Chapter 41: Mama's Baby

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My stomach growled, but I ignored it. It was only Wednesday, and I ate Monday. The food had to last. Yet, that didn't stop my stomach for tying into knots everytime I took a step towards home. The summer heat didn't make it any better. Why did it have to be so hot at 12:00? Well, I wouldn't have this problem if I just stayed in school. Then, I would have gotten lunch with an education.

"Y/N?" I turned toa group of boys, walking my way. One of them was my Momma's friend. I didn't like him. He always gave me weird looks, and whenever he was over, Momma made me be with him. "Hello, Mr. Colvin." 1 mumbled, skipping my head down. "I thought that was you. Where you going?"

"I'm going home." I whispered. He nodded, and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Well," He cleared his throat with an ugly smirk on his face. "You're supposed to come home with me. Your mother asked me if I could pick you up." If I could find the words to tell him no, I would, but I was taught to never talk back to adults. Even if they get too friendly. Like Mr. Colvin.

My body reacted faster than my mind did. I tried to pull away from his grip, but his grip was relentless. If anything, he gripped my shoulder harder. The boys behind him laughed, watching me struggle. "There won't be enough room in your car."

"Well," Colvin twirled a piece of my hair around his fingers. "You can sit in my lap." My eyes widened. I struggled once more, remembering much I hated it last time.

"Hey. What's going on there?!" when Colvin turned away, I broke free and ran to whatever angel voice that saved me. When I looked up, a dark-skinned woman with light wrinkles stared at the men.

She didn't even blank. She wasn't afraid of the men. Why?

"Boys," She called out to them. Almost like she was scolding them. "Aren't your wives missing you? What business do you have with this child?" She spit the words at them.

"Nothing. Just delivering her home." The woman hummed, "I can handle it. A girl her age don't want a parade of men to take her home." Colvin laughed. The woman turned her neck to look at him clearly. "Colvin, we don't a repeat of last time, do we?"

Within seconds, the men left. The woman dusted her hands and walked back to her porch. "Thank you. "I whisper, voice fragile. I started to walk away, fixed the oversized jackets on my shoulders.The woman nodded,eyeing me slowly. Then, she spoke again. "Stay away from those men, ok? They ain't good people."

"They're my mom's fri-"

"Don't give them an excuse to touch you like that." She smiled. "Why don't you come inside? I have some spaghetti that needs to be eaten." As if my stomach heard what she said, it growled, and I know the woman heard it. I hung my head low and shook it. "I shouldn't. I don't want to bother you."

"Girl, get yourself in here and eat." She said in a chuckle. I walked back up to her, sticking my hand out to her. "I'm Y/N."

She nodded, "I'm Angel LeBlanc, but my kids call me Mama LeBlanc."

My throat way dry. Like someone had forced me to eat sandpaper. I wanted to throw up, but my stomach was empty, and my mouth remained closed. Instead, my eyes watered, and I knew it was too late to hide my tears when Chris placed a hand on mine.

For years, I wished on every fucking shooting star that "Ma" would come back with open arms. Yet, as she sits here, explaining her new life to Quinn, I just wanted her to leave again.

Was I jealous? Yes!

She got to live the life she wanted while being kid-free. I, on the other hand, suffered year after year, waiting for her to call. To say something. I wanted my mom back, and she wanted to see the fucking world?!

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