•Chapter 53•

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Together, the lost girl and the pirate walked out of the diner. "So, what did you have to discuss with the savior and the queen?" Y/n asked the pirate. "I asked them to keep an eye on you. Maybe teach you some things." He tells her. Y/n stops right there. She holds up her hands. "Hold on a second. You got me babysitters?" She asked the pirate. "Regina has been through this before. She can help you." Killian explained. Y/n folded her arms over her chest. "And why is Emma there?" Y/n asked. Killian let out a nervous chuckle. "She's had some experience as well, Love." He tells her. Y/n shook her head. "No, there is something else." She replied, "She's there to make sure nothing happens. To make sure I don't become evil." She continued. Killian sighed. "I can't believe this. Do you actually think I would try to get revenge on everyone else because of Pan?" Y/n questioned. "You've lost the two most important people in your life. It would make sense." Killian tells her. Y/n looked down at her feet. Killian stepped closer to her. He puts his hand on the back of her head. He pulls her closer and kissed her forehead. "I just want to give you your best chance." He tells her. Y/n sighed and looks up at him. "I know." She said. "It appears we're back where we left off." Y/n sighed. After Regina killed Killian, she left his body to rot on the Jolly Roger. Y/n had come out of her hiding spot but she couldn't bring herself to even touch his corpse. She ran off as fast as she could. She told the Lost Boys everything that happened. They couldn't seem to come up with the right words, or any words. They just listened to their new leader. Listened to her desperate words. Y/n had come to the Jolly Roger to talk to him. She wanted to know why they did it. She wanted to know. "So, what are we gonna do now?" A Lost Boy questioned. Felix looked at the boy with dark eyes. "Well, I assumed that we were saving some time, seeing that we're not talking to the captain." The boy continued. "Shut up," Devin tells him before Felix could. 

The boy holds up his hands in defense. "I'm just saying." He started. "Just shut your mouth!" Felix snapped at him. "She was going to kill him anyway!" The boy complained. Y/n was standing with her back facing the Lost Boys. There were so many mixed emotions running through her head. Anger, grief, fear. She wanted to kill him, she wanted to kill them all. Killian, Neal, Regina. She wanted them dead. And yet, she felt so much grief now that Killian was also gone. The sound of Regina crushing his heart continued to play on repeat in her mind. The sounds he made as he tried to keep breathing. All the pain he must've felt. At this point, the Lost Girl didn't know what she wanted. Felix noticed Y/n being lost in her thoughts. He carefully leaned over to her. "Are you alright?" He asked her. As he puts his hand on her arm, Y/n jumped and snapped out of her trance. "Hey," Felix said. Y/n turns her head to him. "I'm alright." She assured him. Felix stepped closer to her. "You zone out when you're in deep thoughts." He replied, "What were you thinking about?" He asked. Y/n let out a sigh. "Everything." She tells him. "That's a lot to think about." Felix smiled at her. Y/n rubbed her nose and pushed a strain of her hair away from in front of her eyes. "What do you want to do now?" He asked her. Y/n frowned at him. "What do you mean?" She replied. The blonde boy shrugged. "Well, what's our plan? You said you wanted to get revenge on Hook, Baelfire, and the Evil Queen. Hook's already gone, so that leaves two more for us to get rid of." Felix reminded her. Anger took over the other two emotions in Y/n's mind. Baelfire, or Neal, the one who stabbed Pan with a dagger that was covered with Dreamshade. And Regina, the one who probably thought of everything. The Evil queen must've been so blinded by the thought of saving her son, that she didn't realize she would ruin someone else's happiness. Their safe space. Their happy ending. She wanted to kill them. But she couldn't let go of Killian. Her father. The one who wanted to protect her. "My head is just-" She started before letting out another sigh. Felix pulled the girl into his arms. She rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes. "He didn't do anything. He just lured me away to talk..." She said quietly. She realized that now. Killian truly only wanted what was best for her. He might've even tried to warn her about the attack. He even tried to keep her away from it. "You wish you could talk to him right now. I get that." Felix replied softly. He gently brushed his fingers over the Lost Girl's back. The words hit Y/n's ears, making her snap open her eyes. "Maybe I can." She said.

