•Chapter 44•

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Pan made his way back to the tree where he had left Y/n. When he climbed up the ladder, he spotted Y/n sitting on the bed. The covers were pushed off her body and she had her sketchbook on her lap. "I can feel you lurking," Y/n said quietly. He chuckled and walked over to her. "I was just admiring you, Love," Pan tells her. He kissed the top of her head. He sat next to her on the bed, resting his chin on her shoulder. "What are you drawing?" He asked her. He glanced down at the paper to see a campfire with silhouettes dancing around it. "That looks wicked, Love." He tells her. Y/n smiled at his compliment. "Thank you." She replied. She put her pencil down and looked at Peter. She looked directly into his forest green eyes. "When can I get out of this ridiculous nightgown?" She asked him. He chuckled at her. "Soon. First, I need you to use your acting talents again on our guest." He leaned down to her ear, "Then, I'll personally take it off your body." He whispered. Y/n blushed at his comment. "Although, maybe we should keep it. You can wear it in bed." He smirked at her. "You want me to look like Wendy in bed now, huh? Do you have a death wish?" She asked him. He let out another chuckle. "Oh, what would I do without you?" He said before pressing his lips against hers. "So, what are you gonna do?" The vision questioned. Pan snapped out of his thoughts by her voice. "Not now, I need to concentrate." Pan snapped. He glanced up for a split second to see the vision of Y/n lying on the bed again. She was resting her head on her hands. "I was just asking." The vision replied. "Well, I didn't ask for you to come here!" Pan yelled at her, "You just appear! You're nothing more but a vision of my subconscious!" He added. Y/n glared at him. "I didn't ask for this either, Peter." She tells him. "That's Pan, for you." He replies, "Only the real Y/n calls me that. No one else!" He exclaimed. The vision stood up from the bed. "Well, what do you want me to do about it, Pan? Do you want me to disappear? Only you can make me do that." The vision shouted. "Don't you shout at me!" Pan yelled back at her. "Or what?" The vision chuckled, "You'll kill me?" She asked. "You're not her, so I just might," Pan replied. Y/n laughed at him. "You're forgetting something, dear. I'm not here. I'm inside your head. If you want to kill me, you'll have to kill yourself." She smirked. Pan was about to grab her by her throat when his hand went straight through her. He then let out a sigh. "I need her. Not you." He said quietly. "Well, that's too bad, because I'm all you've got. You've cut everyone out but her, and now, she's gone." The vision tells him, "You're on your own. Because that what you're looking at right now? It's like looking into a mirror." She added. 

The two were standing right in front of each other. Pan wanted to touch her. He felt frustrated. Very frustrated. "You're thinking about this now?" The vision asked. "I'm thinking about killing you," Pan tells her. The vision chuckled again. "Oh, no, you're not. You want to pin me against the wall. Kiss all over my neck." She said. "You need to leave," Pan tells her. Y/n chuckled again. "I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart. I'm you, remember?" She reminded him. "Get out," Pan said. The vision's laugh started to echo through his mind. "Get out!" Pan yelled as loud as he could. "Peter?" A voice sounded behind him. Pan turned around to see his second in command. "Felix," Pan said. "Who are you yelling at?" The blonde questioned. Pan turned his head again, but the vision was gone. "Are you alright? Who are you talking to?" Felix asked. "No-nothing. Did you see anything?" Pan questioned. Felix shook his head. Pan cleared his throat. "Well, uh, what do you want?" He asked. "Two of men got attacked outside the borders," Felix informs. "Sleeping spell?" Pan asked. The blonde boy shook his head. "Stab wounds. And they got them pretty good, too." Felix explained. Pan started to walk towards him. "They won't stop until they've found him, Pan. We need to move the boy somewhere else." Felix tells him. His tone was worried, and Pan noticed it. The demon looked at the boy. "No need to worry, Felix. They won't get far." Pan assured him, "They're not going to get him." He said. The duo started to walk outside. They made their way down the small stairs together, and into the jungle. They were walking in silence. Felix noticed something off about Pan. This is the longest he has seen him in a while.

