•Chapter 60•

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Pan carefully slipped off his blazer. "Tell me, darling, what did your pretty little mind come up with?" He asked. Y/n stood in front of the large mirror that stood against the wall. She tied her hair in a high ponytail. "Well, remember that book you got me?" She replied. Pan stepped forward and stood behind her. He nodded in response. "Well, I read that he is open for deals. Especially if what you have to offer has a lot of value. Like  a certain individual." She explained. Pan lifted his chin slightly. "Someone like the Evil Queen." He filled in. Y/n nodded. "I will talk to Hades and lure Regina in. That way, her life will be traded for Killian's." She explained. The Lost Girl turned around and looked at her boyfriend. She rested her palms against his chest. "Meanwhile, I can also try to figure out to get you out as well." She tells him. Pan brushed some hair out of her face. "We'll figure it out. We always do." He smiled. Y/n returned the smile and straightened the tie that hung around his neck. "And what did Felix say about all of this?" He questioned. Y/n shrugged. "He's afraid that I will be trapped here for eternity." She answered. Pan looked at her sternly. "Which you could." He said. Y/n rolled her eyes at him before looking at Pan with a glare. "Okay, I know you two are best friends and all that but you don't have to agree with each other all the time." She said. Pan let out a chuckle. "We don't always agree." He started, "But when we do, we often make the right decisions." He smirked. His hands rested on her lower back and briefly licked his lips. "You're a naughty boy," Y/n tells him. Pan's eyes scanned over her body. "Well, how could I not be? Gods are not supposed to have contact with anyone else but gods. And you, my darling, are a goddess." He tells her. His finger slowly brushed over her spine. Y/n blushed at his comment and shivered at his touch. She stood on her tippy toes to brush her nose against his. "I need to speak with Hades first. When the three of us get back up there, you can have me all to yourself." She whispered to him. Pan rolled his eyes. "That is until Felix finds out you're back." He pointed out.

Y/n giggled at him. "He likes me. Let him have his fun." She tells him. Pan's hand slowly started to move towards her neck. He gently caressed the skin of her neck. "You do realize friends don't have fun like this." He replied. "Who's the one to decide that?" Y/n whispered in response. The demon boy smirked at his girlfriend. He wiggled his eyebrows. "Did you and Felix..." He let out a sigh, "You know?" He asked her. Y/n removed his hand from her neck. She then put both of his hands around her waist. "While you were gone? Or just without you?" She asked him. Pan shrugged. "Both." He said. The Lost Girl smiled. She rested her hands on his shoulders. "No," She replied simply. Pan tilted his head slightly. "Y/n." He said sternly. Y/n looked at him with a serious expression on her face. "We didn't." She replies, "I promise." She added. Pan smiled proudly. This girl was incredibly loyal to him. No matter what. That's one of the reasons why he loved her so much. Not for power. But because she was willing to stay by his side no matter what. She would never leave him to take care of some worm. Like Fiona did. No, Y/n was different. His true love. Pan tucked a strain of hair behind her ear. "If only there was a way to show you." He whispered. Y/n smiled at him. "Show me what?" she asked. "To show you, how much I love you," He tells her. Y/n's cheeks flushed red again. Pan pulled her closer to hold her as tightly as possible. In his eyes, Y/n was the most fragile creature in the universe. He wanted to keep her safe at all times. "Darling," Pan started, "what if... I spoke with Hades." He suggested. Y/n shook her head. "No, Killian's my father. I have to do this." She replied. Pan let out a sigh. "Alright, I will take you to him so you can talk to him. But let's get one thing clear. If you're not back within thirty minutes I will come down there." He replied. "Deal." Y/n smiled at him. She kissed his lips briefly.

