her," Pan tells him. The boy leaned against the tree where only Killian could see him. The pirate stepped closer to the boy. "Having fun?" Pan asked him. Hearing Pan's voice in his mind, made him snap out of his thoughts. The pirate checked if there was anyone around. First, he would go to his ship, to gather some weapons, then he would go out into the forest. He would talk to her. The pirate made his way towards his ship rather quickly. He gathered his weapons and tried to come up with the right words. "Where are you off to?" A female voice sounded behind him. Regina had poofed herself onto the ship. "Regina," Killian started. The Evil Queen holds up her hand. "It appears that the Lost Boys have gotten out again. With Y/n." She said. Killian quickly leaned from the look in her eyes that she thought he was responsible for her escape. "Regina, I had nothing to do with her escape." He assured her. The Evil Queen took a step closer to him. "I don't believe you." She said, "You are so blinded by your love for her. How could you not have helped her break out of that prison?" She questioned. "Regina-" Killian started. "Where is she?" Regina asked him. "I'm not sure." The pirate replied. "Where is she?" Regina repeated sternly. Killian took a step forward. "I don't know! I was going to look for her in the forest." He responded. Regina chuckled at him. "No, you're not." She said. Killian frowned at her. "I'm not going to let you find her. My son is in danger because of her. And you want her to walk around freely!" Regina exclaimed. "Regina, you care about your child. Just like I care for mine." Killian tells her. "She's not your child." Regina reminds him, "But Henry is mine. And I will not allow you to endanger him again." She added. Killian glared at her. "I never endangered the boy! I helped you find him!" The pirate exclaimed. "Stop talking!" Regina said sternly. She used her magic to make him shut up. She stepped closer to him. "We're better off without you. All of you." She tells him. She then reached into his chest and grabbed his heart. Killian groaned in pain as she pulled his heart out of his chest. "I won't stop until you're gone and my son is safe. And when I'm done with you, I will kill every Lost Boy and Girl in Storybrooke." Regina said. She squeezed his heart in her hand, slowly turning it to ash. Killian dropped to his knees and groaned in pain. "My son's safety starts with your death," Regina said coldly. Meanwhile, Y/n was hiding behind some barrels. She covered her mouth to avoid any sounds coming out. She just sat and listened to how Regina slowly killed Killian. And there was nothing she could do.

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