•Chapter 63•

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"What do you mean?" Emma questioned. Pan shrugged and let out another chuckle. Emma tried to grab him by his collar through the bars. "What the hell are you talking about?" She asked. Pan disappeared into the shadows, leaving the two women by themselves. Emma exclaimed an irritated groan. She turned around and knelt beside Regina. The Evil Queen held her hand over her chest. The pain had stopped. She didn't feel anything. Nothing. As if her body had become a void. Useless and emotionless. "What are you doing?" Emma asked. Regina sighed in response. "What's wrong?" Emma added. The dark-haired woman looked up at Emma. "It's too late," Regina tells her. Emma furrowed her eyebrows. "She did it." Regina continued. Emma shook her head. "No," she said, "No, she couldn't have." She added. Regina sat up slightly. "Don't you see?" She gritted between her teeth, "This was the trap. We never should've trusted her. I told you she was up to something!" She exclaimed. 

A pair of Hazel eyes were practically burning into the Lost Girl's back. She carved the last letter of the name 'Regina Mills' into the gravestone. As soon as she finished, she stood up and turned around. He had a proud smile planted on his lips. "That seals the deal," Hades tells. The God of the Underworld took a sip from his drink. Y/n walked toward him and handed him the dagger. "Oh, and Regina will be in excellent hands," Hades assured her. Y/n shrugged. "Even if she wasn't, I wouldn't care. She should be happy I'm leaving her here." She replied. Hades chuckled. "And why is that?" He asked her. Y/n took a step back. "Because I would've had her screaming and begging for me to kill her. I would torture her until she was on her knees." She informed the God of the Underworld. He returned a smirk. "You're bad. Who taught you to think like that?" He asked her. "You pick up a thing or two when your boyfriend is a demon and you're living on a dangerous island." She explained. He chuckled in response. Suddenly, he was standing behind her. "You know," he started. He leaned down to her ear. "We have an opening for a job. If you're interested of course." He informed her. Y/n turned her head to look at him. "Not interested." She answered, "I've got other things to worry about." She added. Hades nodded and stepped aside. "That's fair." He replied. He made his way back over to his seat. "So, where's my father?" Y/n questioned. Hades' eyes widened slightly. "Oh, right, your father," he said. He waved his hand around. Killian appeared right in front of Y/n. The blood and bruises had disappeared. Y/n smiled at him. She carefully rested her hands on his cheeks. "Dad." She sighed in a relieving tone. Killian nodded and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Why did you do that?" He asked her. Y/n smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You're my father." She replied, "I would do anything to save you." She added. Killian pulled back from the hug. "But trading Regina's soul for mine?" He questioned. "It's what I had to do to save you." She cut him off. 

Hades watched them from his seat. He took a sip of his drink. "You two are... adorable. The father-daughter thing you have going on here. I love it." Hades tells them. Y/n looked at the God of the Underworld. "Thank you," She said. Hades smiled at her. He raised his glass and gave her a slight nod. "It was a pleasure doing business with you." He replied. Y/n turned back to Killian. "Come on, we need to get you back home." She tells him. The pirate nodded and walked with her. "Oh, Miss Y/l/n, will I be seeing you again soon?" Hades called after her. Y/n glanced over her shoulder. "Count on it." She replied. As they walked out, Killian turned to look at Y/n. "What was he talking about?" He asked her. Y/n hesitated for a few seconds to answer. How would he react if he knew Pan was down here? If he knew about Pan, he would freak out and forbid Y/n to help him. Everything would repeat itself. Pan dies, and Y/n goes back to Storybrooke with Killian, only to have Pan come back one way or another. She couldn't go through all of that again. She wouldn't be able to take it. And not just her. No one would be able to handle this again. But did she want to lie to Killian again? Y/n let out a sigh and gulped. "Dad, you're not the only one I'm trying to release from the Underworld." She admitted. Killian furrowed his eyebrows, not fully understanding what she meant. "When I traveled down here to release your soul, I ran into someone." She explained. "Who did you run into?" He asked her. Y/n looked down at her feet for a few seconds. "Y/n?" He said. The Lost Girl looked her father in the eyes again. "Peter Pan," She answered. The pirate's eyes widened slightly. "He's down here? The bloody demon's here?" He asked her. She nodded sadly. Killian noticed her eyes starting to water. She looked lost. As if she didn't know what to do anymore. His expression soon softened. "I want to save him." She tells him, "I can't leave him here to rot. I need him." She added. Her eyes started to water even more. Killian didn't say a word. He only looked at her. "I know you don't get along. You never will. But I love him, Dad." She tells him. A small tear trailed down her cheek. Killian sighed and nodded. He pulled her closer, embracing her again. "I know you do, Darling." He whispered, "I will help you release his soul." He added. Y/n looked up at him with hopeful, yet watery, eyes.

Rumple stepped onto the porch of his house. The door was creaked open slightly. He used his walking cane to push the door open further. He slowly stepped inside. There was no one standing in the hallway or by the stairs. He turned his attention to the kitchen. Pan was standing in the kitchen. His black blazer resting on the counter."Hello, Laddie," Pan spoke up. Rumple glared at his father standing in his kitchen. He was sipping a glass of water. "How did you get into my house?" Rumple asked. Pan shrugged and set the glass down. "It, honestly, wasn't that difficult." He answered. He stepped toward his son. "So, what's your plan?" Pan asked him. Rumple glared at him. "My plan?" He questioned. "Oh, please, don't be like that, Rumple. We both know why you're here. You want to kill your dear old dad. And by doing so, hurting the poor girl he loved. The girl who has been causing a lot of trouble in Storybrooke. The girl who wants your sworn enemy, the pirate, to return amongst the living. But you're not going to let that happen, right?" Pan pointed out. Rumple glared at him. "Well, aren't you a smart one?" He replied. Pan let out a chuckle. "That I am." He said. The demon had a proud smirk planted on his face. "Even if she succeeds in trading Regina's soul for Hook's, she's not getting out." Rumple started. Pan chuckled again. "And what makes you think that?" He asked. "Well, for starters, he already has your soul. When he collects Regina's he will have some of the darkest souls in his possession. He would never trade a dark soul like yourself's." Rumple spoke. "As true as that may be, we might have something he's willing to trade for," Pan replied. He stepped closer to his son. "Your soul is quite valuable to him, you know." The demon added. Rumple glared at his father. "Offering him yours might be the thing that sets me free. And that will be all thanks to you, son. A fresh start." The demon smirked. 

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