"She was with Rumple, right?" Snow White questioned. "Yes, but that doesn't tell us anything," Regina said. Snow White sighed. "This place looks exactly like Storybrooke right?" She started, "Well that means Gold's shop is down here too." She added. Emma's eyes widened slightly. "And his house might be as well." The blonde woman filled in. Snow White nodded proudly. "Who says she's there? For all, we know Rumple could be keeping her somewhere else in town. Maybe he already handed her over to Hades for some kind of deal." Regina pointed out. Emma looked at the Evil Queen. "We have to check them out. We have to make sure he's not keeping her there." She replied. "What if she's not?" Regina questioned. She stepped closer to the blonde woman. "Do you really think he would hide her there? The most obvious places? We need to cover more grounds." She said. Regina ignored the pirate and makes his way over to Y/n and Felix who sat next to each other. Tied up. "Where is he?!" She asked them. "Gone. There's nothing you can do. He's already won. Pan never fails." Felix tells her. "You won't talk? How about I make you talk?" She threatens. She holds up her hand, about to rip his heart out, when Emma stopped her. "Regina, wait." Emma orders. "There's no time!" Regina exclaimed. "I don't think torture is our best move here. Look at these kids. They have been through hell and back. We need to try something else." Emma tells her. "Yeah, we tried the cute and cuddly. They don't respond to reason. What else do you have to offer?" Regina questioned annoyed. Emma looks at Snow who stood behind the Evil Queen. "What every kid wants. A mother." She answered. Emma crouched in front of the Lost boys and girl. "Guys, listen to me. We are not going to hurt you. I know you're loyal to Pan and I get that, but you are making a terrible mistake. For a long time, I thought I was never gonna find my family. I was an orphan like all of you. A lost girl. And I was reminded today that I am not alone. That I have a lot of people who love me. And I never thought that was gonna happen. If that can happen to me, it can happen to you." She tells the. Y/n looked at Felix before looking at Emma. "Pan is the only family we need." She informs the savior. Emma looked at her. "No, a family doesn't do what he did. Pan lied to you and made you do terrible things. He lied to Henry and convinced him to give up his own heart!" She exclaimed. "To save the island. And to give us the happy ending that we wanted." A lost boy spoke up. "To save us, to give us the happy ending we deserve." Y/n cut in. But the savior shook her head. "To save himself," Emma said sternly. "Don't listen to her. Pan cares about all of us. You in particular." Felix taunted a little as he looked at Y/n. "No, he doesn't. We care about you. And we can save you. We can take you home with us. To our land. There's no reason to fear Pan anymore. Until he absorbs the power from Henry's heart, he can be stopped." Emma tries to convince them. Snow took a step closer to the group. "You just have to tell us where he is." She whispered. Felix stood up. "Leave now while Pan still allows you to breathe." He tells them. Killian, who stood behind the two, puts his hook on his shoulder. But it did not affect him. "That's the only hope you'll get," Felix said in a threatening voice. His eyes were dark, his voice low. Y/n kept her eyes focused on Emma as she spoke. "Stand down, Felix." She orders. Felix sighs and sits back down. "If the lady insists." He whispers. Y/n shot a glare at him. Emma walked up to the two. "Where...is Pan?" She asked. "Not. Telling." Felix replied. 

Slow footsteps were approaching. The God of the Underworld set down his glass. He smiled as he watched the Lost Girl approach him. "I was wondering when I would see you down here." He tells her. Y/n inhaled deeply. "Well, here I am." She smiled politely. "I can see that, dear. So, I'm guessing you're here for your boyfriend." The god spoke. "Well, yes, him too. But my priority is my father. Killian Jones. I want to trade a living soul for his." She tells him. Hades furrowed his eyebrows. "You're willing to give your life for your father's?" He questioned. Y/n shook her head. "No, no, that's not what I meant. When I came down here I brought along a group of people. Living people. And among them is the person who killed him. Someone who might be of great value to you." Y/n explained to him. Hades' eyes focused on the Lost Girl in front of him. "Regina?" He questioned. Y/n nodded in response. "She murdered my father." She replied. "No, you did. You took the magic beans away from your father. And by doing that, you took away his life." Hades reminds her. "That man wasn't my father." Y/n replied, "Killian is. And I have a chance to get him back. And just like he did for me, I won't stop until he's safe. I won't stop until he's back home with me." She continued. The Lost Girl took a step closer to the god. "Can you help me get my father back? Or not?" She questioned in a stern tone. Hades had a pleased smile on his face. "I like you," He replied.

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