The blonde boy glanced over at Pan. "Can I ask you something?" He asked. Pan looked at his second in command. "Are you okay?" He questioned, "We've barely seen you since Y/n." He added. Pan frowned at him. "I mean, all you seem to care about is getting her back, and getting revenge on the Evil Queen." Felix continued, "It's like you don't care about us at all anymore." He added. Pan stopped to look at him. "You think I don't care about you? Or about the others?" He asked. "Well, I thought that-" Felix started. "I'm doing this for all of us," Pan said sternly, "All I ever wanted was for you to feel at home here. This place... is for all of you. To escape everyone who didn't care for you. You were unloved, lost, and I changed that. I gave you a home. I made sure of all that. And you dare ask me if I still care for you?" Pan asked him. Felix took a step back. "Peter-" He started. Pan took a step closer to the blonde. "Pan." He said. Felix hold up his hands in defense as he continued to back up. "Pan, I'm not asking you that. I'm asking if you're okay. Ever since she's gone, you're... you're different. You're shutting everyone out, including me." Felix said. "What? Do you think you're going to make all my problems disappear? Make me feel any better by talking to me?" Pan questioned him. "I'm worried about you. You're my friend." Felix tells him. "I don't need friends, Felix." Pan snapped back at him, "I need revenge." he said. He slammed Felix into a nearby tree. "And no one is going to keep me from it this time. I'm going to get her back. I will take Henry's heart and squeeze every last bit of magic from it. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I will get that heart, and when I do, then no one will ever question me again." He tells him, "Got that?" Pan asked. Felix nodded in response. "Yeah." He replied. "Good." The demon said. Pan released the boy slowly. "You're only still alive because she wanted you to be. Remember that." Pan tells him before he walked off.

"I knew I would find you here," Y/n said. Felix threw a rock into the water in front of him. The Lost Girl sat next to her best friend. The blonde boy tried to turn his head, so she wouldn't see the wound on his cheek. But he failed. She noticed the blood and grabbed a cloth from her bag. She dapped it into the water and carefully pressed it against his skin. But Felix backed up slightly. "What happened this time?" Y/n asked him sweetly. The blonde boy let out a sigh. "Let's say you're not allowed to come within seven feet of me anymore." He explained. He turned his head to look at her. He pointed his finger at her. "You're too close," he tells her. Y/n shrugged at him. "Well, first of all, he doesn't tell me what to do." She replies. She then scoots closer to him. "And no one can keep me away from my best friend." She added. Felix chuckled as she cleaned his wound. "I'll talk to him." She tells him. Felix let out a sigh. "No, please don't." He said. Y/n tilted her head slightly. "Why not?" She asked him. The blonde boy ran his hand through his hair. "Because that will just make things worse. No offense." He tells her. The Lost Girl puts up a weak smile. "Alright, I won't, but you two have to start to get along again." She said, what even happened between you two?" She questioned. Felix let out another sigh. "You used to be so close." She reminds him. "We were." Felix tells her, "But I said something I shouldn't have." He explained. "That's why Pan's mad at you? Because you said something?" She asked him. She removed the cloth from his face. "What did you say?" She questioned. Felix didn't reply. Y/n let out an annoyed sigh. "Come on, you can tell me." She assures him. "You're gonna hate me if I tell you," Felix tells her. "I could never hate you. Now, come on, tell me." She replied. Felix grabs her hands carefully. "I told him that I liked you." He tells her. Y/n pouted at him. "That's all? But we-" She cut herself off by the look in Felix's eyes. "Oh." She said. The Lost Girl stood up and took a few steps away from her best friend. "See, I told you." He tells her. Y/n turns back to him. "No, no," She interrupted him, "I think I've found a way to make you two get along." She said. Felix frowned at her. She smiled and grabbed his hand, dragging him all the way to the camp. Pan's eyes fell on the two, walking hand in hand. Y/n smirked to herself as she dragged Felix towards Pan's treehouse which wasn't much further from the camp. "I'm not supposed to be in here," Felix said. "I wouldn't stress about it." She tells him. She pushes him onto the bed. Felix's eyes widened as she pulled off her shirt. When she was about to climb on top of him, Pan appeared in the room. He pointed his finger at Felix. "You're dead!" He said. Y/n jumped up, stopping Pan's attack. He was about to yell at her when she started to unbuckle the belt around his waist. "Darling, I- so that's what you want?" Pan asked her. Y/n just smirked at him. Pan smirked back at her, pulling her into a kiss.

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