Meanwhile, Emma had made her way over to the Jolly Roger. The Lost Boys were nowhere to be found. Either they were good at hiding, or they're not in Storybrooke anymore. She decided to check out the Jolly Roger. Maybe Killian was hiding them here. "Hook!" Emma called out as she stepped onto the ship. Emma could only hear the water crashing against the ship. But no response from Killian. The savior started to walk further onto the ship, with small squeaks from the wooden planks under her feet. "We can't find the Lost Boys anywhere. We want to make sure you're not hiding them here." She continued, "You wouldn't mind if I looked around would you?" She added. Killian still didn't reply. Maybe he wasn't here? Emma carefully started to make her way around the ship, making sure she inspected every corner on it. She eventually made her way down some steps and towards a cabin. That must've been Killian's cabin. The blonde woman inhaled deeply before she walked in. As she stepped into the room, she saw, what appeared to be Killian's shoe, on the floor. The savior frowned a little. "Hook?" Emma said. She stepped aside to see the pirate passed out on the floor. "Hook!!" Emma exclaimed. She kneeled next to him and leaned above his mouth to see if he was breathing. He wasn't. She quickly decided to check his pulse. His skin was cold. Ice cold. Meanwhile, Emma had also pulled out her phone, calling her father. As she was waiting for him to pick up, she got the chance to get a better look at Killian. The pirate's skin was pale, almost gray. It was a horrifying sight to see. "Emma?" Suddenly sounded through the speaker of her phone. "Dad? Dad! I found Hook on the Jolly Roger. I think he's dead." Emma tells quickly. "I'm on my way. Stay where you are." David ordered. He hung up the phone, leaving Emma by herself again. She was breathing heavily and her eyes were starting to water. She tried to inspect him for any injuries but she couldn't see anything. No hits to the back of the neck. Nothing had been strapped around his neck. Nothing. She then noticed a small pile of ash on the wooden floor. Somebody had crushed his heart. 

A few hours later, Killian's body was completely covered by a white sheet. Emma and her family watched as his bed was pulled out of the room. "We're going to check him out. See if something else might've happened. Something we can't see on the outside." Doctor Whale said. "His heart was ripped out and crushed," Emma tells him. "That's what we're going to try to find out." He replies. Doctor Whale then walked away leaving Emma alone with her family. Regina came running into the hospital. She spotted Emma standing a few feet away. "Emma!" She called out. The blonde woman turned around to see Regina running up to her. "What happened?" Regina asked her. Emma put her hands into the back pockets of her pants. "Someone killed Hook," Emma said. Regina's eyes widened in shock. "What?" Regina replied. Emma nodded slowly. "Well, h-how did that even happen?" Regina asked. "Someone ripped his heart out. The ash was on the floor in his cabin back on the Jolly Roger." Emma explained to the Evil Queen. Regina furrowed her eyebrows. "So it wasn't one of the Lost Boys?" She questioned. Emma shook her head. "It couldn't have been them." She said. "Well, then who do you think did it?" Snow asked her daughter. Emma turned to her mother. "There is one person who always wanted Hook to die. Someone more powerful than any of us." Emma said. She turned back to the Evil Queen. "Gold." Regina filled in. Emma nodded. "But I don't want to start pointing fingers before I have gathered any evidence," Emma said. "Well, how are you going to do that? Gold's going to deny everything and you can't ask Hook what happened." Regina reminds her. "Maybe you can!" Someone spoke up. Everyone turned around to see Y/n walking towards them. She was wearing a beautiful black dress, that was hugging her body nicely, and a large, black coat. "Y/n," Regina growled between her teeth. Y/n smirked at her. "That I am," she said.

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