•Chapter 39•

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Pan watched as two Lost Boys lifted her lifeless body. The unconscious Lost Girl was put on a bed of moss. Her skin, paler than usual, was beautiful on the green bed. But this situation was anything but beautiful. Around them, were Lost Boys holding torches and small candles. Felix walked over to the unconscious girl. He folded her hands over one another and put one white lily under them. The blonde then positioned her hands on top of her stomach. He glanced over at Pan. The demon gave him a slight nod. Pan watched as Felix closed the coffin carefully. The coffin they put her in, was made out of glass, just like Snow White's. Felix slowly walked up to Pan and the other Lost Boys. "Pan-" A Lost Boy started. Felix stopped him before he couldn't continue. Ignoring it, Pan waved his hand up slightly, using his magic. Suddenly, vines and roots of trees were coming up from the ground. They wrapped themselves around the glass coffin tightly. Pan then waved his hand over the coffin making the vines and roots wrap around it even tighter. The coffin was slowly pulled into the ground. Everyone stood in silence as the coffin disappeared. After a few seconds, Felix glanced up at Pan. "Peter, I-" He started. "Back to work," Pan ordered. Felix opened his mouth to speak again when Pan's eyes darkened. "All of you! Back to work!" He yelled at the Lost Boys. Some of the boys jumped at the volume of his voice. They all turned around and started to walk off. Felix stood by Pan. "Pan-" He started again. Pan shot a deadly glare at him. "You too," Pan ordered. The blonde boy let out a sigh before he walked off. Pan stayed behind. The leader of the Lost Boys walked over to stand on the spot where the coffin was standing a few seconds before. He dropped to his knees. He puts his hand on the ground.  "I won't stop, my love. I won't stop until they are on their knees." He whispered, "Just as we planned." He added. Out of the ground, a small stalk slowly rose. Not long after, a small white lily appeared. The demon teleported himself into his treehouse. It was abandoned by him as soon as Y/n came to Neverland. He sat on the floor against the bed. All alone. 

Pan put his hand over his forehead in frustration. He was alone all over again. The hole Y/n filled all those years ago, was now growing. He waved slightly with his hand, letting out a deep sigh. "Not even one little tear? I don't know if I should be hurt or not." He suddenly heard in front of him. He looked up to see it. A vision of Y/n. Pan let out a sigh. The fake Y/n walked up to sit next to him on the floor. "I was joking." She tells him. "I know, Darling. I'm just... I am not in the mood for games." He tells her. Y/n looked at him in shock. "Who are you, and what did you do to my boyfriend?" She giggled. Pan rolls her eyes at her. Y/n scooted closer to her boyfriend. She puts her hands on his shoulder, resting her chin on top of them. "Why did you call me here?" She asked him. Pan let out another sigh. "I wanted to hear your voice." He answers, "This might be the only way to hear you, now." He added. Y/n tilts her head. "I'm not fully gone, yet, Peter. You can still fix this." She tells him. Pan turned his head to look at her. "I have no idea how to do that." He started, "I don't know what she did to you, and I have no idea how to undo it." He continued. "I thought you were powerful," Y/n smirked at him. "I am. But what if I make things worse? What will I do then?" He asked her. Y/n was about to respond when Pan cut her off. "I can't live without you, Y/n." He tells her. Y/n sighed, removing her hands from his shoulder. "Don't yell at me. I may not be real, but it still hurts when you raise your voice at me." She pouts. Pan lowered his hand, to put on her waist when it went straight through her body. He sighed again. Y/n pulled up his chin gently. "I believe in you, Peter. You will save me, and we will live happily ever after." She smiled at him. Pan's lips formed a smile. "So, you're not angry with me?" He asked her. She puts her hand on his cheek. "Why would I be mad?" She asked him. "Well, I took your heart." He said quietly. "We do need to talk about that once I wake up." She tells him. Pan sighed again and nodded slowly. "I'm sorry I took it. It was selfish of me." He replied. Y/n brushed her thumb over his cheek. "We've all done selfish things, Peter. I forgive you." She tells him. Pan smiled at her. She pressed her forehead against his. They both closed their eyes. "I love you," Pan whispered. When Pan opened his eyes, Y/n was gone again. He puts his hand on the wooden floor where Y/n sat only seconds ago. 

Meanwhile, in Storybrooke, Killian and Neal stood in shock. "Papa?" Neal said. Rumplestiltskin looked at his son. "How is this possible?" Neal asked him. Rumplestiltskin opened his mouth to reply. "Pan didn't die." Killian cut him off. "No, he didn't." Rumple replied, "The girl saved him." He added. "We're well aware. We're going to get her back. Pan took her." Killian tells him. "We just need a way to end him this time," Neal added. "Well, now you might actually have a chance," Rumple replied. He walked up to his son and the pirate. He holds up his hand, making Pandora's box appear. "Didn't we already try that?" Killian asked him. "We did, but we didn't capture him. This time, we will. Once we do, Pan will be trapped forever." Rumple explained. "Until Y/n releases him again." Killian snapped back. "No, she won't," Rumple said. "Papa, Y/n is blinded by love. Once we capture Pan, she will do anything to get him back. And once she does, we will be right back here again." Neal tells his father. "What if she doesn't know we captured him?" Rumple questioned, "What if we make her believe he left her?" He continued. "How are you planning on doing that?" Killian asked the Dark One. Rumple shrugged. "It's simple. For sure, there is some unfinished business between them. We just have to remind them what that is." Rumple explains. Neal glared at his father. "You want them to break up?" He asked. "Not necessarily," Rumple replied. "And what makes you think that they'll fight? I hate to break it to you, but Pan cares more for her than anything. He wouldn't fight with her. Believe it or not, Pan can be rather submissive when she's around." Killian tells them. "Not always." Neal cut in. The pirate and the Dark One looked at him. "What?" Rumple said. "Well, Pan could be rather jealous. He would pull her out of conversations for no reason." Neal explains. Rumple looked at the pirate. "We can use that." He said. "And how are you going to do that?" Neal asked him. Rumple looked at his son again. "Leave that to me." He said. As the three men were getting ready to leave, they didn't notice a smaller sir sneaking onto the ship to go with them on their quest.

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