•Chapter 24•

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The next day, Y/n walked back onto the Jolly Roger. After having some breakfast with Neal, it was time to get some work done for today. She walked into her cabin. She walks towards her desk and pulls out some papers. She turned to her bed and spread them out over the sheets. She studied the images and words on the papers. She had stolen some pages from Henry's book. Pan appeared behind her from the shadows. "Is that it?" The lost boy asked her. Y/n nodded in response. She glanced over her shoulder. "Do you think that hat would suit me?" She questioned. Pan shook his head. "Why not?" Y/n pouted, "I kind of like it. It reminds me of where I grew up." She continued. Pan grabs the papers from her hands and puts them down. He then grabbed her hips and spun her around. "I thought we'd agreed to not speak of that place again." He said. He brushed some hair out of her face. "I prefer a hood, Darling. You appear more mysterious when you wear a hood." Pan continued. Y/n lowered her head slightly. Pan lifted her chin gently. "Don't you agree?" He asked. Y/n nodded in response. "Use words, my love," Pan tells her. "I agree," Y/n said quietly. The demon smiled at her. "Good girl." He said. He looked back at the papers on the bed. "I gotta say, you're handling this a lot better than I thought you would," Pan admitted. Y/n glared at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked him.  He leaned down to her ear. "Your leadership, my love. You're taking action. I like action." He whispered in her ear. Y/n smiled at her boyfriend. "Where's Felix?" She questioned. Pan shrugged in response. "Somewhere." He replied. Y/n turned around to look Pan in the eyes. "Peter, where is he?" She asked him. "I send him away to do some dirty work. Nothing to worry about." Pan answered him. Y/n pouted at him. "Why?" She asked him. "Because I don't like sharing you. And whenever he's around, I-I just-" Pan tried to explain. The lost girl cups his cheeks in her hands. "Peter, that was a one- well, two-time thing." Y/n tells him, "And it was hot! The two of you pounding into me, while I squirm under your touch. But my heart belongs to you, Peter. And to Peter Pan alone." She continued. "Indeed it does." Pan agreed, "And I absolutely adore how you can say such nasty, but also sweet, little things in one sentence." He added. He tells her. 

What they didn't know, was that someone was watching them as they spoke. Henry had sneaked onto the Jolly Roger. He followed Y/n onto the ship. He watched Pan and the Lost girl. He was right, Pan was still alive. He heard footsteps approach. The young boy quickly hid behind a barrel. Killian appeared. He walked up the the doorframe. He waited behind a wall and knocked on the doorframe, in case Y/n was changing her clothes. Y/n and Pan snapped their heads towards the door opening. "Who's there?" Y/n called out. Killian chuckled. "A devilishly handsome pirate." He started, "Are you decent?" He asked her. "Y-yeah. Hold up!" Y/n called out. Pan disappeared into thin air, as Y/n collected the papers again. She stuffed them back into the draw before as Killian entered the room. "No need to hide things from me, love." He tells her. Y/n looked at him, letting out a soft chuckle. "I don't think you would want to see them." She tells him. "Why not? You got something to hide?" Killian asked her with a smirk. "Only what needs to he hidden." Y/n replied, "What did you want to talk about?" She questioned. Killian pulled up the chair from behind her desk. "You seem rather happy these days." He started. Y/n folded her arms over her chest. "Is that a bad thing, captain?" She asked. Killian chuckled. "Of course not." He replies, "As you know, I have spoken with Emma and the Queen. They suspect something." He added. "They do?" Y/n smirked. "Indeed. They think something's off about your sudden change of behaviour." Killian informs him. Y/n rolls her eyes. "Are they still at it?" She replies. She turns away from him. "Love, are you sure nothing's wrong? You know you can talk to me." Killian tells her. "There is nothing wrong with me." She tells the pirate. "I didn't say that." Killian replies. "You thought it, though." She snapped. Y/n turned around again. "You have no idea what's going on, Killian. You never will." Y/n said. "Love, what are you talking about?" Killian asked her. "Pan." She whispered. She stepped closer to the pirate again. "What about the boy?" The pirate asked her. "What happened after he let you go." She tells him.

The lost girl took a deep breath. She held the crystal ,she was still wearing around her neck, between her fingers. "After you left, Pan locked me away. Locked me into a cage." She started, "He took me to the Echo Caves." She added. "He made you reveal your darkest secret?" Killian asked. Y/n shook her head. "The walls off the Echo Caves do more than that. Your worst memory will echo through the cave. For days I heard nothing but my fathers voice. He repeated the same words over and over again. Telling me how he never loved me, how glad he was when I got taken away from him. It was torture." She tells him. Killian looked at her with fearful eyes. "So, I sat there for almost a week. Cold, no food, not enough water. Only the echo of my father's voice." She said, "Until one day, Pan came in again. He gave me a choice." She added. She pulled up another chair and sat in front of Killian. "He said I could go back to camp with him if I wanted to. Or stay in the cage for the rest of eternity." She tells him. "And you chose to go back to camp with him." Killian filled in. "I didn't know what would happen once I did." She said, "I only remember screaming, and terrible pain. Everything else is blurry. After that, everything seemed to have gone back to normal." She added. Killian glanced down at his feet. He felt bad for her. Yet, something was off about her story. It seemed as if there was a part missing. Killian put his hand over hers. "You don't remember anything of when you returned to Pan's camp?" He asked her. Y/n shook her head. "Everything's a blur. Maybe Pan wiped my memories of it. He wants me to have good memories instead of always thinking about the bad ones." She explained, "He cares about me." She added. "And what makes you so sure that he isn't keeping it from you? What if he did something to you that is so horrible that he doesn't want you to remember it?" He asked her. Y/n glanced down at her hands. "I don't care. Pan's dead. He always wanted for me to be happy." She tells him. "Is that why you're moving on?" He asked her. Y/n shrugged. "Could be. I mean, he's not coming back. No matter how hard I believe." She replied sadly. 

Henry bursted into Emma and Snow's apartment. "He did something to her!" He exclaimed. The adults all turned to him. "What are you talking about?" Emma asked him. "Y/n! Pan did something to her. She's missing part of her memory, we have to give it back to her." Henry tells them. Emma stepped closer to her son. "Kid, what are you talking about?" She asked him. "Pan is alive! We have to stop Y/n before they can escape! Y/n has a plan, she wants to go back to Neverland. She brought Pan back to life so they could go back!" Henry rambled. "Henry, no spell can bring someone back from the dead." Snow cut in. Henry looked at his grandparents. "But she did it! She somehow managed to bring him back to life! You have to believe me!" Henry exclaimed.

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