Chapter 3: Where Do I Sign?

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About three weeks had passed before I heard back from Ruthie. I would call her my manager, but she wasn't. She was there only to represent me through paperwork, and she explained to me how everything was going to work with the contacts.

It was Sunday morning. Sasha and Matt laid on my living floor with their backs turned towards the tv. We had spent the night playing cards and watching movies that we didn't even notice the sun was coming up. Then, Matt decided to buy a couple of joints to relax.

Sasha rolled her body around to get comfortable as she continued talking to Matt, who had one arm draped over her body. She passed the joint to me, and I took two puffs. I gave it to Matt, who took it with ease.

I moved to California around 23, looking for jobs. I ended up sleeping in my car. I would stumble into Kelly's Place every night. Then, Matthias's dad offered me a job.  He was a sweet man. Enough to pay for my own place until I got on my feet. After a year or so, Matthias's dad passed away and left the bar to Matt and me.

While we were working there, Sasha, my childhood best friend, moved here with her boyfriend, Sean. They moved around the counter from Matt and me.

I was more than glad to have someone here that I can depend on. Not Sean though. I hated his ass.

After years of dating Sasha, he still hasn't married her. Then come to find out, he was cheating on her little sister, and she still won't leave him. I don't judge because she has been in that relationship for the longest time, and she knows him better than anyone. I won't step between their relationship if they are working it out, but I will throw subtle hints that Matt likes her.

"If you have to travel and shot movies?" Sasha asked. She coughed out the sentence as she continued to smoke.

I looked her way again. "I'll be you guys with me. We'll close down the bar and go together."

They nodded. I turned on my back and stared up at the ceiling. "Can I be your makeup artist 'cause you can't let everybody in your hair?"

I laughed. "Yeah. I don't trust anybody else."

My phone started to vibrate on the table. I grabbed it and answered, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Y/N. Hi! It's Ruthie," I leaned up from the seat and cleared my throat. "Morning. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah. Everything is fine. I need you to come in today. We're making a schedule and meeting all the cast members."

I nodded, "I'll be there soon. Thanks again for giving me this shot."

Ruthie laughed in through the phone. "Don't worry about it. Doing this helped me keep my job." Before I could say anything else, Ruthie hung up the phone.

I looked down at Matt. "Put down the joint. I need a ride downtown."

The three of us bundle up in the car with Sasha drive (without a license), Matt in the backseat( trying his best to not look high), and me in the passenger seat(praying we don't get stopped by the police).

We made it downtown safely. I got out and looked back into the car. "Wish me luck."

Sasha smiled and said, "Show them how black people do it and don't let people tell you that you acting too "ghetto". We love you."

I nodded. "Y/N," Matt called from the back of the car. I leaned back in. "If they got rich people food, stuff some in your purse, and bring it home." I rolled my eyes.

"He's supposed to be the responsible one," I whispered before closing the car door.

I rounded the car and walked into the building. The receptionist looked up at the door closed. She looked me over. I looked down at myself. I reckoned this isn't the type of outfit for this type of building.

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