•Chapter 75•

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Pan sat on top of his bed, leaning his back against the headboard. He sat there so peacefully playing his enchanted flute. It had been weeks, months even, but everything was normal again. And he didn't have to worry anymore. No one had to be worried about anything. Neverland was safe again. It would become the place again where Lost Ones would visit in their dreams. No more Heart of the Truest Believer. No more death. No more threats. Just living their best lives. "I thought you wanted me gone." A voice spoke up. Pan glanced up and met its eyes again. The vision. "I did." He said. "Then why am I here?" The vision of Y/n asked. Pan shrugged in response. "I was lonely. And the real you is not here, so-" He answered. "So you brought me back? I'm so flattered." She said sarcastically. Pan raised his eyebrow. "Not even one little tear? I don't know if I should be hurt or not." He suddenly heard in front of him. He looked up to see it. A vision of Y/n. Pan let out a sigh. The fake Y/n walked up to sit next to him on the floor. "I was joking." She tells him. "I know, Darling. I'm just... I am not in the mood for games." He tells her. Y/n looked at him in shock. "Who are you, and what did you do to my boyfriend?" She giggled. Pan rolls her eyes at her. Y/n scooted closer to her boyfriend. She puts her hands on his shoulder, resting her chin on top of them. "Why did you call me here?" She asked him. Pan let out another sigh. "I wanted to hear your voice." He answers. Pan shrugged. "I guess I just wanted to hear your voice." He said. The vision rolled her eyes. "Stop that," Pan ordered. "Hey, you're the one who called me. Don't blame me for saying certain things. Remember, you think, I say. That's how this works." It reminds him. Pan could only smirk at her. "What?" She asked him annoyed. Pan puts down his flute. "You're cute like that." He tells. The vision groaned to which Pan could only smirk playfully. "Can I leave?" The vision asked. Pan shook his head and continued to smile. "You'll leave when Y/n comes back." He said. "And what do I do, exactly?" It questioned. Pan shrugged. "Sit on the bed with me?" He suggested. "She won't like that when she comes back." The vision reminds him. Pan chuckled. "I would just love to see that." He replied.

The Lost Girl traced small circles on the fabric of his coat that covered his chest. "What are you doing?" The Mad Hatter questioned. He swallowed hard. Y/n smirked at him. "I'm not doing anything." She replied. Her fingers fiddled with the soft fabric of his shirt that was hidden under his coat. "You are doing something, sweetheart." He whispered. Y/n only smirked. She walked behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders. She gently started to massage him. She stood on her tippy toes to reach his ear. "You know, I had a dream about you." She whispered. The Mad Hatter glanced over his shoulder slightly. He could see her mischievous smile. "You and I were in your bedroom." She continued. The first thought that ran through Jefferson's mind was 'oh my god'. Y/n's a beauty. Not a living soul could deny that. Clear, youthful, soft skin. Her eyes were enchanting. Their colors were just so incredibly beautiful. It wasn't a surprise that Pan, Felix, and some other Lost Boys, have fallen for her over the years. "Yeah?" Jefferson replied. Y/n hummed and nodded. "You made Pan very, very, angry." She continued. His eyes widened slightly. "He was there?" He asked. The Lost Girl nodded again. "He almost killed you." She added. "Why didn't he?" He questioned. Y/n shrugged. "It's a dream. Weird things happen in dreams." She answered. She took a few steps to stand in front of him again. "Do you ever dream about me?" She asked him. 'Only a couple of times' Jefferson thought. The adult man glanced down at his feet and bit his lip gently. Y/n tilted her head slightly and smirked. She walked past him and further into the small cabin. "Nice place." She tells him. Jefferson turned around. His eyes were glued onto her. 

"Yeah, Grace and I are very happy here. Always have been." Jefferson tells her. "I can imagine," Y/n replied. She turned around to look at him again. "When I was younger I used to dream of living in a cozy cabin like this. With a loving father. Magic all around." She tells him. The Mad Hatter got closer to the Lost Girl. "Yeah, your father was an awful man, huh?" He said, "The man in the wheelchair, right?" he asked. Y/n nodded. "Yes," She answered. She looked around the cabin a little more. "He certainly was. But I know that deep down he loved me. Probably after I disappeared." She continued, "That's why, when I was younger, I would visit this land in my dreams." She added. "Neverland?" He asked. Y/n shook her head. "No." She said, "It was a lot closer to Wonderland." She continued. Jefferson chuckled. "I don't think so." he started, "Wonderland is nothing like you've heard in your stories." He added. Y/n smiled. "Wanna bet?" She asked him. Y/n was able to pick up her hot chocolate before Henry dragged her across the diner. She was pushed into the seat next to a girl. Henry sat in front of her next to the girl's father. "I am so sorry about this." Y/n quickly apologized. The man chuckled and looked at Henry. "It's alright." He replied. Henry looks at Y/n. "Y/n, I want you to meet Paige or Grace," Henry said. He pointed at the girl next to Y/n. "Nice to meet you." Y/n smiled at the girl. "And this is Jefferson. He's the Mad Hatter." Henry tells Y/n. The lost girl looks at the father of the girl. She observed him for a couple of seconds. "You're the Mad Hatter?" She asked him. "I was. It's just Jefferson now." The man replied with a smile. "Did you ever wonder why I knew you were the Mad Hatter only by looking at you?" Y/n asked him. Jefferson furrowed his eyebrows.

Y/n stepped closer to him. "It's because I saw you. In my dreams." She tells him. "How is that even possible?" He asked. "I've been around for a very long time, dear." She reminds him. Jefferson shook his head as he got closer to her. "Why were you there? That place is not safe for anyone who wasn't born there." He said. Suddenly, Y/n started to chuckle. She had a mischievous smile planted on her face. Jefferson glared at her. "You didn't dream of Wonderland, did you? He asked her. Y/n burst out laughing. "No," She said, "And I cannot believe you fell for that." She added. Jefferson seemed angry. Y/n stopped her laughter but kept the smile on her face. "Oh, come on, don't be mad." She pouted. "Why would you even say that?" He questioned. Y/n shrugged. "I was stalling." She said. Jefferson furrowed his eyebrows again. Y/n's mischievous smile turned evil. The door was opened again, and a small body collapsed inside. Blood was slowly covering the floor. Felix came in behind it. He was holding a knife with a bloody blade. On the floor, was Jefferson's daughter Grace. "Grace!" Jefferson exclaimed, tears slowly filling his eyes. Y/n stopped him. "Uh, uh, uh, where do you think you're going, pretty boy?" She asked him. 

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