•Chapter 69•

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Felix sat against a tree stump. He was using a blade to make a spear out of a large branch. He repeated his movements over and over again. His eyes were glued to his hands. He noticed one of the scars Pan had given him. It was across the top of his hand. "Next time, I'll slice it off." Pan threatened. The demon dropped the knife in front of Felix. "If you can't keep your hands to yourself, I suggest you use that before I do." He added. The leader of the Lost Boys then disappeared into the jungle. The blonde raised his hand up to his lips and gently sucked on his wound. "Need some help with that?" A sweet voice sounded behind him. Felix turned around, his lips still attached to his cut. Y/n giggled and stepped closer to him. She reached out to grab his injured hand. Felix quickly responded by taking a step back. Y/n took him by surprise and grabbed Felix's hand. "Pan's gonna kill me." He whispered. The Lost Girl looked up at her best friend. "To be fair, he said he was going to cut off your hands. Not kill you." She tells him. The blonde rolled his eyes. Y/n smiled at him. "I'm joking." She assured him. Felix pulled his hand out of her grip. "You shouldn't be here." He tells her. "On the island? Meh, I'm still trying to figure that out. Here with you? Yeah, I should be." Y/n replied. Felix turned the other way. "I'm not in the mood for your sarcasm." He tells her. The tall Lost Boy walked into the jungle. The Lost Girl followed him. "Leave me alone, Y/n." He tells her. Y/n suddenly stood right in front of him. Felix tried to get past her but she stopped him. She grabbed his hand again. "How about I fix you up before you wander off into the jungle and risk getting that infected?" She suggested. "You're not supposed to be near me," Felix tells her. Y/n stepped closer to him. Their faces were only two inches apart now. Y/n looked him in his eyes. "I do whatever I want." She tells him, "No rules, remember?" She added.

As he was lost in his thoughts, the blade slipped from Felix's hands. He accidentally cut into his skin again. The Lost Boy cursed under his breath. He was about to attach his lips to the cut when a sound behind him snapped. Felix turned his head in the direction of the sound. He jumped up as a dark figure approached him. "Want some help with that?" A sweet voice asked. When she stepped into the light, her face was revealed to the blonde. "Y/n." He whispered. He rushed towards her, grabbing her tightly, and holding her close. Y/n smiled and wrapped her arms around him as well. When he let go of her after a few seconds, he cupped her face in his hands. "You're back." He smiled. Y/n nodded. She put her hands over his. "Did you rescue your dad?" He asked. "I did." She said. The Lost Girl looked behind her best friend. "I also rescued something else." She tells him. Felix furrowed his eyebrows. He noticed her looking behind him. The blonde then turned around. Peter Pan was standing a few feet away from him. His leader. His friend. Pan stepped towards him. The two embraced each other. "Peter Pan never fails," Felix whispered. Pan smiled and patted his back gently. Y/n walked up towards the two. She placed both of her hands on their shoulders. "Alright, we can catch up when we get home." She tells them. "We have a lot of catching up to do," Pan smirked at her. He kissed her temple gently. "Home?" Felix questioned, "We're going home?" He added. Y/n nodded. "My dad will take us on his ship. We have enough magic beans to travel across the realms easily." She explained. Felix looked around. "Where is the captain?" He asked her. Y/n sighed. "Emma." She said. The tall, blonde Lost Boy understood the message. As if no one had noticed they had a thing for one another.

"I can't believe we just left her there," Emma said. Killian squeezed his eyes shut and put his hand over his eyes. "This is wrong," Emma tells him. Killian stepped closer to the blonde woman. He rested his hands on her arms. "Darling, this was the only way." He tells her. "But we robbed Henry of his mother and returned the person who tried to kill him. Who tried to kill all of us. Twice!" Emma exclaimed. Killian sighed. "She killed me, love." He reminds her. Regina chuckled at him. "No, you're not." She said. Killian frowned at her. "I'm not going to let you find her. My son is in danger because of her. And you want her to walk around freely!" Regina exclaimed. "Regina, you care about your child. Just like I care for mine." Killian tells her. "She's not your child." Regina reminds him, "But Henry is mine. And I will not allow you to endanger him again." She added. Killian glared at her. "I never endangered the boy! I helped you find him!" The pirate exclaimed. "Stop talking!" Regina said sternly. She used her magic to make him shut up. She stepped closer to him. "We're better off without you. All of you." She tells him. She then reached into his chest and grabbed his heart. Killian groaned in pain as she pulled his heart out of his chest. "I won't stop until you're gone and my son is safe. And when I'm done with you, I will kill every Lost Boy and Girl in Storybrooke." Regina said. She squeezed his heart in her hand, slowly turning it to ash. Killian dropped to his knees and groaned in pain. "My son's safety starts with your death," Regina said coldly. "But we left her alone." The blonde replied. The two were standing aboard the Jolly Roger. Emma wanted to go back the moment they left. Of course, Henry still had her, but Regina was the woman that raised him. And Henry would be heartbroken if he found out Regina was still down there. He would be even more heartbroken when he learned that Emma barely protested when they left her down there.

"Killian-" Emma started. Killian stepped closer to her. "Love, Y/n did the right thing. Regina was blinded by her love for her son. She killed me for his safety." He tells her, "What she did wasn't right." He added. "But robbing the kid of one of his mothers," Emma started. Killian shook his head. "This was the right thing to do, love." He whispered to her. The blonde took a quick glance at his lips. She couldn't help it. And this didn't go unnoticed by Killian. The pirate didn't hesitate. He took this moment to pull her closer. He pressed his lips gently against hers. Emma kissed back for a few seconds before she pushed him away. "We shouldn't be doing this." She whispered, "Especially not now." She said. Killian rested his hand on the back of her neck. "Why shouldn't we?" He asked her. Emma looked up into his eyes. His beautiful eyes. "We just lost Regina. And Belle. We shouldn't be-" She stuttered. He then grabbed her hand with his. "Give me one good reason why we shouldn't." He whispered to her. His voice had a tone of seduction and lust but also something sweet and romantic. Emma couldn't resist. She carefully leaned into him, pressing her lips against his again.

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